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Bankruptcy of CRT Refiner - Page 2

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  1. #21
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    When CRT's were in use they were recycled and made into more, now that CRT's are no longer made it's harder to recycle them!
    I'm no expert on this stuff but it makes sense, I mean, what else can you do with the leaded glass of that volume?

    Are we going to have to bury it in the mountains along side nuclear waste now lol.

    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  3. #22
    beardo is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Bankruptcy of CRT Refiner

    I believe using the CRT glass to cap landfills involves many components that the glass is just a part. My understanding was it was used as a filler in the actual cap material. I can't find the link on my phone and don't have the internet hooked up in the new house yet

    Dealing with disposing of hazardous or potential hazardous wastes will become more of an issues as time goes on. There has started to be more talk about end of life disposal at the corporate level. The bottom line is we are at the spear tip of an issue with no reasonable answer. For me I pay to dispose of them with a major waste company. I am certain they don't stay in the us. I am not comfortable with that however I don't have any other reasonable options.
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  5. #23
    Scrappah is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    I'm no expert on this stuff but it makes sense, I mean, what else can you do with the leaded glass of that volume?

    Are we going to have to bury it in the mountains along side nuclear waste now lol.
    I was kinda thinking along similar lines the morning. It's leaded glass and the reason it was leaded was to dampen down the emissions from the gun in the back of the tube. They used to say that you shouldn't sit too close to a tv back in the day.

    There are a lot of situations that use lead or leaded glass to block harmful radiation. I built an x-ray room for a hospital once that was completely lead lined. (The sheetrock and doors were heavy as hell.) Leaded glass could be used instead of sheets of lead metal.

    If you had tons & tons of the stuff the best (and simplest) use would probably be in making concrete for underground fallout shelters and nuclear waste storage facilities. Instead of using sand & stone in the concrete mix you could use different size pieces of leaded glass.

    Just a random thought over the morning's first cup of coffee.

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  7. #24
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    I get tax breaks by purchasing Energy Star electronics and so on...there are also breaks for the purchase of LED bulbs... My store room, garage, workspace all are led lit right now. Those spaces are the only places I go with any frequency besides my kitchen which is still cfl. It should be noted you can buy LED lights with six and sometimes 8 year warranties against burnout. Pay attention to that, I had a defective one and it sucks to eat 32 bucks at a time...until the package showed a number to call. Called it, spoke to someone after punching some numbers, gave them a copy of my receipt that I just emailed a picture of...and my new bulb arrived a few days later no problem.

    I should also say the mercury released in a broken CFL amounts to eating 100 fish from the fox river...and up here they tell us 3 a month is the max, really the amount is measured in tenths of a milligram. That's .000x Grams.

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  9. #25
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    I asked where the crt's went at the transfer station. I was told they got cleaned scrubbed and crushed in NH and shipped to corningware making facility's in NY. Not sure how true the story is but it's the one I got.
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  10. #26
    Phantoms001 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I'm still waiting for a company to pop up who's business model is to apply for subsidies then systematically drop the CTRs off at a variety of Goodwill stores.

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  12. #27
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Seen that already...ran the guy out of business...although he was dumping in Lake Winnebago.

  13. #28
    Electrowaste's Avatar
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    ^^^ Heard about that all the way down here! ^^^
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  14. #29
    sawmilleng is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    For the guy who got caught dumping crt's into Lake Winnebago:
    Is there any news report or information as to what he was charged with, how much he was fined, if he is facing jail time, etc?


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