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  1. #1
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    Is it worth taking apart TV's if your yard takes them whole?

    Tv's are plentiful where I am. 3-4 pop up on craigslist every day, more on weekends. My yard pays $0.08/lb for Tv's no matter the size (including the giant reverse projection ones)

    I usually just cut the cord and make 5-10 dollars a piece.

    I come on the forum and see lots of people taking them apart and scrapping the metals and boards and finding ways to dispose of the leftovers.

    Is doing this worth it for the extra $2-5 per tv if my yard takes it all at a flat rate?

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  3. #2
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    If you can get 8 cents per pound for TV's I would suggest just taking them in whole. I think by stripping them and disposing of the glass, you are making less and spending more time on it at that price. I want to know how anyone is able to pay that much for TV's.

  4. #3
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    If your yard pays that for a TV I would take as many as I could as fast as I could to them. Something tells me that won't last long unless your yard knows something all of us don't.

  5. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Its canada. I bet they have a government program that the yards sell them to a company run by the government to recycle them at a profit and they are just using the yards as a collection point for the program. My question is can I send a semi load up?

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  7. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    Getting ANYTHING would be better than I get.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  8. #6
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Some large TV's are juicy yet some large and some smallish to med size could have same copper content . Your yard must of found a vender that pays them more then .08
    I would jump on that fast as that maybe a fleeting deal
    I am not into doing the math now .BUT sounds like .08 a pound might be more $$ on some tv's guts or very close at worst .
    Some TV's I found in the past I could not even lift !!
    Last edited by Copper Head; 03-05-2014 at 07:36 PM.

  9. #7
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Like Copperhead said. Some are juicy..heh, an others not. Some like those projection screens can contain DLP chips, usually along with some gold on some of the boards. Like others said tho, if you able to get money for them, whole...sell'm. Best stuff in a average one is the copper yoke of course and the degaussing cable. Tween the two you can get a lb depending on the tv. Bigger ones more..smaller ones less. Low grade boards, etc. Plenty of threads on if a tv is worth it. If your getting them free, all day every day..take'm in whole, till you figure out which ones are worth it for you to break down. Glued on yokes suck. Heh.

    If you do break them down, just make sure you got an outlet for the glass, and plastic. Will the yard take stripped tvs? Even if it's only 3 or 4 in a batch of 20 whole ones? If it's like PTS says, their getting paid either way I imagine.

    I wish my yard paid for them. I'd be taking a lot more vacations every year.

    Sirscrapalot - The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present. - Bill Watterson

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  11. #8
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    I guess I found something I don't have to complain about. My yard buys tvs, any kind, as e-waste @ .10/lb and I can take whatever I want out of them. So I pull all the wiring, anything that looks good inside, and put the back back on and it goes on the scale as is.

  12. #9
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    I'm pretty sure they are exported overseas - I saw them load up 2 shipping containers with crt tv's wrapped up on pallets after boxing day.

  13. #10
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    wow that's awesome could you guys list you yards and any phones numbers to call for those of us on here who could send amounts and any regulations we may have to go through cause a lot of us on here could ship semi loads a few times a week

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  15. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I like the pricing on alum siding...If my yard is lower I'm going to tell them to match it or I'm taking it to Canada.

    I have like 75lbs of siding under the carport. lol. Picked it up from somewhere an keep saying I'll take it in, an keep putting it off.

    Sirscrapalot - Wishing his yard bought tvs at times.

  16. #12
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    wanted to say thankyou again for posting this. I am not sure what I did wrong but my thread about this and the company info and regulation info got deleted. I contacted them and will accept semi loads intact per regulations across the border. also looking into train freight shipping on these to make costs a little less vs. trucking all the way. still with numbers I ran on a higher end of overhead looking at $900-1500+ a load. so thanks again

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  18. #13
    happyisthealero's Avatar
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    where is this scrapyard located at? Obviously Canada, but where in Canada?

  19. #14
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAluminum View Post
    I guess I found something I don't have to complain about. My yard buys tvs, any kind, as e-waste @ .10/lb and I can take whatever I want out of them. So I pull all the wiring, anything that looks good inside, and put the back back on and it goes on the scale as is.
    The lack of guts will be addressed sooner or later . I had a fine run with copper bearing @ .15 for a year with TV boards a touch of steel from the yokes the yards kept taking them till finally rules kicked in, no steel , no tin , eventually No boards , boards only get .4
    so I just go mix these days .

  20. #15
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    Thats pretty good. I'm getting $0.03/lb for low grade here so I'm just hoarding them because I figure it can't go much lower.

  21. #16
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by travistemple202020 View Post
    wanted to say thankyou again for posting this. I am not sure what I did wrong but my thread about this and the company info and regulation info got deleted. I contacted them and will accept semi loads intact per regulations across the border. also looking into train freight shipping on these to make costs a little less vs. trucking all the way. still with numbers I ran on a higher end of overhead looking at $900-1500+ a load. so thanks again
    no problem. let me know if you need anything if you're ever in Ottawa.

  22. #17
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    If your yard pays that for a TV I would take as many as I could as fast as I could to them. Something tells me that won't last long unless your yard knows something all of us don't.
    Actually the yard does know something, when you generally take tvs to the recycling place, they charge a few dollars, then they turn around and sell them .10/lb to a special place. That's how it was upstate New York. The only thing is to get the connection which is **** near impossible.
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  23. #18
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Like Copperhead said. Some are juicy..heh, an others not. Some like those projection screens can contain DLP chips, usually along with some gold on some of the boards. Like others said tho, if you able to get money for them, whole...sell'm. Best stuff in a average one is the copper yoke of course and the degaussing cable. Tween the two you can get a lb depending on the tv. Bigger ones more..smaller ones less. Low grade boards, etc. Plenty of threads on if a tv is worth it. If your getting them free, all day every day..take'm in whole, till you figure out which ones are worth it for you to break down. Glued on yokes suck. Heh.

    If you do break them down, just make sure you got an outlet for the glass, and plastic. Will the yard take stripped tvs? Even if it's only 3 or 4 in a batch of 20 whole ones? If it's like PTS says, their getting paid either way I imagine.

    I wish my yard paid for them. I'd be taking a lot more vacations every year.

    Sirscrapalot - The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present. - Bill Watterson
    Where the heck are you located, that's an awesome deal?

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