Heh, our Cali Tube Cartel is full of info an a couple of laughs. Keep it up you two.
Glad to see others doing it an making some money..way more then me, but then you two have to put up with the state of California. lol.
I dig it ain't something for everyone. Just like Refining isn't or scrapping ac's or whatever. I've taken no offense to any posts, other then it setting me off on my soapbox.

It happens now an then, ya'll know this.
At the end of the day, an I've said this before, an I'll keep saying it...

It's your business or hobby to run as you see fit.
Unless your being a **** fool an unsafe, then a I reserve the right to call you a dumbass an kick you in the ass for being said unsafe fool.
Sirscrapalot - Bang! Bang! Have a Nice Day! - Mick Foley