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Possible Avenue for CRTs - Page 2

| TV and Monitor Recycling
  1. #21
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonniebrass View Post
    My nephew repairs arcade games and deals in parts for them . I don't remember why but he could only use crt from televisions and not computer monitors.
    Not sure since the tube itself from a TV is the same tube in a computer monitor - the yolk and electronics on the end are different though.

    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    My post was, don't take them" unless "you have a down stream and was aimed at noobs who can easily be led in the wrong direction and disaster easily if they haven,t studied their craft.
    I know you were. Some people need to get over themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by submarinepainter View Post
    I used to take them for nothing and cut the cord , then my nephew took them and stripped them , reassembled and the town he lived in took 3 a day for free , I started charging when gas was really high because I took them 50 miles north and wanted to turn a profit , my market dried up after that and now I will take them only if I am getting a lot of stuff with them .
    There's a way to legally process these tubes that doesn't' involve melting everything and hope you get something out of it - only problem is, as usual, it costs money. The way I think of it: if I can get ahold of a cutter to separate the halves of the tube, i'm left with two pieces of glass, a hunk of lead, and phosphorus dust. Everything of which is recyclable.

    The norm is that I'm obviously nuts and that nothing will ever come of it because what I've been talking about in regards to CRTs is against the grain and not everyone likes that. It sometimes rubs people the wrong way and if they don't like how I do things or my ideas - there's the door. I'm not going to change my way of thinking or adjust my idea because one or two people didn't like it. The concept works. I know for a flipping fact the concept works. I just don't have the way to make it work. That rubs people the wrong way also because it comes off as begging. No one said they had to come in to my threads and read them.
    Last edited by logansryche; 03-07-2015 at 05:55 PM.

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  3. #22
    matador's Avatar
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    I agree with Sirscrapalot on area- since our town stopped taking CRTs, I'd have to haul them over 100 miles...out of state... to get a bill!

    If there's a processor near you, great! Take advantage of that. I can't though.

    As for eye strain, we have a CRT TV at home. It works great. But, I was referring to one as a computer monitor. The refresh rates are lower, the resolution can't realistically go above 1280x1024 (And that was pushing it on my Princeton), and the picture isn't as clear unless you dial back the resolution.

    My LCD is an old 18" Gateway (Pre-Acer). It's old, outdated, and nothing special. But, it's leaps and bounds ahead of the CRT that I used.

    Keep in mind- the Princeton is a mid-level monitor, as is the Gateway. A high-performance CRT may do better.

    A TV will be at a much lower resolution than a computer (640x480, IIRC).

    For a desktop PC, I won't go back to a CRT again. The LCD does everything better.

    Just my $0.02

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  5. #23
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    I LOVE CRT'S I LOVE CRT'S I've got about 500 in my warehouse right now but that might be the ONLY good thing about california is getting paid from the state for them and by the pound at that. If you shoot for the stars you land on the moon but if you shoot for the moon you will land on your backside. Crts work for some and not for others.

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  7. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by unitsngold View Post
    I LOVE CRT'S I LOVE CRT'S I've got about 500 in my warehouse right now but that might be the ONLY good thing about california is getting paid from the state for them and by the pound at that. If you shoot for the stars you land on the moon but if you shoot for the moon you will land on your backside. Crts work for some and not for others.
    unitsngold - I get paid for them too, but I still don't like them

    logansryche - There is no hunk of lead lying inside of the tubes for you to grab. It's in the glass. Old TVs had lead in all sections of the tube. Newer models had barium oxide in the panel glass, and lead in the funnel, neck, and solder glass.

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  9. #25
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    please elaborate how you get paid for them.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    please elaborate how you get paid for them.
    Not in Cali but from what I understand it's Gov't subsidized...........Also my understanding some type of documentation must be presented with the CRT's.......I'm sure there are ways around this and no wonder Cali is bankrupt....LOL........I am no expert on this just what I have read here on the forum

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  13. #27
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    I think they get up to $.05 a pound for them in Cali.... Next trip to Disney a TV in everyone's lap! LOL

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  15. #28
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    Lol I guess I could be a few penny's short of a dollar.

    We'll olddude it's a law that california passed charging an extra tax for electronics when purchased call the disposal tax or that's what I call it. Anyhow once you get all your fed and state epa permits, dtsc permits, Cal recycle permits, Boe acct then you can either pick crts up or have them dropped off at your place of business and the state pays you to do that. They pay you with that extra electronics tax. that's the jist of it. If you get on my website I've got info on their about it like the sb20 law and all the mumbo jumbo.

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  17. #29
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    The general public gets between 0.03 and 0.05# they are only allowed to cash in 4 a year per name per house. Business can cash in as many as they want well with a few permits. like me or ryanw we would get lots more Than 0.005# I won't give out to much just incase.

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  19. #30
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    To elaborate a bit more, the system pays both collectors (which unitsngold and I are) and recyclers a set amount which is variable year to year. This year is 0.18/lb for collectors. This means you need to have a recycler that is participating pay you the 0.18/lb, and then they pick up the recycling fee and are reimbursed for what they pay the collector. The recycler can also choose to pay more than that. I don't know the recycling payment but it's around 0.30/lb. This program is totally voluntary and some recyclers accept all devices included in the program, and some do not.

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  21. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by unitsngold View Post
    The general public gets between 0.03 and 0.05# they are only allowed to cash in 4 a year per name per house. Business can cash in as many as they want well with a few permits. like me or ryanw we would get lots more Than 0.005# I won't give out to much just incase.

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  23. #32
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    No worrys ryanw I said that cuz I didn't wanna say anything on your behalf just in case

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  25. #33
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    LOL thanks. One could search the internet and find out anyway.

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  27. #34
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    Oh, and most importantly I need to add one more thing to the CA CRT program - the TV has to have originated in California (bought/owned here). No importing truckloads, sorry!

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  29. #35
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    Around here if we don't take the CRT monitor or tv they end up going to the road or in a dumpster. So rather than just the tube in the landfill the whole unit is.

  30. #36
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    Heh, our Cali Tube Cartel is full of info an a couple of laughs. Keep it up you two.

    Glad to see others doing it an making some money..way more then me, but then you two have to put up with the state of California. lol.

    I dig it ain't something for everyone. Just like Refining isn't or scrapping ac's or whatever. I've taken no offense to any posts, other then it setting me off on my soapbox. It happens now an then, ya'll know this.

    At the end of the day, an I've said this before, an I'll keep saying it... It's your business or hobby to run as you see fit.
    Unless your being a **** fool an unsafe, then a I reserve the right to call you a dumbass an kick you in the ass for being said unsafe fool.

    Sirscrapalot - Bang! Bang! Have a Nice Day! - Mick Foley

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  32. #37
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    logansryche - There is no hunk of lead lying inside of the tubes for you to grab. It's in the glass. Old TVs had lead in all sections of the tube. Newer models had barium oxide in the panel glass, and lead in the funnel, neck, and solder glass.
    Have you taken one apart? I've seen them taken apart and the lead is in an insert not in the glass. I'd need one of those spot guns to be sure though.

  33. #38
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    I have not opened up a CRT. That insert is the shadow mask. It's made of steel. There is an abundance of information out there on the composition of CRTs if you look...

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  35. #39
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    Cathode ray tube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Lots of good info.

    Always good to know what your dealing with.

    Sirscrapalot - It went from 1am to 3 am...gotta love it when you forget about the Spring time change.

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  37. #40
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    Shows that I Live in a time capsule as I had no idea that the time change thing was now. I looked at the clock on the computer that changes automatically and then at the clock on my VCR (yes I still use them) and noticed that it was daylight savings time or whatever,lol.

    Good thing that I have a computer that helps me stay a bit updated with the ever changing world around us.

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