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What about the plastic casing?

| TV and Monitor Recycling
  1. #1
    jazzer47 started this thread.
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    What about the plastic casing?

    Hey All! I've done a few TV/Monitors (CRT) stripping them down, then took the CRT and shell to BestBuy. Not a problem at the time.
    But for those who do this, what do you do with the plastics? I don't even know what kind of plastic it is.

    Oh, and I hate that the lead concern basically shuts off any options due to regulations. I understand, but can't believe there's nothing in the U.S.

  2. #2
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    what plastic are you talking about? IF you are smashing the yokes then you would have a small amount (that is ABS plastic and certainly is recyclable). I generally have no plastic when I strip one. The shell gets reattached and goes to Best Buy that way. Most of the time I sell yokes as whole (especially with today's copper pricing). the rest would consist of a couple of brown boards which I sell whole, possibly a green board or 2 and wire. that is basically it.

    Not sure what other plastic you might have, so please let me know. Basically it is most likely ABS.
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