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Possible Avenue for CRTs

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  1. #1
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Possible Avenue for CRTs

    Was browsing around Google trying to locate a CRT Tube buyer as those that I was refered to no longer buys tubes but charges to take them(seems to be the norm). Anyhow, I came across a site similar to craigs list but for arcade cabinet enthusiasts. It seems those that build/restore them are hunting for CRT Tubes as they don't want to shove an LCD into their cabinets. I see this as a possible avenue for tubes 15-22". I also found a contact in Canada who will buy the smaller tubes up to 5". I listed the tubes I have on that arcade cabinet enthusiast site and if I get any nibbles, I'll report back here.


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    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Why not give the name of said site and let others check it out for themselves?
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  4. #3
    ryanw's Avatar
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    No idea what site he is using, but maybe would be a place to start. Selling them to these people will be limited, and will not be a solution.

  5. #4
    logansryche started this thread.
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    I wasn't trying to hold out on anyone, the site I came across is Arcade Coin Op I'll have to dig into my email for the other tube buyer.

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    Selling them to these people will be limited, and will not be a solution.
    Anything's a better solution then paying someone to take them and do whatever with em.
    Last edited by logansryche; 03-06-2015 at 06:28 AM.

  6. #5
    Victor is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    Was browsing around Google trying to locate a CRT Tube buyer as those that I was refered to no longer buys tubes but charges to take them(seems to be the norm). Anyhow, I came across a site similar to craigs list but for arcade cabinet enthusiasts. It seems those that build/restore them are hunting for CRT Tubes as they don't want to shove an LCD into their cabinets. I see this as a possible avenue for tubes 15-22". I also found a contact in Canada who will buy the smaller tubes up to 5". I listed the tubes I have on that arcade cabinet enthusiast site and if I get any nibbles, I'll report back here.

    I thought you were working with Nulife Glass?

  7. #6
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Yes and if you've read any of my posts about NuLife glass, they've stopped responding to my queries so I gave up on them. They don't want my business bad enough so I'll go to those that will.

  8. #7
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    It's safe to say there is no profit in CRT's you may sell a couple to a very niche market like these arcade repair businesses. But if you have to pay for the CRT disposal any little bit of copper, wire and boards you recover don't even come close to the $0.08-0.11/Lb CRT processing cost before shipping. NuLife probably hasn't gotten back to you because they are either backlogged or attending to accounts that send a truckload each week, probably both. A lot of CRT facilities are having trouble keeping up with some being forced to close. In all honesty, I don't think any of these CRT processors want anymore business. At first implementation of CRT recycling laws they thought it would be a killing but as they have had to absorb more costs and running out of outlets to get rid of their processed glass they are in very hot water. The general consensus is to survive this flood of CRTs until there isn't as many left.

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  10. #8
    matador's Avatar
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    I won't touch CRTs. This is why.

    I had two televisions dumped at my door once. Instead of sending them in for recycling, I decided to give them away. Anybody who wanted them could have one, or both. No charge. I advertised on Facebook, in the free newspaper section, and put a sign in our office.

    It took me three months to find homes for them. I spent more time on them than I would have if I would have just sent them off for recycling.

    The CRT fee at Pacific Recycling in Billings is $0.50/Pound. Other than Best Buy, nobody else within a 300 mile radius will take CRTs.

    For the regulations and risks alone, I don't think it's worth it. Once you factor in disposal costs, there is no way that I'd take one.

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  12. #9
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmarro89 View Post
    It's safe to say there is no profit in CRT's you may sell a couple to a very niche market like these arcade repair businesses. But if you have to pay for the CRT disposal any little bit of copper, wire and boards you recover don't even come close to the $0.08-0.11/Lb CRT processing cost before shipping. NuLife probably hasn't gotten back to you because they are either backlogged or attending to accounts that send a truckload each week, probably both. A lot of CRT facilities are having trouble keeping up with some being forced to close. In all honesty, I don't think any of these CRT processors want anymore business. At first implementation of CRT recycling laws they thought it would be a killing but as they have had to absorb more costs and running out of outlets to get rid of their processed glass they are in very hot water. The general consensus is to survive this flood of CRTs until there isn't as many left.
    I figured something along those lines or they hope I go away as I was trying to push to get them to pay me for them instead of the other way around. For awhile they were trying to get me to pass the cost off to those I pick up from which made sense at the time but didn't fly.

    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    I won't touch CRTs. This is why. I had two televisions dumped at my door once. Instead of sending them in for recycling, I decided to give them away. Anybody who wanted them could have one, or both. No charge. I advertised on Facebook, in the free newspaper section, and put a sign in our office. It took me three months to find homes for them. I spent more time on them than I would have if I would have just sent them off for recycling. The CRT fee at Pacific Recycling in Billings is $0.50/Pound. Other than Best Buy, nobody else within a 300 mile radius will take CRTs. For the regulations and risks alone, I don't think it's worth it. Once you factor in disposal costs, there is no way that I'd take one.
    Yeah I mean I personally use CRT screens for my computers while I know many have dumped both CRTs and desktops all together for laptops and LCDs "to be up with technology". There's a PC shop in Solvay that was giving some away in the free section of CL and when I called on em he said he took em to a scrap yard but didn't specify which. Right now I'm testing the waters on this arcade cabinet site and trying to get Ben Weitsman to open a E-Scrap division for this area to get a handle on this at the same time. If that happens, E-Waste will become a commodity like everything else and pay people for their stuff instead of charging for it. Of course it will also be the starting point for a monopoly on E-Waste. Of course on the flip side, if I found one or two investors to help with cost, it would prevent a monopoly on E-Waste and put money into people's pockets but until then, I find the free avenues I can where they are.

  13. #10
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    I still use desktops, but I used a CRT for one month. It was a gag when I won a game in the SMF Fantasy League (Thanks, hockey!). I put up with it for one month. On day 32, it went to the recycling center. The eye strain on a 15" CRT is terrible!

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  15. #11
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Yeah I'll admit that lol. Anything below 19" is a bit of an eye strain.

  16. #12
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    lOGAN: Your beating a dead horse, I have said it before and Ill say it again. experienced e scrappers know this but for noobs STAY AWAY FROM ALL CRT TUBES TV OR COMP. UNLESS YOU HAVE A PROPER STREAM FOR THE TUBES. THEY CAN COST YOU EVERY THING. My .02. mcw
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    lOGAN: Your beating a dead horse, I have said it before and Ill say it again. experienced e scrappers know this but for noobs STAY AWAY FROM ALL CRT TUBES TV OR COMP. UNLESS YOU HAVE A PROPER STREAM FOR THE TUBES. THEY CAN COST YOU EVERY THING. My .02. mcw
    Hey olddude,
    You gotta give him credit for perseverance. Lol
    I have a place to legally take the carcass and have made pretty good money on crt's.
    But I can feel a change in the air with them so I don't handle them much anymore unless I get paid to remove them.

    Last thing I want is to get stuck with 100's of crt's.
    Its funny how one of the most significant contribution to technology in the last century is turning out to be this centuries biggest headache.

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  19. #14
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    I don't know how you guys deal with businesses and not take crts. I have a local person who takes all my crts. Refurbishes them?? I don't know

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  21. #15
    matador's Avatar
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    It's easy. I only have two option if I take CRTs:

    1. Landfill
    2. Pay $0.50/Pound

    So, I don't take them at all. None of the electronics recyclers in the area do for free (At least that I'm aware of).

    Since the city closed it's electronics recycling center, I'm the only place in a 100 mile radius.

    Now, if you're in a densely populated area, you may have to take CRTs to stay in business.

    Out here, though, we don't.

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  23. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ResourcefulRecycling View Post
    I don't know how you guys deal with businesses and not take crts. I have a local person who takes all my crts. Refurbishes them?? I don't know
    I'll take them with computers. But to just pick up TV's, I charge.
    I use to pick up for free but had to be a van load or more. I've made money on them this way in the past, iam talking TV's everyday 7 days a week, not monitors, TV's.
    Its a hard way to make a buck, but there's money there. A lot of handling.
    I would consider doing it again if I had to. But there is easier and faster scrap.
    And my back don't like them much anymore.

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  25. #17
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I do fine on TV's.

    Then again..I have a way to get rid of them. legally of course.

    .."It's safe to say there is no profit in it." "The general consensus is.."

    Allow me..

    First. I make a profit off of TVs. I don't pay for them. Nor do I charge to take them. I must be doing something wrong.

    Second - Your area isn't mine. People need to stop acting like just cause it's one way in Kansas City it's the same in New Hampshire. Chances's not.

    Third - Stop acting like handling a tube is some kind of low class thing. Every single person on this forum makes money off of someones trash. Some of us don't like seeing them sitting in the woods, or smashed up in a alley. So let's get off the high horse when it comes to TV's. Cause seriously some of you I have an image of holding out their pinky an making eww noises whenever they are in the proximity of tube tv.

    So in short...if Tubes are not for you then great. Why run down another who is trying to do something with them or think outside of the box? Let those of us who do deal with them, an handle them right, do so.

    Way to much of this of late. Running people down for their ideas. An we wonder why people don't try new things.

    Oh and where do I sign up for these surveys?

    I use a small little 10 inch tv in my office. Works fine. I must eat a good bit of carrots. I also read in low

    Sirscrapalot - Just because something doesn't work for you, don't assume it's the same for me or anyone else. - Me.

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  27. #18
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    My nephew repairs arcade games and deals in parts for them . I don't remember why but he could only use crt from televisions and not computer monitors.
    Google first ask questions later!

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  29. #19
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    My post was, don't take them" unless "you have a down stream and was aimed at noobs who can easily be led in the wrong direction and disaster easily if they haven,t studied their craft.

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  31. #20
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    I used to take them for nothing and cut the cord , then my nephew took them and stripped them , reassembled and the town he lived in took 3 a day for free , I started charging when gas was really high because I took them 50 miles north and wanted to turn a profit , my market dried up after that and now I will take them only if I am getting a lot of stuff with them .
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