I left the yokes (I've done 6 CRTs so far) in the freezer for a week (forgot about them!) and I put them in a cloth bag, put a wooden board on top, and ran it over with my car. It just cracked the yokes (and the board), so I brought the bag inside and beat it with a small hammer. That worked well, though the de-gaussing cable gave more copper weight compared to the time spent. Pulled the flybacks, small transformers, and heatsinks off all my low-grade circuit boards and put them in their own bins. I unspooled several of the small transformers, but eventually realized that it wasnt worth the time. It's good to know how to do it though. Took the scrapped TVs to Best Buy 1 or 2 at a time, and left the Zenith console out on the curb. I think apartment maintenance took it, I had told them about it. Out of 6 TVs, 2 had bonded yokes, didnt pull those off, 2 had aluminum DG cables, and 2 had aluminum yokes. I didnt track which ones correlated with which. All said and done, I came out with 2.2 lbs of clean #2 copper wire from low grade items, which equals about $5, and some heat sinks.

But at least I know how to do it now. I'm going to concentrate on computers and stuff, and if I get low grade boards I will sell them by the pound.