I was just curious what you have found in cars that has been left behind from previous owners? In the past, When theirs not much for me to pull for my own cars/being lazy, I will just grab a trash bag and go on a scavenger hunt in the yard.. Of-course I got permission from the owner and he will often ask to see my booty at the end of the hunt.. I generally like to grab a thing or two as gifts for him, like the book I recently found "The Penny Pinchers Guide" and a handicap plaquer to hang up in his loader (he's getting pretty gold).. I haven't found anything really expensive, mostly just useful car fluids, jumper cables, fuses, little accessories for the car, screw drivers and wrenches and straps and chains.. useful stuff I don't really need but don't want to have to spend $$ on either in case there comes a time when I do need them.
But I think my biggest find in terms of monetary value would have been when I recently hauled a car in for someone and I found that he left a 1922 Silver Dollar.. and a Michigan State Champions Football Ring in the ash tray.. Being a football player myself I had to get in touch with the guy and he was happy to come pick them both back up

- He was a cool guy and I was glad to have returned his stuff, I knew he forgot it by accident.
Whats some of the things you have found? I've heard stories of people finding items from old revolvers to hundred dollar bills, and even sex toys!