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  1. #1
    sledge started this thread.
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    Potential to buy Wrecked 2003 For F-350 for $900

    Seems these types of post are commonplace at the moment. But I'm hoping some of you seasoned folks could assist (Cough.. Liberty..Cory) :-)
    I have not seen it yet, I am going to take a look tomorrow at it, but a friend of my Father-In-Law calls me and says "My son got hit a couple nights ago, Insurance Company has totalled it, he can buyback for $900 and would sell it to me at $900. I will have to look at it tomorrow at noon or 1 and make my decision then. Damage is the Front Passenger Wheel, Fender and Door- Internal Damage is not known.

    This would be issued a SALVAGE title.. as per his insurance rep. I have no dealings with trying to register a vehicle with a Salvage Title- My understanding is that SOME Insurance companies will not take on a vehicle with a Salvage Title.

    So My thoughts at the moment are:
    1. Get it Fixed- Sell it off
    2. Part it Out

    Scrapping it is Not an option sadly (nor should it be the way the guy says other than recent damage- the truck is cherry) The weight won't pay for it, has steel rims, no alum, Curb is about 6,007 lbs- Net about $600 at the yard.

    Heavy Duty Tow Package, not an abused truck- worked, but not beaten to *#&#!

    Any thoughts- Buy? Pass? Thanks Gents!
    Wish I had more info to go on, a picture or 10 to show you. Hopefully you guys may have some insight even "sight unseen"
    Last edited by sledge; 09-12-2016 at 06:38 PM.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    If your needing a truck to add to your fleet then you should seriously think about it, but if it's to fix & flip then your gonna have your 900 dollars tied up for a week or two.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #3
    sledge started this thread.
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    Mechanic: The tough part is.. As of this moment, I have no idea how BAD is it? I did a quick search.. a Running 2003 is going for $9500-$14K around this area. I don't want to drop $900, Plus say another $5K in it to try and flip. If the frame is bent, at least in Indiana, They tend to total vehicles here. I remember I used to own a Sebring, guy with a Ford LTD wagon plowed me into the 8 inch curb while doing about 40 mph, it tore the passenger front CV Axle out, tow driver said "Man.. if the frames bent- you're looking at it being totalled" I would not mind seeing this thing back on the road.. I'm wondering if I give $900, don't touch it and sell it off as is- CL, Auction, whatever. If I double my money, I'd be happy! Just don't know if there will be enough demand for me putting up the $900. *Going back to corner to scratch head and ponder*
    Appreciate the reply!
    Last edited by sledge; 09-12-2016 at 06:39 PM.

  5. #4
    corycouch's Avatar
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    sorry sledge i may have called you too late, i left you a message
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
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  6. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    The truck I borrow now was sideswiped (down low) and the ins. company totaled it cause to repair was more than the value.
    Then they gave him (the owner) back the truck for free. I use it when I need to pick up bigger items, the only real damage is the pass. running board, and a crease in the rear fender, NO frame damage.

    The ins. company didn't even charge him for the truck.

  7. #6
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    The truck I borrow now was sideswiped (down low) and the ins. company totaled it cause to repair was more than the value.
    Then they gave him (the owner) back the truck for free. I use it when I need to pick up bigger items, the only real damage is the pass. running board, and a crease in the rear fender, NO frame damage.

    The ins. company didn't even charge him for the truck.
    Well wouldn't that be nice in this situation.. The Ins Co will sell it back to him for the $900.. No freebie here.. Grrr

  8. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge42 View Post
    Well wouldn't that be nice in this situation.. The Ins Co will sell it back to him for the $900.. No freebie here.. Grrr
    The difference there is this one I'm talking about was only a 2000. dollar one and your talking about a 9000.

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  10. #8
    sledge started this thread.
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    Got Photos Today! Still trying to get it figured out!
    It is a V-10 Gas Engine
    145,000 Miles
    Interior is Good
    Bed is Good

    Looks as if it bent the frame or A-Arms, Shoved the wheel into the wheelhouse and kinked the fender, Door and Cab. Can't open the hood at the moment because the fender got pushed over the top of the hood just enough to not allow it to open.

    Last edited by sledge; 05-15-2013 at 02:17 PM. Reason: additional Info

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  12. #9
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    The damage doesn't look all that bad to me, and would consider it a fixer, especially if you can buy it for $900. Even if you were to part it out, you're gonna come out ahead. Most collision shops will do any needed framework for cash allowing you to reassemble the truck and do any refinishing work yourself. I used to stretch frames at Pearson's in Zionsville.

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  14. #10
    bigdog72's Avatar
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    in that last picture on the right it looks like the frame is pushed in? not sure without seeing it but it the frame isnt bent or not bent that bad you should have little problem fixing it, parts alone you would be making money i vote yes

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  16. #11
    bigdog72's Avatar
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    also depends how it was hit but it doesn't look bad enough to not be fixed

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  18. #12
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    That would be a tough one to walk away from.
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  20. #13
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Not a big deal if the frame is bent ahead or behind the wheel, more major if it's between the wheels.

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  22. #14
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    Fix and flip. All day.

    Even to part out you got serious profit sitting there.

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  24. #15
    sledge started this thread.
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    Thank you Gents! I appreciate all the responses, The Phone calls :-), I'm in Limbo for the moment as the guy who hit the truck's insurance company wants to look at it today, I should know today if this can become a done deal or not! I appreciate the responses very much. This would be my first "Fix and Flip" so I'm a bit nervous about it. I'm used to paying $200 bucks for a non-running turd and gutting it.. never a question of "Should I fix this thing?" So thanks again!
    Last edited by sledge; 09-12-2016 at 06:39 PM.

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  26. #16
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    Go fir it. Easy fix. I dont see frame damage. A fedner, a-arm and a door. Some bondo on the rocker..less than 500 to fix you do it ya self. I have seen much worse back in the day when I was ase inspection mechanic the body shops "recertified" trying to flip for the auction or lot.

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  28. #17
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well Gents.. Got to tell you the end of the story. I finally got the truck today.. My body guy said "Haul it down.. I won't be there, but I want to see it myself" Works out since I wanted it off the trailer anyway and he won't charge me to store it. So he shares some space with the building owner and a car Detailer.. As I'm pulling in both of them are all over it.. "How many Miles?" "Does it Run?" "You want to sell it?" I back the thing off the trailer and onto the ground, and by then the detailer already owned it in his mind.. He made me an offer, I countered, he took it. Truck is Gone!

    Only fear: Body guy is going to be RIPPED I got a feeling! But a Beaut day! Beaut day! Total outlay of cash getting it repaired would have cost me about $2500 (Cost of Truck and work to be done to get it back to the road) out of pocket.. then I would have had to split the profit with the Body Guy and gone through the hell of selling the darn thing... This was quick and dirty! Me Likey!
    Last edited by sledge; 05-17-2013 at 05:49 PM.

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  30. #18
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update...

  31. #19
    sledge started this thread.
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    Spoke to the body guy today.. He wasn't mad at all. He was like "I'm proud of ya" I was so worried I may have messed up a relationship. I know he saw money in it for himself after doing work he would have done to fix it. So the relationship is still good, he's happy for me.. and I'm glad he wasn't upset with me about how the deal transpired!
    Last edited by sledge; 05-18-2013 at 09:47 AM.

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  33. #20
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    take the body guy a happy meal ;-) Keep doing what your doing, and the chance to work a deal with him, will come!

    great outcome! thanks for sharing!!

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