Someone asked when I would expect an assay, There wont be one, I have decided to process in house.
Those of you that are following this with interest it is advisable to download the concentrate images which will make it easier to compare differences. The 1rst lot was grey, 2nd was near black, 3rd is chocolate.
The following cons are from left overs before we moved, I had cemented each pail using iron so there's plenty of rust in each pail. Using the centrifuge rust is lighter and passes over the bowel along with the water to tailings.
This afternoons run the cons are predominantly copper with traces of precious metals which give the copper that nice chocolate colour. Today's cons are drying out, I'm curious to see the colour when dried out.
To conserve on acids this lot will be cast into copper anodes then processed in a electrolytic cell, by the time I have finished casting anodes from the various ash lots I may end up with over 100 lbs. Trust me when copper is in this finely divided state as powder it gets very very heavy taking up little space.
If you tried to lift a 20 liter pail full to the top of copper powder you would pull the handle off trying to lift it.