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  1. #61
    corycouch's Avatar
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    Aaron, I get lots of these,,, or we'll I did 1st let me say this, never ever sink money into a vehicle you don't plan to keep for yourself. somewhere around you you have a car dealer that likes to fix wrecks or minor mechanical problems, I've got 3 less than 5 miles from my house. That blazer will scrap with my prices after I break it down for $625-650 (body 445, wheels 60, converter 95, radiator wire battery etc). I'd take it to my 3 lots and put it up for $800, I'd let them talk me down to 700 but stop there, the 1st time you give one away they will expect it every time. Pass the problem on make some money but leave them room to make a nice profit.

    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
    c & c recycling
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  3. #62
    sledge started this thread.
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    Thank you sir Cory- Sound advice! I'll look into seeing if I can find a local dealer for just such an occasion next time. Muchas Gracias for the tip!
    I did that recently with a Saturn I had. Calculated the scrap and core prices on it.. listed it on CL AS IS and had it sold for more than scrap price within 24 hours. But I dig the dealer idea for sure!
    Last edited by sledge; 12-02-2013 at 07:06 AM.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  5. #63
    sledge started this thread.
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    Part out has started to gather some steam.
    Thus far Cash in Hand for:
    Both Front Doors
    2 tires off rims that were intended by former owner to put on and never did
    Front Bumper
    Both Headlights

    Leaving it to be parted until Friday.. Saturday she goes to the bone-yard.

    Also am going to try my hand at Ebaying some parts- ECU, Dash bezel, Recovery Hooks, AC Control Unit, Alternator (which is nearly new) Front Door switches. I'll see how that goes as well.
    Last edited by sledge; 12-03-2013 at 07:16 PM.

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  7. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    Aaron, I get lots of these,,, or we'll I did 1st let me say this, never ever sink money into a vehicle you don't plan to keep for yourself. somewhere around you you have a car dealer that likes to fix wrecks or minor mechanical problems, I've got 3 less than 5 miles from my house. That blazer will scrap with my prices after I break it down for $625-650 (body 445, wheels 60, converter 95, radiator wire battery etc). I'd take it to my 3 lots and put it up for $800, I'd let them talk me down to 700 but stop there, the 1st time you give one away they will expect it every time. Pass the problem on make some money but leave them room to make a nice profit.
    you getting over $200/ton for auto bodies right now? envious...

  8. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by CollinsHaulin View Post
    you getting over $200/ton for auto bodies right now? envious...

    This is for the expedition I got Monday minus wheels, cats, and battery

    Edit. Not to hijack but this is a good time to show how accurate hoegh cube display is compliments of johnc4x4

    Last edited by corycouch; 12-05-2013 at 12:51 AM.

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  10. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge42 View Post
    Part out has started to gather some steam.
    Thus far Cash in Hand for:
    Both Front Doors
    2 tires off rims that were intended by former owner to put on and never did
    Front Bumper
    Both Headlights

    Leaving it to be parted until Friday.. Saturday she goes to the bone-yard.

    Also am going to try my hand at Ebaying some parts- ECU, Dash bezel, Recovery Hooks, AC Control Unit, Alternator (which is nearly new) Front Door switches. I'll see how that goes as well.
    There's one part on many vehicles which goes un-noticed and is hard to find when you need one. That's the clutch pedal mount, if it has that. That's one uncommon part that can't be improvised, and sometimes just plain can't be found, and is sometimes the main problem people run into when swapping from an auto to a stick shift.

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  12. #67
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    parting out vehicles is significantly dependent on the vehicle at hand.

    I parted out a 2 door xj for $1000 (I didn't get to keep the tires, and I bought it for the suspension fo the wife's xj), but i only paid $100 because a friend needed it out of his aunt's yard.

    I recently did a 97 Dodge Ram with very little rust (big deal up here). I ended up with over $1200 gross, and I bought it for the tires for my wife's xj (see the connection), and did some trading for some other tools and things I needed (different rims for the tires, ended up with a 2 ton cherry picker, few other things too). paid $400 for that (the tires were worth that price).

    Now, the general manager of where I work was trying to get me to buy the plant superintendent's 96 chevy lumina for $500. This was a fixable ride, but I figured I'd have put $1-200 in parts on it, and several hours of labor between me and a buddy... and could maybe sell it quick for $12-1500. not worth it IMO, because people that buy cars in that price range are a PITA to deal with.


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  14. #68
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well Cars at the yard just jumped to $240/ton here this morning. She's gutted and goes tomorrow. I'll put up some pics of what she looks like now vs when I got her soon!

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  16. #69
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I'm glad now you didn't take my bonfire suggestion.

    Sirscrapalot - I woulda brought the marshmallows!

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  18. #70
    sledge started this thread.
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    Gutted, Parted, and Ready for the yard!

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  20. #71
    SuperDave's Avatar
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    At 240 a ton, can't say I blame you. Thanks for the update!

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  22. #72
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Great end to a giant pain in the butt. Well done Sledge.

    Now take the family out for a nice dinner, get your self some cold beverages an find some more!

    Sirscrapalot - Not only helpful, but encouraging.

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  24. #73
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well if not for the "snow storm" here she was scheduled to go today! I called my 2 yards that I drag too.. both were closing as I called them. Lets hope for a "clear road Saturday" and an END to this CURSED Blazer!

  25. #74
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I do not know what this snow stuff you speak of is.

    Sirscrapalot - 73 an calm sea.

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  27. #75
    jord0690's Avatar
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    I bet you knew I was gonna chime in with the talk of snow. We are forcasted to get squalls all weekend so mother nature should give us a nice dumping of snow! Didnt really wanna deal with my scrap cars this weekend in all the snow but what can ya do.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

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  29. #76
    sledge started this thread.
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    I place the "snow storm" in quotes because around here.. on the news they bring out the neon green grade-school ruler to show you the 3-4" of snow that shuts down EVERYTHING. I grew up in Central New York.. Averages 185" of snow a winter- we throw the yardstick into the snowbank and say "We'll get it in the spring!" I've lived in Indiana for 15 years and it kills me every winter we get even a dusting- and it's the "Snowpocalypse"

    Snow Days in Central NY: When I was a kid we used to wake up- lay in bed listening to the radio- praying for a delay.. or a closing.. we ate breakfast with the radio on.. still waiting.. we took our shower- as soon as we got out we asked "Did we close?" Still nothing. We put on our coats.. boots.. hats.. mittens.. and just as we stepped out the door- kept listening to hear if we had our school on the list. Nope- and off to school we go.

    Snow Days in Indiana: Check the 11:00 News the night before- you may not even have to set your alarm- schools already closed tomorrow!

    I remember one particularly harsh day as a kid- routine as stated above. No delay, no closing. We all went to the bus stop. It was FRIGID out, coldest I ever remembered it in my childhood. I remember having a pair of Timberland insulated boots on.. We stood and stood and waited. My toes were cold.. ok colder.. ok.. can't feel them.. ok PAIN. Bus never came. Ran home.. didn't want to be late- was going to have mom take me. We get to school- they cancelled it- but didn't get the word out fast enough (Really? How is that possible?) Turns out- the diesel fuel gelled up in the busses and they couldn't get em going! They were a hard bunch there- REALLY wanted their state aid! They virtually never closed school.

    So in a nutshell- 4 inches of snow- shuts down Indiana.. I get miffed I can't haul or go places- because everyone closes over the very HINT of snow coming!

  30. #77
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    A sandbar off the atlantic..OBX,NC
    Thanked 8,766 Times in 3,844 Posts live in a igloo, how can you not want to work on your cars in the snow?!

    This is my snow..

    Uploaded with

    Figured you needed something warm to look at Sledge. Just helping ya out buddy!

    An no, I don't know those people. I wanted my shot an they weren't moving.

    Sirscrapalot - I don't have palm tree's.

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  32. #78
    sledge started this thread.
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    Dang SirScrap.. I'd rather be walking in that sand in my bare feet.. than this white wet crap in my boots! I thought I moved far enough away from getting too much snow.. guess I didn't get far enough south!!
    Won't hate on you for being smarter of where to live than I chose! HA!!!

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  34. #79
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    Hahaha yeah right, even us canadians get sick of the cold and snow. I dont mind it if theres lots of snow. Good for snowmobiling. Real excited to get snow this weekend.

    Its when it gets to -25, dry and no snow that makes me mad. Cant do anything!

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  36. #80
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    I dont mind it if theres lots of snow. Good for snowmobiling.
    That is the only thing I miss about "home." Getting on a sled-- in a wide open corn field--- on newly fallen snow--running WFO.. - makes you feel like you are the only person who has ever set foot on that patch of land!

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