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Simple gone! Humans today think they are owed something, for nothing. In part, it is not their fault. IN PART.
There was a generation that was handed tooooo much, because the parents came from so little. While the thought was good, to want to do MORE and BETTER than they may have had, they became "friends" with their children and gave UP being a parent. In the process of wanting to give more...they actually gave less. What they, kids, MY KIDS, need is support, DISCIPLINE and an example of selflessness. An example that others, especially older family members, are more important...than things.
So, while we can blame society, and the world, and the things of this world, (all of which are in part true) I, me, we...need to take some responsibility, for the baton of faith, knowledge, wisdom, and RESPECT, that may, or may not, be passed on to the next generation.
And yes, there are many more factors at play. I am very tired and not sure I am making sense at all. I will leave by saying this...
"live simply, that others may simply live"
I have tried to do that very thing. To be content with much, or little, but to always show respect, and concern, for others. To be a parent, a father, BEFORE... I am a "friend" to my children. (grandkids are exempt HA)
Well, cept when imma pickin on folks here. or in the next room. OK OK so I may go to hell for lyin a little ;-)