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Man I need a place to really "work" on the cars I get. I never check them out like you guys do and I often get a little upset when I crush something and don't make much of a return on it. I'm sure I've sent some good speakers away. I need more time with these buggers to figure out there secretes! I did score a couple 8ft sections of 2 gauge wire from a pair of buick lesabre's - took me a minute to find the **** battery but once I did i noticed the cable. I'll be using these to run to the 12v quick disconnect on the front and rear of my pick-up for my receiver mounted winch - if I find another one i'll definitely be taking the cable =)
I work on the car- on the trailer. Once I pick-up, she isn't coming off that trailer until the big CLAW at the yard clamps her roof and flicks her into a big pile of shred like a ragdoll. I was out gutting the aluminum wiper motors, wiring, taillights and spoiler off a car yesterday.. in the rain. I won't melt.. and the return on investment should be awesome. So even if you don't have a garage to work on these cars.. it's no biggie.. more about letting the $ drive you to your goals. I've been out in the heat, the rain, the freezing arse cold, snow-- you name it.. When there is cash to be made. I'm there- no matter the weather!