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Core Buyers?

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  1. #1
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Core Buyers?

    Live in Ontario Canada. For the past while iv been collecting cores (Calipers, AC Compressors, startes, alternators, etc)
    We have a guy that comes in and buys them from us, 5 bucks per battery, 2.50 per AC compressor, 5 bucks per alt/starter, 2 bucks for a rotor/drum
    He doesn't buy calipers or any other different cores.
    are those usually normal prices? Iv yet to find another guy to buy stuff like this in our area (most just want to haul it off for free)
    Is it worth it to skip the middle man? Obviously its almost always worth it, but I ask this because 1. iv yet to find a decent core buyer (see below) and 2. the ones I have found are in the US, across the country or hours away (cost of shipping or fuel would outweigh the profit)
    Same with Cats, we have 60+ at the moment.
    I'm not a huge volume guy, I work at my family's garage and scrap cars part time. The big time core buyers don't want anything to do with me because my volumes are too low. i'v only been in the game for a year and a half, i'm still small but iv made progress. My last load of cats took me a year to collect, and I had around 30. 6 months later i'm at 60+. If I can find a good buyer, that would open a lot of doors. But like I said, the big guys don't want to deal with me until those doors are opened and I have good amounts of stuff.

    Anyone know a buyer that would deal with my lower volumes? Even guys that would be willing to get the stuff shipped to them.
    Maybe even someone on the site would be interested!

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    corycouch's Avatar
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    the only one that seems off to me is batteries, every core buyer ive had come by offers 10, one coming in a few weeks told me 13 but ill believe it when cash is in hand
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
    c & c recycling
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  3. #3
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    hmm, good to know. I just unloaded 40-50 for 5 bucks a piece.... i'll know for next time.

  4. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    An Knowing is half the battle!

    Yo JOE!

    Sirscrapalot - GI JOE...A REAL AMERICAN HERO!

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  6. #5
    corycouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    hmm, good to know. I just unloaded 40-50 for 5 bucks a piece.... i'll know for next time.
    while $5 seems low compared to me it depends on your location, since your in Canada it could mean $5 less, Zito lives somewhere in Canada, and he is a Cat expert imo, shoot him a pm and tell him cory said anyway he may be able to help you on the cats and maybe give you a lead on your batteries

  7. #6
    Tcgs's Avatar
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    Id say your prices are low. Shop around for other core buyers. If you found the right buyer and saved all the right cores you could multiply your core income x 10.

    My Core Prices

    CV Shafts $5 ea. Almost twice scrap value
    Drive Shafts 10-15 ea.
    Starters Alt AC Comp $10 ea.
    Steering Racks $10-75 ea.
    Engines & Trans 50 ea.
    Headlamps $20 ea.
    Window Regulators 10ea
    Brake Master Cyl 5ea
    Transfer Cases 30-40 ea.

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  9. #7
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tcgs View Post
    If you found the right buyer and saved all the right cores you could multiply your core income x 10.
    What would the "Right" cores be? Im sure there's hundreds, and i dont expect you to list them off. Just some examples would be awesome. I found one buyer in the US, that said if i signed up, etc, they had a list of the top paying cores. Not surprising iv yet to get a list from those guys.

    once i started calling getting prices for parts at our shop. Almost every part I call for they ask "You looking for New, or ReMan?" Since then iv been been saving alot of different things.
    I'm now very interested in buying cores from other shops, and very eager to learn whats worth what.

    Recently found a guy that pays 30 bucks for any instrument cluster from Volvos. Hes local and really the only buyer iv found that will deal with my low volumes.

  10. #8
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    Hi jord0690, I received $0.30/lb for batteries back in May from one of the yards in Port Perry.
    So as a comparison weigh a typical auto battery and maybe check prices at a yard closer to you.
    Last year when I did a battery run I got about $0.316/lb

    I just did a sample weight of a typical size side terminal battery ...38.76 lbs, ...x 0.30 = $11.625
    So $5 seems a little low, but if that is just someone (ie another scrapper) looking to buy scrap to resell, then they are also
    doing what some others here do to aquire materials. I think you would get more for them by turning them in yourself.

    As for the cores, ...I'm not really up to speed on those yet

  11. #9
    SuperDave is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    No luck here either and ditto on the batteries.

  12. #10
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Hmm.. I'm just trying to compete with the guys who state "200-1000 for your vehicle!" I can't bring myself to pay more than 350 for any vehicle. So, Time to change my stratigies.

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  14. #11
    corycouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tcgs View Post
    Id say your prices are low. Shop around for other core buyers. If you found the right buyer and saved all the right cores you could multiply your core income x 10.

    My Core Prices

    CV Shafts $5 ea. Almost twice scrap value
    Drive Shafts 10-15 ea.
    Starters Alt AC Comp $10 ea.
    Steering Racks $10-75 ea.
    Engines & Trans 50 ea.
    Headlamps $20 ea.
    Window Regulators 10ea
    Brake Master Cyl 5ea
    Transfer Cases 30-40 ea.
    you say at the top the right cores, ive had 4 different core buyers come by and never has anyone wanted headlights, cv shafts or drive shafts. I also use rascore and they buy some of the list you have, but mostly calipers, wiper motors front and rear, mass air flow sensors, a few steering racks, computers, radios, and temperature controls. one core buyer did come by and the transmissions I had averaged $50. torque converters are also big to the ones Ive had come by, 10 to 20 apiece

    my question is who is your core buyer, id love to get $20 for headlights without messing with ebay.

  15. #12
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    exactly what I was going to ask. People that come in only want Rotors, Batteries, A/C Compressors, Alternators Calipers and Cats. Would also love to cash in on stuff like CV shafts and drive shafts. And I dont have the time to mess around with ebay. I'd love to use it, but i just dont have the time.

    and Corycouch, what kind of volumes do you need to deal with RSAcore? do they require a large amount or will they buy, say, lots of 20 of each item listed above? I just found them recently, and wanna be sure I can even deal with them before I contact them

  16. #13
    corycouch's Avatar
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    I think they deal with a lot of smaller guys, my last shipment was only $300 plus so they do small volumes

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  18. #14
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    ok perfect. Gonna give them a call next week.

  19. #15
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    My warehouse is 200 feet across from RAS Core. We share the parking lot and are some of the best guys around...I am a E Scrap company and they have given me dozens of good customers this past year(first year in business).I buy al the ECM's that they arnt buying and a few of their customers have even started breaking them down....

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  21. #16
    Tcgs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    exactly what I was going to ask. People that come in only want Rotors, Batteries, A/C Compressors, Alternators Calipers and Cats. Would also love to cash in on stuff like CV shafts and drive shafts. And I dont have the time to mess around with ebay. I'd love to use it, but i just dont have the time.

    and Corycouch, what kind of volumes do you need to deal with RSAcore? do they require a large amount or will they buy, say, lots of 20 of each item listed above? I just found them recently, and wanna be sure I can even deal with them before I contact them

    My D-Shaft and CV are done by local companies. Check them out

    Bills Englewood Drive shaft (Not picky, get 5-15 per driveshaft, depends on if the yoke is staked or not?)
    CVJ Axles Denver Co. (not a very consistent buyer they will turn down stuff)

    RAS core sucks. Sorry, haven't been able to sell them one item. System is difficult

    My Local core buyer is starting to show their true colors as inconsistent.
    I wont give them a shot out, but they have a local buyer in Denver.

    As for Headlamps, bumpers, bumper covers, try a recycled auto parts store, like LKQ or Staidum auto Parts, or adopt a part.

  22. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    you say at the top the right cores, ive had 4 different core buyers come by and never has anyone wanted headlights, cv shafts or drive shafts. I also use rascore and they buy some of the list you have, but mostly calipers, wiper motors front and rear, mass air flow sensors, a few steering racks, computers, radios, and temperature controls. one core buyer did come by and the transmissions I had averaged $50. torque converters are also big to the ones Ive had come by, 10 to 20 apiece

    my question is who is your core buyer, id love to get $20 for headlights without messing with ebay.
    Remember, my headlamp cores are NEW car model,

    Say a right side head lamp for a 2012 Mustang, its in demand right.
    (I usually sell them on CL)
    But that 85 Mustang, might as well scrap the thing...???

  23. #18
    corycouch's Avatar
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    ok thanks

  24. #19
    Focker is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Didn't read through the whole thread.What all are you trying to sale.I buy most auto stuff.Let me know thx

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