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  1. #1
    dryvr12 started this thread.
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    How much do you pay for scrap vehicles?

    I know its always better to get a car for free if possible, but that is never the case round here. Doing a quick CL search I found quite a few cars for about $4-600. These cars do have titles. I know the value varies by weight and the rate for each yard, but what is the max you would pay to haul away a titled average size car?

  2. #2
    sledge's Avatar
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    You will get many opinions, but here is mine:
    1. Find out what the yards typically pay in your area- get a REALLY GOOD IDEA over several months, several yards, and seasons if possible
    2. I will not pay more than I can get off JUST THE BODY- so if the curb weight is 2300 lbs and it is paying $200/ton. I'd make $230 on JUST THE BODY.
    3. I will take alum rims, cat, battery, alternator, and wiring harness out, I will also pop the tires off those alum rims and sell them if they are good.
    4. Obviously those above mentioned items take weight off the vehicle.. so I always have a bunch of scrap steel accumulated to pack the vehicle with and more than make up the weight in parts taken.

    This simple rule of thumb pays me well. I do not have the room, tools or ability, to gut a car to its frame as some folks do. With those means- you could buy cars at $4-$600 and be ok. What makes this difficult (scrapping cars) is the amount of variance in them. You find a Mercedes for $400- Snap on it- the cat alone will usually pay you over $200, set of Alum AMG rims on it- CL them instead of scrapping them. I just saw an 87 corvette on my local CL this weekend for $500- if not for my bum thumb- I would have snapped that car up in a second- Corvette folks are fanatical to have CORVETTE parts to keep them OEM. I could have cut the cat, batt, alt, and sold the car even with those parts gone for probably 4X my money to a corvette owner for a parts car. It is all relative.
    Last edited by sledge; 10-01-2014 at 12:51 PM.

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  4. #3
    Russell's Avatar
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    I haven't had to buy any vehicles yet. If I had the opportunity, I would only pay 50% of curb weight, with free removal. I think larger vehicles like vans etc would be well worth it. The more a vehicle weighs makes your offer look more legit. In my experience people generally want a minimum of a couple hundred dollars for just about any vehicle. If its beefy enough you may be able to make a deal.

    By paying 50% of curb, you should be able to cover your costs, pick up and delivery time. All the extra pulled parts would be the unknown factors. You might make an extra 20$ or an extra few hundred.

    Good luck

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  6. #4
    DiamondN is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge42 View Post
    I just saw an 87 corvette on my local CL this weekend for $500- if not for my bum thumb- I would have snapped that car up in a second
    Wow...I didn't see that one

  7. #5
    jghilino's Avatar
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    I pay anywhere from $400-$800 per vehicle. I get in the $3000-$6000 range for the parts. It takes about 60 hours of work to do the tear down and listings. I flip vehicles also, buy one for $800, clean it and do some minor repairs and sell for $1600, that kind of deal.
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

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  9. #6
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondN View Post
    Wow...I didn't see that one
    It didn't last an hour! :-(

  10. #7
    sledge's Avatar
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    How do you get cars so easily for free if you don't mind me asking. I have only had 2 that were freebies, the rest I had to make my investment and know my return before making the offer. Thanks.
    Last edited by sledge; 10-01-2014 at 12:51 PM.

  11. #8
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Cars without titles can typically be had for free, or somone that needs one hauled off and dosent know how to sell it. You need to be aware that you need to have a title to sell a car to a scrapyard, otherwise you have to cut the car down to the point where they dont consider it to be a car.

  12. #9
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    Sledge/ Aaron,

    I didn't mean to imply that I get or have gotten a lot of vehicles for free. I've only scrapped 3 vehicles that I haven't had to pay for. Two were from friends- sometimes removing a vehicle that's been sitting dead is a relief to people, its the free service they appreciate, if they don't expect or don't view the car as being worth anything. The third vehicle was from a guy that buys bikes from me. He had a car that became a burden sitting taking up space. Although I could've gotten it for free I offered to barter for a few bikes. Hopefully some of this helps with any ideas you may have about obtaining vehicles.

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  14. #10
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    You need to be aware that you need to have a title to sell a car to a scrapyard, otherwise you have to cut the car down to the point where they dont consider it to be a car.
    I think that depends on your location and the local rules
    If the vehicle is at least 10 years old, I don't need a Title to scrap it

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  16. #11
    SuperDave is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by dryvr12 View Post
    I know its always better to get a car for free if possible, but that is never the case round here. Doing a quick CL search I found quite a few cars for about $4-600. These cars do have titles. I know the value varies by weight and the rate for each yard, but what is the max you would pay to haul away a titled average size car?
    I bought a car dolly earlier this year, best thing I ever bought. And then seriously went after what I wanted. Scrap vehicles. Search the net, advertise, word of mouth etc... put yourself out there. There were a few vehicles I could not tow, or should't have, but anyways I've been able to upgrade to a car hauler.

    The secret to buying vehicles and how much to pay comes with experience. Start by searching vehicle weight, get farmilliar with weight. Then find out about cats and where to sell them and what to look for value wise. Some vehicles are NOT scrap and are far better off making a few repairs and selling or just buy and sell as to be made.
    There are 2 types of dogs
    the domestic dog waits for his owner to throw him a steak
    the other type of dog is a wolf. When he is hungry he goes out and hunts his next meal.
    What type of dog are you?

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  18. #12
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Sledge/ Aaron,

    I didn't mean to imply that I get or have gotten a lot of vehicles for free. I've only scrapped 3 vehicles that I haven't had to pay for. Two were from friends- sometimes removing a vehicle that's been sitting dead is a relief to people, its the free service they appreciate, if they don't expect or don't view the car as being worth anything. The third vehicle was from a guy that buys bikes from me. He had a car that became a burden sitting taking up space. Although I could've gotten it for free I offered to barter for a few bikes. Hopefully some of this helps with any ideas you may have about obtaining vehicles.
    Yes that does help clarify for certain. I thought maybe you had found some sort of edge where folks call you to haul off their cars. As I said, I have had a couple, but with so many people out there with a truck and a 16ft trailer, hardly anything goes for free much anymore :-(

  19. #13
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    I think that depends on your location and the local rules
    If the vehicle is at least 10 years old, I don't need a Title to scrap it
    Do you get paid a different rate or same rate for vehicles with title? In my neck of the country, no title = lower payout- even with a bill of sale and a VIN check printout!! But WITH title- yards pay better for them, and of course there are quite a few that won't touch a car at all without a title- Bill of Sale, Drivers License # and my normal "By signing you are stating that you have the right to sell this vehicle.. and purchaser is not held liable for use and or disposal of said vehicle" on the Bill of Sale. I'm sure each state has its own set of laws, I was just curious if you have a titled vehicle, if you get a better tonnage rate vs non-titled vehicles?
    Last edited by sledge; 10-01-2014 at 12:52 PM. Reason: clarification

  20. #14
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I get paid the same at the scale with or without a Title
    Currently $180.00 a ton / 9 Cents a pound

    I do pay less for the non title vehicles as a lot of people around here won't even take them
    I explain to the person that I have to do extra paper work and that equals extra time so I will need to reduce the money $25.00
    I only do that to the people that "can't find the Title" when I get there after they already told me on the phone they had it.

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  22. #15
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    I only do that to the people that "can't find the Title" when I get there after they already told me on the phone they had it.
    I LOVE that line too. Drive all the way to some place and they "can't find it" That makes a huge difference as to where I can take the vehicle, and I get paid accordingly.

  23. #16
    dryvr12 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    I get paid the same at the scale with or without a Title
    Currently $180.00 a ton / 9 Cents a pound

    I do pay less for the non title vehicles as a lot of people around here won't even take them
    I explain to the person that I have to do extra paper work and that equals extra time so I will need to reduce the money $25.00
    I only do that to the people that "can't find the Title" when I get there after they already told me on the phone they had it.
    My yard only takes a veh. with a title. Im curious about your statement "i have to do extra paperwork and that equals time" I thought, in addition to paperwork, there is a $1-200 fee for title transfer type of thing. If its just time and paper thats a no brainer!

  24. #17
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dryvr12 View Post
    My yard only takes a veh. with a title. Im curious about your statement "i have to do extra paperwork and that equals time" I thought, in addition to paperwork, there is a $1-200 fee for title transfer type of thing. If its just time and paper thats a no brainer!
    Different States & different Yards
    Different rules

    No need to do any kind of title transfer where I go
    Less then 10 years old >> I need the title >> Does not matter who's name it is in as long as I have the title
    More then 10 years old >> No Title needed
    For my own cover my rear protection I insist on seeing some paper work that they owned the vehicle >> Old Insurance papers or Reg

  25. #18
    Nealcrenshaw's Avatar
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    Someone school me: But if i buy a car from someone and then try to sell it to a junk,scrap yard doesn't MY name have to be on the title?

  26. #19
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nealcrenshaw View Post
    Someone school me: But if i buy a car from someone and then try to sell it to a junk,scrap yard doesn't MY name have to be on the title?
    Different States and Different Yards have different rules
    The yard I deal with I give them the Title, my name is no where on it, title was NOT transferred to my name
    If over 10 years old, they don't even need a title

    Call the yard you plan to do Business with,
    OR better yet stop in for a one on one with the yard
    and find out what their requirements are

    While there find out what they want done to the vehicles OR NOT DONE
    The yard I go to, I leave Gas, oil and antifreeze if I wanted
    No need to drain anything

    Some yards want everything drained

    Some yards that use the cars for parts will ONLY take the vehicle if complete
    They get upset if you even pull the alternator

  27. #20
    porkchop01 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Called my yd the other day. 2001 and up needs a title. 2000 down not required. The only thing we have to do is get the freon out. They will accept it with everything else in it. As of 3/9/13 their price is $12.75/100.

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