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You hit a nerve with this one - what happened to diesels!? They used to be the engines that would still be running at the end of time...now they're fragile, electronic toys that kids plug their iphones into to make them "roll smoke". The 7.3 and the 5.9 12 valve seem like the last real diesels...sure the new ones can run a 13 second quarter mile and you can run the radio and AC while doing it...but **** they're complicated!!
Sorry...derailing my own thread
I'm with you on that...I am running a old ford 7.3....thinking of changing her heart to the 5.9 12 valve but...not sure.
I just love the old diesels...they do what you ask, they will not stop running, they will run on just about any oil you can find lmao and...they JUST WORK.
I have thought about getting a newer truck...better fuel mileage but...I don't think I want a truck that will take some rocket science to work on them.
P.s rolling the smoke...is a good way to **** the truck up...talk about blacking the motor inside out with crap that will take your hp to hell.