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****ty hub assembly. good news its easy to do, i had mine off last year when i did my ball joints. don't go cheap, spicers are good 3 year warrenty and moogs are life time. but cost a arse load more.
just picked up a 03 sunflower in oshawa, got it for 200. i told him if i could drive it on the trailer i'll give him 200. he spent 15min trying to get the key to turn lol....but he got it started with a boost. and got a call from a friend her 02 stana fe is toast. going to pick it up tomorrow. things are moving things are good. specially after that 2 months of trying to scrape together transmission money in the spring.
the E brake was locked right up on the back left tire....i threw it in reverse and stomped on her, it dragged for about 10ft and BOOM, she let go and up she went on the trailer. i was working the truck pretty hard on the way back on the hills making her smoke a bit and my cheap water pressure gauge from TSC I'm using as a fuel pressure gauge kicked the bucket. every time the truck would go into overdrive it would start buzzing like crazy,i had to crack the windows so the tire hum would drown it out lol
Im weary about payin that much for a sunflower or crapalier. You really make enough off em after payin 200, fuel, etc?
Gonna have it into the shop this week to see exactly what it is. Gotta take the truck to sudbury next weekend, dont want issues up there. And my truck wont smoke an ounce. Has a fass HPFP 150. So its gettin fuel. But not a puff of smoke at all. Im assuning its a good thing. Not wastin fuel ahaha sometimes i wish it would though....