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Above and beyond customer service

| TV and Monitor Recycling
  1. #1
    Mike1286 started this thread.
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    Above and beyond customer service

    Let me start by saying, I don't work for, I am in no way affiliated with, and I have no financial interest in the company I am about to talk about.

    I've been trying to get my ewaste business off the ground for a bit now. My biggest dilemma is whether to accept tvs to get more volume, or limit my accepted items and keep to a smaller model. Naturally, I've been doing a lot of research and contacting numerous companies to see what works best for me and find the best prices for both paid items and charged. CRT tubes have been at the top of the list as far as finding a solution. Followed closely by low grade boards. Best answer I've come up with is a semi local to me company called kuusakoski recycling. I've been talking to their customer service rep on and off for about 3 months now. He's been really helpful so far especially considering how big they are and how small I am. Most big companies only want to work with other big companies. I've been brushed off quite a few times by other companies I've talked to. They also have about the best prices locally from who I've talked to. So if anyone from the near chicagoland area deals with crts and low grade in small or large volume, I would definitely check these guys out.

    The reason I titled this above and beyond customer service is because the csr actually came by my house on his way home from work off the clock to see what my situation was and talk about how we can work together. Not many people or companies would be willing to do this for a big operation, let alone a home business. And that is why I felt I needed to share this here. He did ask that I only share the company info publicly, not his name or contact info. But if anyone thinks they can benefit from working with these guys, contact me privately and I can give you his direct info that way.

    As of today small volume pricing is payout of .18/lb on low grade boards, charge of .14/lb on whole crt tvs, and .25/lb on lcd tvs. Bare tubes by the semi full are only .07/lb. This is the best I've found near me or anywhere.

    Like I said, from my research, this is about the best I've found overall. If this helps anyone, let me know through pm and I'll give you the csr's info. If you guys know of a better way or better company in the Chicago area, please let me know. I need all the help I can get. My tvs have piled up to the point that I have to refuse picking them up for a little while. Lol.

  2. #2
    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I've worked in customer service for years, and it's always nice to see when a company goes above and beyond. Curious how much do they charge for smaller quantities of bare tubes ? Are you planning on selling them whole?

  3. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I can arrange to have several dozen pallets of tube tvs sent your way...

    A few thrift stores on my sandbar send them to a town nearby, an there they sit...on pallets. Tons of them.

    I like TV's but not that much. lol. They always tell me about them, an I just shake my head an laugh and remind them, I'm not into punishing myself. My outlet for tubes couldn't handle that many at a time.

    Good to hear on the customer service. I've a bit of background in that area myself, always good to hear of a company providing such. It's rarer and rarer these days. Good customer service is hard to find.

    Sirscrapalot - The customer is always right...ha ha ha ha

  4. #4
    Mike1286 started this thread.
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    Thedude80- at the moment I plan on selling them whole for now. Partially cause it'll save me time and partially cause the csr said they don't really want to deal with small volumes of bare tubes.

    Sirscrap - send me all the tvs you want. I won't even charge you for them. Just pay shipping and a handling charge of $50 each.

    I do have 1 or 2 companies I have to talk to a little more. These guys were my set choice a couple months back, but we only talked minor details. Now that we've gone a bit more in depth, it's not quite as good as it sounded at first. Never hurts to shop around.

  5. #5
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    that's awesome cudos to them cause when I talked to a company about 40miles from here that is r2 and does any volume they only gave me company lines and b.s. about working with me let alone trying to work out setting up a city wide collection depot for a rate of 15cents a pound so our whole city has a way to do this easy and somewhat less expensive. city did eventually get into having to recycle these with a different company but that was 2yrs later when iowa changed its own disposal laws

  6. #6
    JnJunk's Avatar
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    I'm near Chicago, western suburbs. Right now I am sitting on about 10 CRT's from my collection bin. I have a 4x8 trailer with wood sides set up on the corner of our Property it reads "NO TV'S Metal/Electronic Drop Off" It has been a pretty good source for me. Its packed to the brim every week.

  7. #7
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    I haven't taken any material to Kuusakoski yet myself but I have spoken to them on the phone and emailed a few times and received quotes from them that are in line with what you posted here. I'm a little farther than you from them (Northwest Indiana) but I agree, their customer service has been great, and I don't think I've found any better pricing for tubes and CRT TVs/Monitors.

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