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If i were going for the axles, i think i would just block the truck up and cut the U bolts with a grinder or a torch. Seems senseless to destroy the rest of the truck when you could possibly part it out for better than scrap. If it's one of the later versions of the M923 it's got a nice turbocharged 6 cyl diesel under the hood. There's the auto tranny, frame, cab, body parts. If the truck were low hours / low miles you might be able to double your money by parting it out.
It's a medium duty truck but it's got that nice 6 x 6 feature. Not many trucks have that. One half truck / one half tractor / built for battlefield conditions. Why not use it in the way it was intended ? It would be a fairly decent woods truck. If it was the long wheelbase version with a box ... it would be a decent delivery vehicle in the remote areas of Alaska. A 6 x 6 short wheelbase would be great for plowing the main roads with. Rig it up with a 10' front plow & and an 8' wing plow ?
It's a lot of bang for the buck in the 6 - 12 k price range. Can you imagine what it cost Uncle Sam to buy one new ?

Gotcha. That was kind of what I pictured doing anyway, until it was suggested I take it to a yard whole. (Man that would be convenient though).
That said, I'm leaning more and more to keeping it. They are incredibly capable trucks, I'm a bit of a hobbyist with them anyway! I think now the only reason I'd chop it for the axles is if my state starts refusing to register former military vehicles (it happens in some states). At that point if the frame is gone/scrapped I think one can legitimately argue the vehicle "doesn't exist" anymore, if that ever becomes needed, though I doubt it will.
And arguably their bang for your buck ratio is huge, absolutely massive. They cost the American taxpayer $75,000.00 when new...I kid you not, this is an actual statistic I have read!
Originally I wanted one bone stock as a mud toy, I've just considered using the axles much more recently.
Re: good delivery vehicle, etc. if I keep it I would make it my daily driver. I kid you not. May need a Class B but I don't care.
I was just thinking scrap if I did part it out since geographically it might not be as easy to sell parts and if I didn't have a secod one like it I would have no use for a parts truck...hence asking the scrap metal experts what they would do.