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  1. #21
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    Thanks Bigblue12v, and great advise both on the cat and the shocks. Yes this trucks has plenty of pulling power it is a V8 but i think im going to take your advise on the shocks, i could buy a 3/4 ton truck but my wife wont understand you know how women are so i think i will just get a set of Firestone Ride-Rite air bags like you said. Can you tell me where is i can purchase them for $250 and is there a standard size for all trucks or do i need a spefic one for a dodge dakota. I know nothing about these kinds of things, as you can probably tell by looking at my suffering truck.

    Last edited by Ptscrapper; 11-28-2011 at 06:59 PM.
    “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”

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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ptscrapper View Post
    Thanks Bigblue12v, and great advise both on the cat and the shocks. Yes this trucks has plenty of pulling power it is a V8 but i think im going to take your advise on the shocks, i could buy a 3/4 ton truck but my wife wont understand you know how women are so i think i will just get a set of Firestone Ride-Rite air bags like you said. Can you tell me where is i can purchase them for $250 and is there a standard size for all trucks or do i need a spefic one for a dodge dakota. I know nothing about these kinds of things, as you can probably tell by looking at my suffering truck.
    I had a V8 ext cab like yours but a 99 and they tow hard. I had 8000 lbs behind it one time! it was just a stopgap tow rig for me until I got my two cummins trucks but it did the job for the few months that I used it. Best part? I only had about $1400 into it and sold it for 3K. I love craigs list deals. Like PTS said you just have to have internet on your phone and jump on deals when you see them.

  3. #23
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    PT, you might also consider a set of load leveler bars for a camper style hitch, you just snap the bars onto the aframe of the trailer frame. I posted pic's in another thread.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #24
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    Ptscrapper them van cats can be a pain.Try to unbolt the converter from the manifold it is a 12mm or 13mm socket.If that don't work get a 9in sawzall blade and cut the top and a angle about half way through.Once you get that far take a long bar and put in the end of it and then bend it back and fourth and it will break loose.

  5. #25
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    Bigblue if you want to buy cars way out you have to have a way to haul 2 at a time or it is not worth it unless you can make $150 off of one.

    Also you have to pay high for them yeah you don't make as much but the key word is make.You are still making some which alittle is better than a 9 to 5 job.
    If you need help pm me what car you are buying what converter is on it and if it has aluminum wheels on it and i can tell you what you could give for it and what you should make.

    Hell i pay $500 for say a taurus.To make any kind of money you have to pay for it man sorry to say.

  6. #26
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    Hell i pay $500 for say a taurus.To make any kind of money you have to pay for it man sorry to say.
    The neighbor let a 98 Taurus go to the yard for 325(blown motor). I bought the brand new tires off it for 100. before it went bye-bye.

  7. #27
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    How can someone pay $500 for a taurus and make money scrappin it? Unless maybe you're parting it out first? If that were the case I could it, I rekon. Still don't think I'd give quite that much for one tho. But that's just me.

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  9. #28
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    My local yard is paying $250/ton for complete cars and $180/ton stripped out. So I couldnt pay $500 for a car and make any money ither without trying to part it out first. Still havnt done a car yet still trying to find a $200 car on CL to try my first one out on.

  10. #29
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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    Focker, what are you getting per ton? Here in town is 230/Ton but I won't deal with them anymore than I have to a sloppy yard and royal pain to get them to unload you or do anything. They take more breaks than state highway or road construction crews!!! I drive 25 miles away for $240/ton and killer service. By the time I drive 20 miles to get the car and 20 miles back then another 50 round trip to the yard, I've got almost 100 miles in it at 12 mpg and $4 a gallon it's hard to pay top dollar and come out ahead. And cars with cats are only about 1 in 3 here core buyers are on every corner and no one sells a junker with a cat intact unless they are clueless about cars and even then most the time the cats been stolen off it already by thieves. Cat theft is an everyday thing here. I am pretty good about paying high and still making money but I can't work any cheaper than I already do or I'd be working for free.

  11. #30
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    Ok a taurus weighs about 3200lbs I get 265 per ton or .1325 per pound.So thats $424 dollar for the car and you tell me you cant make money.Man you all need some car buying tips lol.

    I do the car thing for a living i have made a ton of money this month
    Last edited by Focker; 11-30-2011 at 06:49 PM.

  12. #31
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    So blue if you buy a taurus at 500 let me see what you would make.Yeah it is not worth you giving that much for one.About 450 is it for u blue.

    man your dodge only gets 12 mpg time to sale that thing and buy you a newer one or do a few things to that one to get better mpg thats for sure.

    Mine gets 15 on a bad daily mostly 17 then 19-21 on the highway at 75

  13. #32
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    So far the most ive paid for a car or maybe i should say a vehicle is $400 but it was a great big white chevy 250 work van that still ran but had a bad tranny and weighed 5500 lbs i think i got about 630 bucks from the scrap yard or a lil more and i didn't even cut the cat off(i know im stupid but i was just getting started then)

  14. #33
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    O.k. so you're saying you make a $74 profit. You still gotta subtract your fuel and labor/time and maintenance cost from that. At the end of the day, where is the profit? I'm not seeing it. If you're taurus is weighing in at 3200 lbs then it's not being parted out. I've scrapped more than a few cars myself and I know I wouldn't pay that much for one. I'm just not seeing any profit margin. What am I missing here?

  15. #34
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    You missing alot.You give $500 for it and it brings $424 cat $100 thats $524 wheels $60 there is $584 batt and alt your at $600 so u made $100 off of it.Oh yeah plus seeling the used tires for $20 thats 620 so u make $120

  16. #35
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    Can we get this thread back to the topic of how to advertise and/or find cars to scrap?
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  17. #36
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    The best place I've found for cheap cars are demolition derbys. I put the word out last fall at the local derby that I'd buy whatever was left of the car after the derby for $100 and ended up with 5 of them.

    Sometimes you score, sometimes you don't. You can also find them setting in yards too.

  18. #37
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    Blue man we need to hook up so i can start buying more cars in your area and you can haul them.We need to work something out

  19. #38
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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    Focker I'm all ears, need the work. I've been spending the slow time getting the truck setup as a mobile command center and shop on wheels. Stripping cars on the go has never been a problem for me and is now even easier! I'll call you tomorrow (Sunday) mid or late morning.

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