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Pics of a Monitor CRT breakdown

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    ElectricMetal started this thread.
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    Many thanks to all for the nice comments.
    @ Mechanic688 -- My apologies for not referencing your earlier very educational thread on this topic. I remember seeing it a few weeks ago and it influenced my desire to take some photos while I disassembled the monitor. I'm also playing around with building a photo database of my inventory so I can keep track of things more efficiently.

    Re: The integrated circuit chip research
    I did some poking around looking for details regarding some of the integrated circuits on the low grade board harvested from the monitor.
    I found a few interesting tidbits. If there were a way to crack into the spare parts market, it seems as though one could really make a good return ($18 from a single IC), even those derived from low grade boards. But, as I believe Mechanic688 has pointed out to me before, the devil is in the details regarding spare parts, and breaking into that niche isn't easy.

    Anyway, the web searches were fun if nothing else.
    The integrated circuit shown in this picture (see links below) is made by ST microelectronics and it sells for $18 from a spare parts supplier.
    Here's the picture link:
    Here's the parts supplier link:
    The chip is a deflection processor:

    This other integrated circuit from the same low grade board (see link below) is made by National Semiconducter and it sells for $1.79 (+$22 for shipping) from a spare parts supplier:
    Here's the picture link:
    Here's the parts supplier link:
    The chip is a RGB (Red/Green/Blue) video amplifier -- further details:

    Interestingly, I had the hardest time finding info on the socketed chip made by RU microelectronics (see link below). The only thing I could find was a webpage for a parts supplier where I'd need to supply an email address for a price quote.
    Here's the picture link:
    Here's the parts supplier link:
    Last edited by ElectricMetal; 03-19-2012 at 02:12 AM.

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