I'll give them a call tomorrow. I'm good at playing dumb!

For me, it's not a stretch.
Logan- I don't know what you saw, but I'm guessing that you were referring to towns cancelling their CRT programs???
Our won't take any electronics- period. I won't take any CRTs- period. I sent almost all of mine to them. I asked if it was fine, and I was given clearance, so I hauled an entire pickup in. It was quite a large load! I forgot about these in the back. At least there aren't many.
I'd be happy with them just taking them for free. I just want them gone. I have a TV, and it does fine. It's a CRT TV, so it'll last forever, right?
The only other place that takes them charges $.50 per pound for them. I'd be money ahead to pay the gas to take 6 per day if I had to.
With three of us in the big city, I think we could spend a day and clear a few out.
Ironically, my load probably pushed the city out of recycling. I feel kind of bad about that. They were palletizing them, though, and there were at least 15 pallets full when I arrived. There were three the week before. For a town with 10,000 people, that's a lot of monitors!
I'll be rejecting a lot of CRTs in the next few weeks, methinks.
matador: "Here's a tip: Destroy your competition with CRTs!"