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Here in Ontario? Or elsewhere?
Do they play BINGO.
You wouldn't want to cut my grass son, after I sold the crane truck I went out buying just the cats from the junkers at $20.00 for a full one, $15.00 for one with some comb missing ad $10.00 for pre cats.
If you don't own GPS I suggest you buy one this way you can find the reserve roads and long driveways will show a house or building eliminating the need to travel a dead end road also once you've cleaned out a property you can mark a way-point onto your GPS so your not calling back unnecessarily.
I'm using a Milwaukee sawsall with fireman blades on a 4500 watt pure sine inverter this will get most cats but for the odd vehicle your going to need a cutting torch.
Before you light up that torch be sure to rake out any dead grass and leaves from under the car or van and bring a fire extinguisher large enough to put out an accidental fire. I'f I have a fire on the car I'll toss dirt on it to smother it out, the sudden rush of loose dirt thrown into a small fire will momentarily starve it for oxygen - never panic.
Always aim for the base of a fire, I have on occasion had to use my jacket to whack out a grass fire.
Another trick you can try, shut the torch off then give the oxygen trigger a quick shot of pure oxygen to the base of a small fire, how this works is actually pretty cool.
With the shot of pure oxygen at the base of the fire will cause it to flare up. Then once the oxygen is quickly consumed the flame from the fire tries to retreat back to the consumable material there is no path for the flame to follow back to the source so you have a flame out.
If you catch a plastic fuel line on fire - run like hell.
If you think this is a line of BS just ask Red Adair a well known name when a oil well catches fire only he uses explosives to starve a fire