Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
Is there a difference between remanufacturing and refurbishing? Or is it just a matter of semantics?
It's a hard call. Here in the states it's perfectly legal for a company like Ford to take an engine block with 300,000 miles into the shop,restore it to original spec, and sell it as new.

It might be the same thing only different with LCD's. Take a Dell brand monitor for instance. If you take it apart there's an LCD panel inside. That panel wasn't manufactured by Dell.

Here's a list of LCD manufacturers.


It's likely that only a handful make LCD panels for computer monitors. Others might manufacture LCD screens for cell phones or 50" televisions. It all depends on what patents they hold and what kind of technology they're licensed to manufacture.

If a used LCD screen is still good i don't see why it would be a problem to re-use the screen and manufacture your own brand of computer monitor. It might be legal to sell it as new in some other country.

It seems like re-using a thing that's still good makes more sense that trying to recycle it.

We ask ourselves the same thing here when we're parting out a computer. The first question we ask is if we can salvage certain parts that have better than scrap value. After that .... it's sending different items out to our e-waste buyer for recovery of precious metals.