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An Analysis of U.S. CRT
this is an artcile that details the state of crt, where it's going and why they are such a toxic asset if one must go the full route of recycling.
I read it and it reminded me of the BIG leaded paint and gasoline horror stories of the past as the "powers that be" had to figure out a way of getting the lead out of the paint and air as it was interfering with the spying from the sky technology.
I say it's mostly propaganda bull poop, BUT then I'm not the one making the rules and laws that get a body fined and tossed in a cage or worse.
Much like the leaded battery crappola of the past. When you had to pay to get rid of a vehicle battery as it was cheaper for manufacturers to buy new virgin lead out of Argentina then to recycle used vehicle batteries.
I made a killing back then after the scrap price went back up on lead acid batteries. I was getting people to pay me to haul them away and I had many piles of them on pallets that had been drained of fluids and I traded the used fluids from inside the batteries to a guy that used it for tanning cheap rabbit hides and such. Years later when the prices came up I sold them wholesale to a guy that picked them up. I did the math and overall it was best for me to let someone else do the hard work for a bit of the profit.
I read over the article and I could understand the hazards CRT's can put forth, BUT I could also understand that it seemed that the main problem was regulation of things being done properly as far as possible hazards and costs.
Grinding it up in a liquid bath seemed a great way to end up with a material that would be great for binding together with epoxy and using for "safety shielding" to keep the eyes in the sky from snooping.
From what I read I wouldn't recommend anyone messing with JUNK CRT's UNLESS they had a safe and secure place to store the glass tubes for YEARS. That is if they don't make up or already have laws and such saying that you have to have permission to fart in your own bathtub or shower. Farting on the toilet will always be o.k. as even the law makers couldn't get that one past the alert people.
So I agree that MOST folks should stay away from CRT's as they are becoming so regulated that it will be easier to own a machime gun or crate of grenades then have a CRT for playing your vintage games on.
I read a lot of interesting stuff and sort out the propaganda and fluff from what makes the money flow for the very few at the top of the human food chain.
They could always make nifty safety hats for those that require them so that the spies in the sky & men from space can't see inside their heads,lol...