Just use safety gear, face mask & glasses & gloves etc & snap the little 'tit' off thats under the circuit board on the rear end of the screen.
That'l let the air into the screen & from then on its Ok except for the normal 'handling glass' dangers.
Oh, don't pick them up 'face up' or 'face down' using only the metal band around the screen, as sometimes the band isn't tight & the screen will fall out.
If you can put up a video of one exploding.
Its really **** dangerous, unless you see one actually explode (implode - whatever) you have no idea of how dangerous it is.
Best senareo for videoing a exploding screen, grounds concrete for at least 10 foot radius around screen.
Screens sitting 'normal like' (horizontal) on the ground & open around the screen. Maybe taking the surround off around a old TV will work, just leaving the bare screen & its base.
Put up stuff around the TV so you can see the blast radius & what it does to things it hits.
Now, from the side, never in front of or behind, while wearing all the safety gear, thick jeans x 2, glasses & face mask, thick upper clothing with leather gloves, earmuffs.....
Get a hammer & tap solidly the side of the screen where the metal band is, 1/2 way up the band.
I'd be facing the other way, crouched down a bit, so the 1/2way mark of the bands behind my knees & same with the hammer, I wouldn't be looking at the screen at all.
Actually, I'd suggest a full face motorbike helmet.....
The thing'll explode with a huge 'Bombfff' & blow out forward & back, out forward you'd find finger sized glass shards for 6 feet.
There won't be much, but still some, glass coming out sideways because of the band.
I'd do it myself for you if I could video it. I have seen two explode before, you'd cr@p yourself if you didn't know it was gonna happen, not funny, you can easily loose your eyesight doing this.
Even the sounds loud, you can actually see the shockwave as it explodes.
On third thoughts, rig up a 10 foot + string with a rock on it, hanging down the side of the screen so the rocks gonna hit the band as before.
You don't want to be anywhere near it as it explodes.