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Possible Avenue for CRTs - Page 3

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  1. #41
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I didn't know either till I looked at the time. I had just looked 15 minutes prior an then it was 3. I've not had so much of the cooler I lost that much track of time. lol.

    It's times like this I miss Arizona. No setting clocks forward or back.

    Curse you Hobo!

    Sirscrapalot - Hobo hugs three armed cacti.

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  3. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    Have you taken one apart? I've seen them taken apart and the lead is in an insert not in the glass. I'd need one of those spot guns to be sure though.
    Two things. Ryanw is correct about the leaded glass and maybe you should get a spot gun so you will know what you're talking about.
    So many things I want to say but I won't. You stated that people don't have to read your threads and you are correct, we don't. As of right now I choose not to and will change my profile settings so hopefully I will never again see that little bear with the confused look on his face.

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  5. #43
    logansryche started this thread.
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    And that's your choice jimicrk and you're right, I'll need a spot gun.
    Last edited by logansryche; 03-08-2015 at 08:49 AM.

  6. #44
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    [QUOTE=logansryche;239031]I figured something along those lines or they hope I go away as I was trying to push to get them to pay me for them instead of the other way around. For awhile they were trying to get me to pass the cost off to those I pick up from which made sense at the time but didn't fly.

    You tried to get them to pay you? No wonder they stopped talking to you. Where do you think there is money in CRTs? I'm just really frustrated that you don't seem to understand why CRTs are such a plague. There is no organization in the WORLD that pays for CRTs. You need to do some research on the e-scrap industry. I don't mean this to be offensive but it's kind of hard to believe you are failing to understand this. You need to be ahead of the curve and look into industry trends before they happen

  7. #45
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    I do fine on TV's.

    Then again..I have a way to get rid of them. legally of course.

    .."It's safe to say there is no profit in it." "The general consensus is.."

    Allow me..

    First. I make a profit off of TVs. I don't pay for them. Nor do I charge to take them. I must be doing something wrong.

    Second - Your area isn't mine. People need to stop acting like just cause it's one way in Kansas City it's the same in New Hampshire. Chances's not.

    Third - Stop acting like handling a tube is some kind of low class thing. Every single person on this forum makes money off of someones trash. Some of us don't like seeing them sitting in the woods, or smashed up in a alley. So let's get off the high horse when it comes to TV's. Cause seriously some of you I have an image of holding out their pinky an making eww noises whenever they are in the proximity of tube tv.

    So in short...if Tubes are not for you then great. Why run down another who is trying to do something with them or think outside of the box? Let those of us who do deal with them, an handle them right, do so.

    Way to much of this of late. Running people down for their ideas. An we wonder why people don't try new things.

    Oh and where do I sign up for these surveys?

    I use a small little 10 inch tv in my office. Works fine. I must eat a good bit of carrots. I also read in low

    Sirscrapalot - Just because something doesn't work for you, don't assume it's the same for me or anyone else. - Me.
    I have the utmost respect for you Sir Scrap. But you're not paying someone to take apart the CRT. The reason you can make money off CRTs is because you can dump the tubes on places like best buy and goodwill. As a business owner I am not allowed to use those programs technically. I receive them by the pallet so it would take me a few weeks to sneak them through piecemeal into best buy, goodwill etc. if you are paying for a warehouse and employing labor, then no there is no money in CRTs. If you work for yourself and can kick the CRT can onto another business then they are simply absorbing you're costs and there's nothing wrong with that. I try to make arrangements with local R2 guys to take my monitors along with other e-scrap but it's not a regular thing.

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  9. #46
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    Not sure since the tube itself from a TV is the same tube in a computer monitor - the yolk and electronics on the end are different though.

    I know you were. Some people need to get over themselves.

    There's a way to legally process these tubes that doesn't' involve melting everything and hope you get something out of it - only problem is, as usual, it costs money. The way I think of it: if I can get ahold of a cutter to separate the halves of the tube, i'm left with two pieces of glass, a hunk of lead, and phosphorus dust. Everything of which is recyclable.

    The norm is that I'm obviously nuts and that nothing will ever come of it because what I've been talking about in regards to CRTs is against the grain and not everyone likes that. It sometimes rubs people the wrong way and if they don't like how I do things or my ideas - there's the door. I'm not going to change my way of thinking or adjust my idea because one or two people didn't like it. The concept works. I know for a flipping fact the concept works. I just don't have the way to make it work. That rubs people the wrong way also because it comes off as begging. No one said they had to come in to my threads and read them.
    It rubs people the wrong way because why do you think you will succeed where multi-national companies have spent millions in research and development to somehow turn a profit but have only had to close half of the processing plants. I'm just curious how you are able to afford the thousands of dollars of specialty equipment for CRT processing while you are trying save a few hundred dollars from permits. I'm trying to be nice in my previous posts but I am determined at this point to drag this horse to water and I will make him drink.... To continue on this horse metaphor.. You're putting the cart before the horse. Do what's profitable like breaking computers that you got for cheap, resell as much as possible and get the best you can on your scrap. Then worry about reinventing the wheel.

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  11. #47
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    MMarro...thanks for the kind words! Right back atcha..I hear lots of good things about you.

    On to the fun,

    My good sir, you assume. I use neither Good Will ( Feel free to search past posts on me about them, I'd not put them out if they were on fire. ) or Best Buy. I live on a sandbar. I don't have a Best Buy. LOL. I use a service available to me on my little sandbar. An I am a business. A one man band if you will.

    You are correct tho, I have no labor costs above myself an whatever help I need on a daily basis. Your comments just gave me an opportunity to remind everyone...we deal in trash, stop judging others for it! I've said before I understand exceptions. I just ask ya'll stop telling people they can't do something with tubes..because you can do something with them. Somebody can do something with them. Whether it's me, the Cali Tube Cartel (Ryan an units!) or someone else.

    Thankfully, my state lets me do what i need to with a limited amount of Hoop Jumping.


    Sirscrapalot - You may not agree with me, an that's fine, but I kindly thank you for keeping things civil. - Me to anyone.

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  13. #48
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    It seems I have learned first hand what assuming can do lol. I am envious of you, I suppose that's where my intensity on the issue comes from lol. I am in no way discouraging people from taking CRTs in and recycling what bits they can. I just can't wrap my head around anyone thinking there is money in a CRT if you go the full route of having the CRT glass processed yourself. Although it may seem like I am beating up on Logan I am actually trying to help. I think I get frustrated because his enthusiasm reminds me too much of myself, I can become blinded by everything else when I get fixed on one idea. I am also not above getting down to the nitty gritty, I have worked in a scrapyard for the first half of my life and I still am not afraid to do a little dumpster diving so I do not judge the idea of breaking down a CRT but just leave the tube processing to the professionals. Either get rid of the tube properly through another company after you picked the goodies from them or don't touch them.

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  15. #49
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    Come visit the sandbar, things are easier to understand with a full cooler an waves.

    Don't listen to BC, Long Island doesn't count.

    Sirscrapalot - Dig it? Oooohhh Yeaaaa! - Macho Man Randy Savage.

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  17. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Come visit the sandbar, things are easier to understand with a full cooler an waves.

    Don't listen to BC, Long Island doesn't count.

    Sirscrapalot - Dig it? Oooohhh Yeaaaa! - Macho Man Randy Savage.
    Yeah yeah yeah, sorry but you have LONG Island envy
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  19. #51
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    BC your getting senile it's ok tho bro.

    Yea MMarro...if you come..leave BC. Or I'll have to charge you for the beverages.

    Sirscrapalot - Awaiting the grief he shall get next he chats with BC.

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  21. #52
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    I figured it was something like that. The gov needs to spend some of that money taking care of illegal aliens and fighting no win wars and other useless things on solving problems like this. Billions on that crap. how about a million or to (to real people, not the usual takers) give grants to real people to solve this problem and others like it. maybe offer a million $ reward for the first to come up with a solution or re purpose. But then that is too close to a common sense project for the government to get involved in.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  23. #53
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    You did see where MMarro is located right?
    Get glasses Alice, get glasses!!!!

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  25. #54
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    I saw but I'm keeping hope he's not as brainwashed as you are.

    An right you are Olddude. Why spend money on practical things, when you can spend it without worrying about if it's helpful, useful, or needed.

    The quote below says it all..

    Sirscrapalot - “If "con" is the opposite of pro, then isn't Congress the opposite of progress? " - Jon Stewart
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 03-08-2015 at 07:28 PM. Reason: Had to add a smiley so people knew I was teasing BC. What can ya do?!

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  27. #55
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmarro89 View Post
    It rubs people the wrong way because why do you think you will succeed where multi-national companies have spent millions in research and development to somehow turn a profit but have only had to close half of the processing plants. I'm just curious how you are able to afford the thousands of dollars of specialty equipment for CRT processing while you are trying save a few hundred dollars from permits. I'm trying to be nice in my previous posts but I am determined at this point to drag this horse to water and I will make him drink.... To continue on this horse metaphor.. You're putting the cart before the horse. Do what's profitable like breaking computers that you got for cheap, resell as much as possible and get the best you can on your scrap. Then worry about reinventing the wheel.
    I firstly never claimed to have the equipment necessary to process these correctly, but people read, see, and hear what they want to. Secondly, what makes me so sure I'll succeed where others fail? I'm willing to go and do what others wont. In other news, I got a message from a guy on the arcade cabinet marketplace and a 20" tube is heading his way. That's money in my pocket. Don't believe me? That's on you.

    Night everyone,

  28. #56
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    Seeing as I live a few miles from the worlds largest arcade, I will see If they have any interest or at least the number of the repair guy who might.
    Might be able to re-use a couple... worth a try.
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  30. #57
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    I say use them for fallout shelters. Lol

  31. #58
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    Saw this at an antique mall this weekend...someone re-purposed a TV cabinet into a cat not that kind. Still have to dispose of the tube though.

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  33. #59
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    Back when I did the flea market I brought a few of the old vintage TV sets that were smaller to the market and a guy from Iowa bought all of them and asked if I had any more.

    Now were talking the first B&W TV sets on up to the ones before they started making a more flat and square tube front.

    I kept in touch with the guy and we set up for him to come and see what I had. He bought all I had which was almost 90 of them. I had been getting them for years before for nothing or less then a dollar at auctions as no one wanted them back then. Needless to say the guy ended up with a full sized dodge van full and a small trailer about 6 by 8 and we ended up having to tie a few on the roof of his van as the trailer would only hold so much weight.

    He got his load of treasure and I came out very well.

    I have many color CRT TV sets that are in working order that I use and save for use with vintage gaming systems and using for older video players and such. I also like the small and tiny portable sets even tho most of them are B&W, but they work well for the first TV games like PONG and such. I figured that if I was going to have the vintage gaming systems, just as well have the vintage devices for playing and seeing these vintage games.

    I realize that most TV CRT sets these days are not worth much unless there is something collectable about them. Sometimes it takes many years before something from the past that was trash becomes the popular fads and trends.

    I have made a good Living off of such a concept. TIME is money in many ways.
    Last edited by ChildhoodDream; 03-09-2015 at 06:53 AM.

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  35. #60
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    An Analysis of U.S. CRT

    this is an artcile that details the state of crt, where it's going and why they are such a toxic asset if one must go the full route of recycling.

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