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Possible Avenue for CRTs - Page 5

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  1. #81
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Really! Your time might be better spent coming up with a petition to get some positive action from the Gov. might get you what you really want.

    Last edited by EcoSafe; 03-11-2015 at 06:50 PM.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  3. #82
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    Someone did though if you read through my posts. Paid for shipping and it left the other day. I'll admit it's the only one I've sold however I'm fortunate to have time. If the tube didn't sell, I'd fully agree with you.

    Seems I've sparked other members to do things with CRTs and their tubes.
    Oh I read your posts , you still don't get it . Passing the buck to make a buck is what your doing . Selling end of life crt monitors that are most likely on their last leg that will end up on the side of the road after they crap out . That's not a solution . I can say if you took my advice you will remove them from the picture . Let's clean up this mess not sell our problems to the highest bidder . I don't see how any sane person would purchase one . People are giving them away for free , that's not in demand by any means .
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  5. #83
    matador's Avatar
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    At last year's community "garage sale", there was a booth where a man was trying to give away two. He couldn't.

    If you have a specialty monitor, then you may be onto something. But, for the average run-of-the-mill Viewsonic or Goldstar, it'll end up in the dumpster at some point.

    For a MAME, you'd want a high-end CRT that has been checked to be working for a long time. With 15 year old monitors, how can you tell how long one will last?

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  7. #84
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    At last year's community "garage sale", there was a booth where a man was trying to give away two. He couldn't. If you have a specialty monitor, then you may be onto something. But, for the average run-of-the-mill Viewsonic or Goldstar, it'll end up in the dumpster at some point. For a MAME, you'd want a high-end CRT that has been checked to be working for a long time. With 15 year old monitors, how can you tell how long one will last?
    I don't think you can - I tore open an emachine CRT adn the tube itself was a mitsu. I similar have a 20" sony a 22" sony and an off brand. I'm sure their tubes will be similarily off brand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    Oh I read your posts , you still don't get it . Passing the buck to make a buck is what your doing . Selling end of life crt monitors that are most likely on their last leg that will end up on the side of the road after they crap out . That's not a solution . I can say if you took my advice you will remove them from the picture . Let's clean up this mess not sell our problems to the highest bidder . I don't see how any sane person would purchase one . People are giving them away for free , that's not in demand by any means .
    I don't see it as pawning it off on someone else but the same can be said about anything.

  8. #85
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I sure wish we could get off the topic of CRT's...............I built my biz and my bankroll with CRT monitors........However I am totally burnt out on them and 5 years older and 10,000 CRT's later the body does not work like it once did..........The reason I want to get off this topic is the 100's I still have in storage..........So have mercy on me and close this thread and all others pertaining to CRT's and hopefully no one will bring them up for at least a week.............I only am joking but in a serious way as we tend to have some thin skinned individuals here so I don't wish to ruffle any feathers (I try not to argue over the web)..........

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  10. #86
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    I would like to follow the where CRTs go when you drop them off at Staples, Best Buy or Goodwill. Not totally convinced that they are 100% recycled.

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  12. #87
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  14. #88
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    Why can't the government just store them around nuke waste.
    I jest, but......

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  16. #89
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I sure wish we could get off the topic of CRT's...............I built my biz and my bankroll with CRT monitors........However I am totally burnt out on them and 5 years older and 10,000 CRT's later the body does not work like it once did..........The reason I want to get off this topic is the 100's I still have in storage..........So have mercy on me and close this thread and all others pertaining to CRT's and hopefully no one will bring them up for at least a week.............I only am joking but in a serious way as we tend to have some thin skinned individuals here so I don't wish to ruffle any feathers (I try not to argue over the web)..........
    Mike: I totally agree except for 2 very important points. 1. noobs read this forum hoping for correct guidance. A relatively new member touts CRTs as a way to make what sounds like easy money, or easy to dispose of (We know through tough experience and blood there is no such thing in this business). they need to understand , until the magic solution is found ,STAY THE HE** AWAY FROM THEM NOOBS.

    Secondly there is a time to have a tough discussion and a reality check over some info. There is a difference between argument, and discussion that can prevent some "wana be do gooder" from leading others down the wrong path to possible trouble. It is up to experienced members like you to step up and at least share your expertise and experience. Preventing others from being lead down the wrong road some times takes some reality and tough love. I have tried as you and others have to drop pretty obvious hints, apparently to no avail. If I takes an out right blunt statement to get it done then I will take the bullet and do so. mcw

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  18. #90
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    So if perchance any noob scrappers wonder in here; selling one CRT does not a new avenue make. CRT's do not have any possible avenue other than through established, large-scale, legal recycling channels (either gutted or intact).

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