That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I went through the inspection manual for this state to see if i could figure out a way of unraveling this mess. If one were to make up a checklist there would probably be at least sixty things that need to be checked over before passing a vehicle for inspection.
The worst part is that if you are going to run an inspection program every one of those items is necessary. Anything less ... some lawyer out there will sue the state because their client was hurt in a vehicle that passed inspection. ( This happened here and the wrongful death settlement was large. )
There's really no middle way of moderation to keep things from getting out of hand. It's either all in, or , completely out of the motor vehicle inspection business.
The big thing is the underneath. An older car might look great and drive fine but that's misleading. You don't see it for what it really is until you put it up on a lift and go through the checklist.
Most of the time it would cost more to fix than it's worth.