I do feel you on this "disagreement" and really don't consider us to be in a real disagreement at all. To take it from where you are the feds have strongly encouraged us to purchase the "improved" light bulbs for our houses that are manufactured in China and each contain mercury as well. I think we may be able to overcome this little fed induced bit of mercury endangerment with the coming of led light bulbs. I am currently changing over to the led type myself. I have not looked into what material they may contain but I know what is in the other ones.

To take this a little further each of the fluorescent lights in every public building for the past 50+ years has some mercury in them.

More than one wrong does not make a right but we are not being given any good solutions on much of this. Also in my opinion much of the scientific community follows the dollar and finds that agreeing with the political types ensures them grant money. Keep at it folks I look forward to the in the trenches fixes for recycling. Mike