The other thing to consider is the size of the scrap yard parking lot. I have scrapped things right in the parking lot. Lots of strange looks, but the profit margin more that makes up for it. If I were to do this, I would drill holes in the aluminum at the corners before getting to the scrap yard. When I got there I would take the sawzaw out and cut the aluminum out in sheets and place it on the back of the truck for a separate trip across the scale. If there was a line to the scale I would cut out the copper, but most motor homes use plastic for their plumbing.
Another option is pull off the hiway onto a side road and remove the battery, radiator, alternator, etc. and throw them in the back of the pick up. If the sheriff stops, explain that you were not comfortable with the load and just checking to see what was wrong. They appreciate your concern and will not bother you. We are in different worlds, but this strategy would work here.