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Since these vehicles have a ladder frame, the cab and the majority of metal will come off with the frame. You can still remove the box in one piece even if it is fixed. The secret with using the shear to avoid damaging the axles is to shear the frame front and back of each axle. You will need a torch to remove the extra metal from the axle. The easiest way to shear off the axles is to turn the vehicle upside down. A good operator will not have any trouble salvaging the axles. Do not be surprised if the yard wants the metal for removing the axles.
So what a good operator would do is tear the cab off, possibly tear the bed off, tear the cowl off, pull the motor off, throw it upside down and chop up the frame between each axle for me? I'm fine with that...think they would also torch the last of the frame for me?
And yeah, I could see them just wanting the metal for the extra effort, or at least at a reduced payout.
Or would they flip it upside down whole (doesn't matter, if it's getting scrapped anyway) and shear things out with the truck on its side? Cab etc hypothetically doesn't matter in this case, it's all being sheared in theory.