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  1. #1
    ScrapCatalysts started this thread.

    Member since
    Jul 2016
    Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts

    Regarding RCF matting contained within scrap catalysts.

    Afternoon gents,

    I'm not sure on the situation in the US but overseas we've just discovered the RCF matting contained within certain catalytic converters is carinogenic.

    Basically when you cut a cat maybe 3 out of 10 times you will see what looks like cotton wool / fibreglass or the likes. It's like a white fluffy cover that coats the block of the catalytic converters. Dodge this stuff like the plague and be sure to dispose of it properly.

    In the UK it is now recognized as a category 1b carcinogen with properties similar to asbestos, so make sure you've got your full face masks on! One of the more worrying things we're finding is that whilst the environment agency was kind enough to let cat refiners know where they stand, the people who re-map in garages etc haven't been informed.

    Even though a lot of people are wary of the cat dust in general I just thought I'd make this post to let people know where they stand.

    Take care guys.

    Last edited by ScrapCatalysts; 07-06-2016 at 08:45 AM.

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