MMarro...thanks for the kind words! Right back atcha..I hear lots of good things about you.
On to the fun,
My good sir, you assume. I use neither Good Will ( Feel free to search past posts on me about them, I'd not put them out if they were on fire.

) or Best Buy. I live on a sandbar. I don't have a Best Buy. LOL. I use a service available to me on my little sandbar. An I am a business. A one man band if you will.
You are correct tho, I have no labor costs above myself an whatever help I need on a daily basis. Your comments just gave me an opportunity to remind everyone...we deal in trash, stop judging others for it! I've said before I understand exceptions. I just ask ya'll stop telling people they can't do something with tubes..because you can do something with them. Somebody can do something with them. Whether it's me, the Cali Tube Cartel (Ryan an units!) or someone else.
Thankfully, my state lets me do what i need to with a limited amount of Hoop Jumping.
Sirscrapalot - You may not agree with me, an that's fine, but I kindly thank you for keeping things civil. - Me to anyone.