Guys and Gals last week I sold all the aluminum I had laying about from this yard, then today had to go over to the other house which we just sold to clear out some of my junk when I came across an aluminum manifold and a water jacket from an old Case diesel engine.
Combined I'm guessing they weigh no more than 30 lbs, before I pull the pin of you guys I;m going to show you all how to turn that 30 lbs into $300.00, I figure my foundry sand is good for a couple more runs and I have 30% propane fuel left in my big tank and one small silicon carbide crucible left to use.
You'll have to give me a couple of weeks, right now I'm busy with my platinum blacks washing out excess zinc.
Patterns, well I'll be the fist to state what I know you could stuff in a thimble. But you need a pattern to cast right so here's how you go about getting that pattern buy if off of
I cast fishing weight molds, and there's a reason why. I takes money to be able to deep sea fish so this is the market I targeted. Bought my first mold off of ebay then modified it by sanding out the rough spots and parting lines then giving it some draft 3% is all you need to be able to release the pattern from the sand.
Somewhere on the pattern drill a 1/4" hole then thread if, after the pattern has been compacted into the sand you screw in a rod into that 1/4" hole which you can gently tap on all sides then lift the pattern out of the sand leaving a perfect imprint of the copy behind. Any small bits of sand that fall into the cavity can be gently blown out using a drinking straw.
I'll do a complete picture expose from start to finish, it would be nice if admin would allot some space for those pictures relieving me of the responsibility of baby sitting them for the rest of my life. Previously a folder in photobucket was deleted which had pictures and mov files related to scrapping all were lost.
Just saying as I think it in the memberships best interests to preserve the forums content, as this will be my last contribution to the forum before I go photography full time. I'm tired of telling stories reliving the past when a whole new world awaits me to discover.
I may have commented that my bank account was sitting with $7.00 in checking after I had the truck safetied, here's how it went afer.
1. Paid off credit card used to pay remainder of insurance then plated my Dodge.
2. Bought that crappy trailer from Jack, had $500.00 into it before returning it to Jack.
3. Little Dipper Loader, had radiator repaired.
4. John Deere riding mower.
5. 8 x 10 wide format camera.
6. 4 x 5 wide format camera.
7. Mega Vision digital scan back for the 4 x 5 camera.
8. Sony A900 24 mega pixel digital
9. HP Z3200PS wide format 44 inch printer.
10.Milwaukee Sawzall
11.Milwaukee Angle Grinder.
12.A pair of HP Workstations
Spent thousands of dollars in fuel, the only repair to the crane truck was a water pump.