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I have more faith in my SMF'ers then I do
Hence why I'm asking here.
Sirscrapalot - SMF'ers....that could go either way.
I hear you on the trying to buy a quality pump on eBay.
I tried telling my bud, but I think he got hit in the head with a cheap metal folding chair and tossed out of the ring a few times to many.
He would just chew his chaw, drool a bit and say "are we getting anything done" in a squeaky gravely voice that goes up and down depending on how excited he gets.
That is the problem with quality made items. Because the demand is so much higher then the supply of good used or NOS, you end up coughing up the cash for the proper new replacement part.
But you never know, you might just find a pump in a haystack as it's much bigger then a needle,lol...
I have them but the haystack is bigger then I care to search.
That is the thing with childhood dreams, you chase them until the day you die. I'm still working on mine.