Welcome back, I will look forward to reading more awesome posts from you in the future.
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Welcome back, I will look forward to reading more awesome posts from you in the future.
Load weighed 7680 lbs, then on the way home had DOT follow me for a couple of miles, my guess is that he radioed in my plate number checking to see if I was out of my territory, I'm only good for a 150 km radious from home base.
Some good and bad points of dealing with Jack, I weigh my own loads at a remote scale about 1 mile from Jacks yard which is available 24/7, I can bring in loads anytime day or night and have use of the laoder to offload and he pays cash.
The down side is that Jack will not accept cars that I have stuffed for extra weight and I have to slice a hole into the fuel tanks which is not an issue.
I'm using a pnuematic chisel with a panel cutter with an airline tapped into the air reservoir on the truck.
Now to hijack my own thread, found this Maytag twin cylinder engine on the way home, I always try to take a new route every trip.
What would you reckon that went on? There's a 36 stationary hay baler here, the motor has a similar foot pedal
must been one hek of a machine ; )
Good to have you back Gus.
Nice to have you back Gus. Love the rig.
Nice payday. I wonder why the government is sooooo restrictive in your movements,150 radius? Here we have to pay road use taxes in each state. Mike.
Picked this gem up a few minutes ago about mile and a half from my place, 1952 Pontiac, 6 cylinder flathead engine with a 3 speed standard transmission. Floor is rusted ight out, the engine still turns over.
Can you imagine cranking down the straps on a present day car and what it would do to its flimsy body?
The newer cars squash like sardine tins, on my last truck I used chains and come alongs to cinch the load down I could compact the first two cars enough to fit a third. By the way straps for hauling scrap cars is not legal, I still need to get some transport grade chains.
This load is leaving the yard later this evening, inbetween the two cars I have sandwiched two large engines.
While I was loading a guy pulled into the yard telling me that he has a couple of anhydrous ammonia wagons with tanks on them plus some house trailer frames already cleaned off.
Gus, how many cars do you have sitting around your yard?
I had three, one left., I'm on a small acreage with river frontage at the rear of the property once I get organized no cars will be coming off the truck. I did these as a special favor, one guy had two cars in the way of where he wanted to park an RV for when his kids visit.
Where the Pontiac was sitting the guy wanted it gone so he could till the ground for a garden, otherwise those cars would have sat until my tuck was road legal.
Here is the funny part, the first two cars another guy gave me directions with instructions, 3rd house from the end of the road. Sure enough no one home and a pair of Ford Taurus's sitting behind the house. I was told this job had some urgency so I load the cars and leave for home. Later that evening some guy I've never seen before is yapping about two cars that are still there,
Opps wrong cars, should have entered the road from the other end for a proper count 3rd house. So I nip on over and meet the neighbor, luckily she wanted the cars gone but did not know who to call. To say the least she was surprised when she came home from work and they were gone. I paid her up his afternoon so all is well.
That is a crane in front of the bed, yes? How much can it pick up? Is it operational? Mike.
The crane is factory rated to pick up 7,000 lbs, if you like to live dangerously you can tweak it to pick up much more by cranking in the pressure relief valve. On this crane found it not necessary. If I have a heavy lift, just add some extra RPM.
Normal crane operation is at 1,000 engine RPM, for those extra heavy lifts 1500 RPM boosts the pump pressure enough to get the job done. The outriggers will extend an additional 3 ft this keeps the truck from tipping when picking heavy loads.
Where the Pontiac was sitting the ground was soft and had some overhead electrical wire much to low for the truck to pass under so I winched the scrapper a couple of hundred feet under the low hanging overhead wires onto firmer ground. There's a 10,000 lb hydraulic winch mounted on the crane with plenty of cable wound on the drum.
I've owned 2 Hiabs, my last crane was an Atlas, this Palfinger out performs them all.
Additional features, I have tapped into the air reservoir and carry an air line with some pneumatic tools, a good 1/2" impact and my favorite air chisel, under the passenger seat I've installed a 2500 watt pure sine inverter.
Left to do, install my 45 watt led work light.
That is a serious labor multuplier. Being able to work independently is great, keeps the profit where it belongs, in you pocket, Mike.
While loading this junker found I had a massive hydraulic oil leak, must have caught the winch line on the safety valve bending it. Anyhow I got a nice shower of oil.
Below the car picture is the safety valve.
I live and work about 30 minutes from Tiffin Loader Crane if you ever need me to hop over and pick you up a part! LOL! They make some cool trucks with those cranes attached. I just toured the factory!
I have BOXES and BOXES of straps that the old man wants me to sell. I think he wants like $10-20 each for them and they are the BIG Semi Tie Down straps...in case anyone is looking.