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CRT Monitor outlet for Ecyclers - Page 2

| TV and Monitor Recycling
  1. #21
    thortek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    Would that be counting the cost of the glass? Reason why they are buying the black ones as there are some people who are still buying old crt screens. But they want them to be black only.
    But I have to factor in the amount of time taken to tear them down. I'm a smal operation. It's me and the 69 Year old "Ole Man" breaking this stuff down. I have a stack of CRT's to tear down, but have been waiting, because I have just now found a place to dispose of the glass. but it has to be profitable all the way around, or I can't do it. I'm not going backwards in this business. I'm not out to take any more losses

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  2. #22
    prgiva started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    We will buy them if they are on a pallet and stacked up with the cords wrapped up. We will buy them for $0.20 each.

    Right now thats the best we can do on them...but we are working with someone else that may let us offer a little more cash.
    Is that $.20 a piece or a pound?
    and is that delivered to you or will you pick up?

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by prgiva View Post
    Is that $.20 a piece or a pound?
    and is that delivered to you or will you pick up?
    Each and delivered to our door.
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  4. #24
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    Goodwill will take tv's and monitors only if they are a Dell Reconnect recycling location. Here is the link to find the one closest to you. Just put in your zip code.

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  6. #25
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Goodwill will take tv's and monitors only if they are a Dell Reconnect recycling location.
    I'll post this again so there's no confusion, Every Goodwill may be different. Just open it up and pull the wiring and circuit board/yoke and put the back back on it and it's ready to go for me,,,
    I just checked with my local Goodwill and explained that I recycle tv's and monitors and they said they will take just the glass if I put it back into the plastic case, kills two birds with one stone for me.
    And it's still recycled responsibly.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 02-18-2012 at 01:05 PM.
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  7. #26
    newattitude's Avatar
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    The Goodwill in my town accept is on this list!! But, they don't specify if they want them gutted or ungutted. I'm going to stop on my way out of town tomorrow and find out what they accept. IF they take them gutted I hope they ARE recycling them and not sending them overseas to be tossed on riverbanks.

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