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  1. #1
    WoodmanYoel started this thread.
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    Vehicle & Previous Onwer Artiffacts

    I was just curious what you have found in cars that has been left behind from previous owners? In the past, When theirs not much for me to pull for my own cars/being lazy, I will just grab a trash bag and go on a scavenger hunt in the yard.. Of-course I got permission from the owner and he will often ask to see my booty at the end of the hunt.. I generally like to grab a thing or two as gifts for him, like the book I recently found "The Penny Pinchers Guide" and a handicap plaquer to hang up in his loader (he's getting pretty gold).. I haven't found anything really expensive, mostly just useful car fluids, jumper cables, fuses, little accessories for the car, screw drivers and wrenches and straps and chains.. useful stuff I don't really need but don't want to have to spend $$ on either in case there comes a time when I do need them.

    But I think my biggest find in terms of monetary value would have been when I recently hauled a car in for someone and I found that he left a 1922 Silver Dollar.. and a Michigan State Champions Football Ring in the ash tray.. Being a football player myself I had to get in touch with the guy and he was happy to come pick them both back up - He was a cool guy and I was glad to have returned his stuff, I knew he forgot it by accident.

    Whats some of the things you have found? I've heard stories of people finding items from old revolvers to hundred dollar bills, and even sex toys!

  2. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Can I use impounded vehicles that end up auctioned/abandoned due to the owner unable/unwilling to pick it up from a impound lot? If so..I'll just say everything. Sex toys, porn stashes, money(cash an coins), tools, cleaning supplies, etc. I always hated taking the stuff, but it was free game once considered abandoned due to the fees, etc. I got over it tho, figure if the stuff is important the people wouldn't have been driving drunk(normal reason), or whatever caused them to get arrested an have their car impounded. That's the evil bastard again in me I guess. It was us take the stuff, or throw it all away. I'm not the kind to throw away 3k in tools, 100 bucks in clean supplies, etc.

    Lesson here..if your going to do something with your car that you end up arrested an unable to pay your fines, don't have stuff in the car important to you. Cause once you decide not to pay the fees, the guys at the tow yard will put your car up for sale, an take your crap inside.

    Sirscrapalot - It's a cold cruel world out there, but lest it's a tad warmer on my sandbar.

  3. #3
    Damotademon7's Avatar
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    ^^^^^ my favoret cars. You can find some great stuff in them. I've found newer GPS units, Craftman tools, lots of money, a couple nice Diamond rings,The newer style iPods , IPhones , nice break barrel pellet rifle.

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  5. #4
    sledge's Avatar
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    Dang.. you guys find awesome stuff. I've never found Ipods, GPS units and the like. Usually I find garbage.. a few cool things here and there. To the senior members here you've already heard this one.. but its a good one. My very 1st car I ever snatched had an overly "religious" theme to it- bibles, church bulletins, and even sermons on tape.. in the car and the tape deck. And then low and behold.. I find a VIP key.. to a strip club. I dang near lost it at that. I think I still have the key just so if anyone called B.S. I could show them!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  7. #5
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge42 View Post
    Dang.. you guys find awesome stuff. I've never found Ipods, GPS units and the like. Usually I find garbage.. a few cool things here and there. To the senior members here you've already heard this one.. but its a good one. My very 1st car I ever snatched had an overly "religious" theme to it- bibles, church bulletins, and even sermons on tape.. in the car and the tape deck. And then low and behold.. I find a VIP key.. to a strip club. I dang near lost it at that. I think I still have the key just so if anyone called B.S. I could show them!
    That's definitely not one I'd call BS on. In fact, in my experience, occurrences like this are more believable than ever.

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  9. #6
    sledge's Avatar
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    HA! I do still have it. The back side of the key is engraved "BRANDY'S" which is a show club here in Indy!

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  11. #7
    WoodmanYoel started this thread.
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    Obviously he was there to do the lords work

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