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    jmerritt started this thread.
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    What am i doing wrong to get junk cars????

    ok got ad up on craigslist and i'm getting calls. but when i get a call and they ask me what i will give them for there junk car? i look up the curb weight x what the price they're getting at the scale -100. and seems like there answer is ok thanks or they say they will call me back = no thanks in my mind.
    for example this morning got a call for a 98 seville. looked up the curb weight which was 4,000#. my yard gets $205 a ton right now. so $205 x 2=$410-$100=$310. so i told the guy i would give him $310 for it. his reply was ok thanks then hung up the phone. to me that means no thanks!

    i'm getting tired of my car trailer sitting in the yard empty not making me any money!
    last year i got into junk cars late in the season but made some money. so far this spring i only found 1 car so far and that one i found on craigslist! for the most part nothing!! so what am i doing wrong? anyone have an idea? be honest because i'm trying to learn from it so i can make some money.


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  3. #2
    sledge's Avatar
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    I remember not so long ago I was in your same predicament! I looked out the window.. I saw that trailer that I had put so much time and money into-- waiting to begin to recoup my investment. I was itchy.. and to make matters worse- the dude up the street was hauling in cars 2 and 3 A DAY.. I was furious! I know that feeling of "I just want 1.. 1.. ONE Dang car!" Keep planting seeds- keep using CL to hunt.. but seek alternatives as well.. let people know what you scrap.. and that you DO scrap.. Heck I'm now just as happy to put 1800lbs of stoves or refrigerators on that trailer that were given to me.. as I am a car I find, gut and scrap. Keep swinging man.. eventually. you'll fill that trailer.. maybe not in the time-frame you desire.. but somehow I have grown to be fine with getting what I can.. when I can. I'm Zen about it!

    P.S. Do NOT be shocked to find out down the road that those calls- are just your competition calling you to see what YOU pay. I've baited them too. I took down a list of every "I pay CAAASH $ for cars" guy in my area. I then plopped a car on there at a cheap rate.. Phone rang off the hook.. got the names of darn near ALL of them! Keep those Phone numbers and hunt your CL area- bet you dollars to doughnuts they are your competition!
    Last edited by sledge; 05-11-2014 at 08:26 PM.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  5. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I never wait on calls.........I go out and get what I want or need.............Don't do cars to much competition so I focus on ewaste which nobody wants to put the time into.......Fill that trailer full of towers and it will be worth more than a car........Depending how old the computers are it could be worth 1000's in resale value............Just my opinion from a guy who has done both.............GOOD LUCK AND KEEP SCRAPPING

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  7. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    You may need to consider paying what you would get at the scale then the extras that you strip off would be the profit. Not many cars around Denver for less then $400.

    Like Sledge said, I use my trailer and winch for much more then cars.
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  9. #5
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    You're in a rural area. Have you tried stopping at farms or anywhere you see an obviously abandoned car? When my business gets short, I'll do those stops. I do find though that the farms with the most rusty machinery and vehicles are belonging to a hoarder who won't part with ONE THING !! I have friends like that who I've known all my life. The guys are in their 70s and have TONS of stuff they'll never use but won't part with a thing.

    I was fortunate to fall into a job recently and hauled many loads of bigger stuff from the outside, but a 150 ft building is full of this kind of stuff from an estate. (Pic below). Much will go to scrap. You might consider scrapping from buildings also. Don't just concentrate on cars. I helped gut a doctor's office last fall. Much copper and even useable wood products. Not many of us can handle a job like Patriot is doing, but there are smaller ones that you'll come by.

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  11. #6
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    I got into buying cars last year. Found out real quick that the profit margin wasn't worth the effort. The only way to make a good amount of profit was to sell parts. I wasn't interested so bought and sold enough to pay for the winch I'd bought and quit trying for them. If someone calls me with one, I'll make an offer. Usually they'll have gotten a better offer and that's fine.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  13. #7
    jmerritt started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge42 View Post
    P.S. Do NOT be shocked to find out down the road that those calls- are just your competition calling you to see what YOU pay. I've baited them too. I took down a list of every "I pay CAAASH $ for cars" guy in my area. I then plopped a car on there at a cheap rate.. Phone rang off the hook.. got the names of darn near ALL of them! Keep those Phone numbers and hunt your CL area- bet you dollars to doughnuts they are your competition!
    ya thats kinda what i have suspected here lately.

  14. #8
    beardo's Avatar
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    What am i doing wrong to get junk cars????

    Referrals are the the best way to generate customers. Referrals are the goals of any large corporation. Pay people for every car they send your way. Make sure your mother's cousins step brother has your cards. Everyone at your church, local bar or kids school knows what you do. There are hundreds of ads on craigslist but when someone says "Why don't you call my buddy he hauls cars" your going to get a call.
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  16. #9
    jmerritt started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    You may need to consider paying what you would get at the scale then the extras that you strip off would be the profit. Not many cars around Denver for less then $400.

    Like Sledge said, I use my trailer and winch for much more then cars.
    i mainly do junk vehicles. but i do metal and aluminum as well when i get the opportunity. just picked up 2 push mowers,and about 10 pieces of the old 50's style metal gutters. just tossed the mowers in my scrap pile for time being till i can get around to them to check and see what kind of condition they are in.

  17. #10
    beardo's Avatar
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    What am i doing wrong to get junk cars????

    What I mean by pay people is every time you buy a car give them a card and tell them; "anyone who gives me your name and I get a car from, I will pay you 10$"

  18. #11
    jmerritt started this thread.
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    i just took in last years stock pile. had 2 batterys,3 converters,pile of aluminum,little bit of copper.
    what i ended up with was-
    clean shred scrap 1,331#=$136.43
    catalytic converter (1)=$31.00
    catalytic converters(2) $64 each=$128.00
    no.2 copper 2#=$4.34
    yellow brass 1#= $1.53
    aluminum 101#=$45.45
    electric motors 62#=$9.30
    batteries (3)=$20.00
    all said and done ended up with $378. needed the money so i took in my stock pile from over the winter.

  19. #12
    cgraz1187's Avatar
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    You need to figure your best and worst case scenario on the vehicle and price from there. A 1998,Seville would bring $470 scale price here, plus $56 aluminum wheels, and a $160+ converter. So if I were buying that car I would price anywhere from $425-475 picked up.

  20. #13
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    Jmerrit, I've never bought anything in 5 years of doing this. I haul strictly on shares....50/50. There may be more competition in your neck of the woods, but there are established scrappers around me and I'm busier than they are. Seems like they've been dishonest in their dealings and the word spreads. Once you establish yourself as an honest hauler/buyer/whatever, you will get more business. Good feedback travels as well as does the bad. If you're able to load them, look for collections like you see in this picture and go for it, but don't take those out of Stormin' Norman's dancehall.

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  22. #14
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    Jmerrit, I've never bought anything in 5 years of doing this. I haul strictly on shares....50/50. There may be more competition in your neck of the woods, but there are established scrappers around me and I'm busier than they are. Seems like they've been dishonest in their dealings and the word spreads. Once you establish yourself as an honest hauler/buyer/whatever, you will get more business. Good feedback travels as well as does the bad.
    I've done this as well. Gone for the Split. I do the haul, Gut and core.. I keep receipts and show him the final turn in on all materials- give him his 1/2.. everyone is happy!

  23. #15
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    Lately hauling appliances and scrap in general has been pretty good. I've made an extra 300$ a week for 3 consecutive weeks with FREE scrap! Only time and fuel spent. As for a vehicle there is almost always an initial investment. Sometimes scrap is easier than doing a car, but I'll take what is available. Pickers can't be choosers. Now back to painting and repairing my car dolly, I've got cars waiting!

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  25. #16
    jmerritt started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    but don't take those out of Stormin' Norman's dancehall.

    thats what i been trying but around here they seem to hang on to them even if they don't run or drive why i don't know.
    ya i could not do that to Stormin' Norman's cars! there to nice to do that with.

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  27. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDave View Post
    Lately hauling appliances and scrap in general has been pretty good. I've made an extra 300$ a week for 3 consecutive weeks with FREE scrap! Only time and fuel spent. As for a vehicle there is almost always an initial investment. Sometimes scrap is easier than doing a car, but I'll take what is available. Pickers can't be choosers. Now back to painting and repairing my car dolly, I've got cars waiting!
    SuperDave: You and I must have been separated at birth! Yup.. Last thing that got ran in on the trailer was 1800lbs of FREE appliances. I'll take $200 bucks for free ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!

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  29. #18
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    Man oh man you have to pay for cars to get cars in most areas.Them days of getting cars for $200 is long gone in most places.LIke i always say you have to pay and if you dont want to pay then you wont get nothing.
    I will tell you i do this for a living and never by from people i buy strictly from auctions and pay more than most but i make good money doing it.I will list the last 5 i bought and the profit i made.
    2002 ford taurus 425 2 honeycombs 55 or so each
    2002 dodge intrepid 475 2 wire 45-50 each
    1995 jeep cherokee 355 after market converter 7
    2001 ford taurus 475 honey combs 55 or so each
    1993 buick lesabre 355 gm 108 i think
    2000 dodge durange 425 chrysler 80 or so i think.
    2001 chevy impala 384 empty converter
    Plus the batteries and aluminum wheels and alts.
    I made around $900 that week.

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  31. #19
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    Man oh man you have to pay for cars to get cars in most areas.Them days of getting cars for $200 is long gone in most places.LIke i always say you have to pay and if you dont want to pay then you wont get nothing.
    I will tell you i do this for a living and never by from people i buy strictly from auctions and pay more than most but i make good money doing it.I will list the last 5 i bought and the profit i made.
    2002 ford taurus 425 2 honeycombs 55 or so each
    2002 dodge intrepid 475 2 wire 45-50 each
    1995 jeep cherokee 355 after market converter 7
    2001 ford taurus 475 honey combs 55 or so each
    1993 buick lesabre 355 gm 108 i think
    2000 dodge durange 425 chrysler 80 or so i think.
    2001 chevy impala 384 empty converter
    Plus the batteries and aluminum wheels and alts.
    I made around $900 that week.
    I was just at our areas largest auction. Its twice a month. 700+ vehicles. Had a large drive through building, 3 lanes with continuous bidding. Not one car went for less than $700 bucks. A 1999 dodge caravan was the lowest at $700. Plus 10% buyers premium! It was nuts. One truck was an 07 silverado. 289k kms on it. Auctioneer didnt know where to start. He obviously starts high at 15k. No bites. 14k nothing. 13k still nothing. So he says OK where do you want to start! Someone yells "11k!" He was the only bid. Not one other interested person. He started the bid way too high and payed way too much. Plus he had the 10% buyers premium! I can get the exact same truck, just as clean, with 100k less kms for right around 10k. And no premium. So auctions here arent a great place to get scrap!

    Edit: A 2008 silverado with almost 150k LESS kms went for the same price as the 07! But it started at 4k. And went up from there. People who start bids high arent too bright IMO. Start low and go from there. The fact nobody else even touched that truck at 11k tells you something LOL
    Last edited by jord0690; 05-12-2014 at 08:26 PM.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
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  32. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    Man oh man you have to pay for cars to get cars in most areas.Them days of getting cars for $200 is long gone in most places.LIke i always say you have to pay and if you dont want to pay then you wont get nothing.
    I will tell you i do this for a living and never by from people i buy strictly from auctions and pay more than most but i make good money doing it.I will list the last 5 i bought and the profit i made.
    2002 ford taurus 425 2 honeycombs 55 or so each
    2002 dodge intrepid 475 2 wire 45-50 each
    1995 jeep cherokee 355 after market converter 7
    2001 ford taurus 475 honey combs 55 or so each
    1993 buick lesabre 355 gm 108 i think
    2000 dodge durange 425 chrysler 80 or so i think.
    2001 chevy impala 384 empty converter
    Plus the batteries and aluminum wheels and alts.
    I made around $900 that week.
    So you figure curb weight and converters then battery and other non-ferrous is profit?

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