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Thoughts on a Ram B1500 Starcraft Van? - Page 2

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  1. #1
    matador's Avatar
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    That's the reason I kept my box van as long as I did.

    I could have $10,000 of computers in there, or an old sofa. Nobody knows. Overloaded? The DOT won't notice as you drive past. Carrying valuable? Who knows.

    Nothing blends in better than a cargo van.

    matador: "Just a common man. I drove a common van."

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    SuperDave is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I really like that van and the 318, I would be jumping on that all day long...Can't see how you could lose money on that thing.
    GO FOR IT, I would most definitely
    My Grandfather owned 2 of them, they were "Pleasure Way" and had the slightly wider extended body, his last one had the 3.9, had trouble getting acceleration on the highway. They move a lot of air but this one's got the 318 jump Sledge jump on her!

  4. #3
    sledge started this thread.
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    Crawled underneath it this afternoon. Frame looks solid EXCEPT up by the front bumper. I've posted pics here. I just can't make up my mind.. now seeing this Rot.. I'm really thinking his amount is higher than I want to pay.
    Did an ECM check as well. To get a reman one- already programmed $170 bucks.
    If I buy one off a junker and have it "flashed" the "Flash" is $98 bucks.
    So About $170 ballpark to replace the ECM.
    Still pondering this one!

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  5. #4
    matador's Avatar
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    Go with your gut and never look back.

    Can you part the van out if need be? If so, what would you get? If you can sell the parts and not lose money, it may be something to look into. If you have a $700 van, and use it for a year, and then sell the engine and transmission (And other stuff) for $700, you have a free van. If you can't, you have my 1997 E350 box van that was a rusty money pit that you hate looking at.

    Only you can determine whether you can profit or not.

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  7. #5
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    The one I got from ebay was flashed and ready to go. From the time I opened the box, to a running truck, maybe 10 minutes. Also has a warranty, but that's only as good as the company.

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    sledge started this thread.
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    Well bad news on the ECM. At lunch I pulled the part # and went to Ebay. Pre-programmed reman on Ebay will cost me about $360-$400. Told the guy I can offer him $300 cash for it. But I'm not sinking $550 +$400 for the ECM. I'll probably look to see if I can sell the engine. 5.2L V8 with 103K miles on it, it runs strong and well.

    So the offer is on the table at $300 bucks and a part-out would be coming up.. if the dude takes the offer or not- we shall see- he is currently "Thinking about it"

    Appreciate the thoughts gents. And ALL the info. Rarely am I ever on the fence with vehicles. I REALLY wanted this one to be a hauler for me.. sadly, doesn't look like that scenario will work out!

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  11. #7
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    Well bad news on the ECM. At lunch I pulled the part # and went to Ebay. Pre-programmed reman on Ebay will cost me about $360-$400. Told the guy I can offer him $300 cash for it. But I'm not sinking $550 +$400 for the ECM. I'll probably look to see if I can sell the engine. 5.2L V8 with 103K miles on it, it runs strong and well.

    So the offer is on the table at $300 bucks and a part-out would be coming up.. if the dude takes the offer or not- we shall see- he is currently "Thinking about it"

    Appreciate the thoughts gents. And ALL the info. Rarely am I ever on the fence with vehicles. I REALLY wanted this one to be a hauler for me.. sadly, doesn't look like that scenario will work out!
    My local yard sells a ecu for $40 . I would buy it if I were you . That's a steal even at $500 . I could prob get you a ecu if you go for it matador don't laugh . I just bought another ford pick up , went full size on this one gna throw a cap on it and just use it for storage untill the weather is better and I can comfortably work on it outside . It does not need much but it's in the garage untill spring . I bought mine for less than my last 2 loads of shred . So I will always smile when I look at it .

    On a side note I was at the junk yard local pick and pull today and froze my bum off got some great stuff including a side view mirror and a bunch of interior parts for my project car . Most of my local yards have complete make and model lists online to save you the walking back and forth and up and down . Good thought for anyone to save them some time in he cold
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  13. #8
    Scrappah is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    That does look kind of rough with the rust and all. Does the steering or front end tie in there anywhere ? Is there any chance of welding in some new metal ?

    It might sound crazy but a combination of new metal & expanding foam insulation (to fill the void) might stiffen it up to a point where you could get a couple of years out of it. I wouldn't load it to heavy is all. Maybe 50% of it's rated load ?

    It was kind of interesting when you mentioned the third connector socket of the ECM. Those two halves of an electrical connector really need to be as weather tight as possible. Get just a bit of moisture in there and the corrosion creeps into the metal parts of the connector. After awhile the corrosion will even start to creep up inside the insulated wire.

    Ever stripped out automotive wire and instead of bright & shiny it looks black or green with oxidation ?

    I would check out the circuit board on the ECM. Those things are pretty well made. If you don't see any burnt spots on the board it might be that the ECM is okay. It's possible that it's only the electrical connector that's bad.

    Just a few thoughts:

    1: NAPA & Rockauto sell all kinds of replacement electrical connectors. They might have one listed for your ECM.

    2: I've heard that you can have ECM's tested just like you would test an alternator,starter, or battery. That way you know the part is bad before you replace it.

    3: It's been a few years but i believe there is a company on-line that specializes in the repair/re-manufacture of ECM's ? Might be worth checking out. Their prices didn't seem all that bad.

    4: You might try Googling " Free Candy Van " and see what that turns up.

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  15. #9
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    Up here a junk yard would sell it for about $25. -$50. and used ones are already flashed, aren't they? At least if it came off the same type of vehicle.
    I've never paid over $15. for any parts that I've gotten there. Heck one day I pulled some brand new front brake pads (both sides) to put on my Taurus and when I went to pay, the boss said to forget it. I can't get any better than that.
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  17. #10
    matador's Avatar
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    If it doesn't work out, there are cargo vans all over the place. I'm thinking of getting one, but I'll cross that bridge later.

    Wait for a government auction, and you'll have a huge selection.

    Or, just hang around near schools. There are always vans there!

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  19. #11
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well now here is the kick in the head. I sent the guy a text and made my offer. He is "thinking about it" and yet the van is literally sitting outside on the street in front of my house.. I don't own it, can't mess with it.. since it isn't mine.. so for now.. there she sits.. waiting for the deal to be struck. ARRRGH!

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  21. #12
    matador's Avatar
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    Run up to it and whack the side with a hammer. The value will decrease to your level!

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  23. #13
    saturninin is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Sledge I don't remember where exactly you are... But I know these are the 2 yards I've used in Indy... Both have search engines

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  25. #14
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well we shall see if I can land the van.. It may be advantageous to take a trip to the "you-pull-it" yards. See what they have under the hood.
    Looks like each around here may have 4 vans each.. only one has the year van.. and obviously the motor must match. A lot of these vans have 3.9L motors which won't work. So I may have to do some digging around.

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    I have nothing against someone who can make a Ford work. I've just been burned twice, and haven't been burned by a Chevrolet. It's luck of the draw. I can tell you about my Fords, though. Both have very interesting stories.

    If you can pay cash for a truck and get use out of it, you've done well in my book.

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  29. #16
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well as much as I try to be positive.. this story ends on a sour note.
    The night the guy drove it to my House (Thursday Night) he said "Well do you mind if I park it in front of your house, I can't park it back at my old house.. it has to be off the property."
    I said "Sure"
    It had current plates on it and I figure it sitting there it would solidify the deal.. He would have it gnaw at me, and I would be doing him a favor of allowing him to leave it there.

    After running the Part # for ECM and finding out it would be a $400 part.. I offered the guy $300 cash. He said he would think about it. This was Friday morning.
    I didn't hear from him at all on the offer--other than he got the offer and he would "think about it and get back to me later"
    I came home at lunch today (Monday) off the jobsite and there were 2 women sitting in the van.

    I immediately called him and said "Do you have anyone checking on the van.. there are two women sitting in it!" He says "Oh yeah that is my wife and mother-in-law"
    I figured they were taking the van. I finish my lunch and go outside- a man and his girlfriend pull up and take the van for a test drive, the wife and mother-in-law stand on my lawn shooting the poop.

    I came home- van gone. So they must have struck a deal.
    So no creepy van for Sledge.
    Last edited by sledge; 11-24-2014 at 12:23 PM.

  30. #17
    matador's Avatar
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    Sheesh! He should have been nice to you for all that you were willing to put up with!

    You'll find another rusted van someday. Just check near the elementary schools!

  31. #18
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well I knew it could have gone either way. He could have said "Ahh.. I don't care.. I'll take the stinking $" or "Thanks for the offer- but no deal"

    But my thought is- if you think my offer is bunk- then tell me it is "not acceptable" and move along- and your van along too. Don't just leave the thing in front of my house for all my neighbors to start asking me "Whose van is that" or "Do you know whose van that is?" As I got both those statements this weekend!

    Don't let the thing sit there, with me waiting for an offer to be approved or shot down- while your wife and mother-in-law stand on my lawn and use it like this is "Chuck's Used Car Lot"

    Would have been nice to know he thought my offer was crap.. then I could have said "Ok my man.. appreciate your time.. now the van can go away"

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