Well bad news on the ECM. At lunch I pulled the part # and went to
Ebay. Pre-programmed reman on Ebay will cost me about $360-$400. Told the guy I can offer him $300 cash for it. But I'm not sinking $550 +$400 for the ECM. I'll probably look to see if I can sell the engine. 5.2L V8 with 103K miles on it, it runs strong and well.
So the offer is on the table at $300 bucks and a part-out would be coming up.. if the dude takes the offer or not- we shall see- he is currently "Thinking about it"
Appreciate the thoughts gents. And ALL the info. Rarely am I ever on the fence with vehicles. I REALLY wanted this one to be a hauler for me.. sadly, doesn't look like that scenario will work out!