The transmission problems are straightforward--it started to not want to move. You had to rev it up a lot to get it moving. Once under way, it seems to shift ok. It didn't take long before it wouldn't move at all. That seems to point at the torque. But doesn't the torque oil circulate through the transmission as well? Or am I confusing the operation of a heavy equipment torque with an automotive torque? Also, even if it is the torque, you gotta drop the transmission on the ground to get at it...why not have a look at the tranny at the same time?
The oil smelled burnt before it started its problems; we dropped the pan, and changed the oil and filter pickup. I doubt it was changed since new, and has 175K km on it now. It started the problems after this and we are wondering if the pickup dropped off the intake--it is just a friction fit. Because the wife had a mail route and my pickup was also on blocks we were forced to continue just using it. We tried making sure it was full of oil so if the pickup was leaking it would still get oil. No change.
By the way, it's a 4 door 4x4. We bought it about 3 years ago, paid way too much for it, so I want to fix it up so we can use it to get some of our money out of it. My wife quite likes it...
I don't have any problem pulling it and stripping it. I'm a pretty methodical guy and will get the appropriate manuals beforehand. I understand GM has a pretty decent rebuild manual for the transmission...?
Thanks for all your responses--they help!