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Buying a tow truck

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  1. #1
    deere320 started this thread.
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    Buying a tow truck

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a major question I have. I live in Ohio and I'm looking to buy a tow truck to scrap vehicles with. Before I buy anything I wanted to know if their is any kind of licenses you need to have in order to insure the truck. Iv looked everywhere and I can't find any good information. The websites I looked on only say things about starting a company and what not, which is something I don't want to do. If anyone has any kind of information please let me know as I would greatly appreciate it. The truck is a 1979 Chevy c30 if that changes anything. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    To answer your question - it will depend on the truck itself whether you'll need a CDL. I think you could get up to a 4500 size without one so you wouldn't need one for the C30. But if all you intend to use it for is scrapping vehicles, I'd suggest a tilt trailer with a winch. Cheaper to purchase, license, maintain and more flexible for using.
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  4. #3
    deere320 started this thread.
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    Thanks for the reply! I was thinking of that, but my daily driver, a 2003 f150 with a v6 just won't handle a trailer that well sadly.

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I know over here that most of the "smaller" operations with tow trucks got rid of them because the insurance got so high.
    I would get a quote from your ins. company first to see if you can afford it. If your an independent then I don't think you would need a license. Maybe just a county permit.
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  7. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    As far as insurance on the truck, it'd just be regular liability insurance. Just put a sign in the window "Not for Hire". Otherwise, your liability is sky high plus there'd be what's called "on hook". When I looked into it, it'd cost approx $2,000/mo. The problem will be when the insurance company requires "Business Insurance" and classifies you as a scrap metal dealer (think: stuff blowing off your truck and hitting someone). I don't know what you're insured for now but most people doing this aren't insured for hauling scrap metal.

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  9. #6
    deere320 started this thread.
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    I appreciate all the help everyone! I was really worried about something happening while i had a car on the truck like Mick said. Today I think i'm going to call my insurance company and see what they say.

  10. #7
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    It may vary in your state but I live in Oregon and I have a Freightliner FL60 which is more truck then you will ever need to run scrap with and it doesn't require a CDL! I can carry a total of #25,900 including the truck and if you get one with a wheel lift you can double up and as long as at least one of them has wheels you can drag one behind you. Now you know why you see so many snowbirds driving their spensive home on wheels in the winter time cause it don't take no fancy paperwork.

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