My deal with Jack is based on trust, I weigh my loads on the fertiliser plant scale and keep track of the weigh tickets myself when I off load my cars at Jacks set them off to the side so that he knows they're mine.
First load in today while on the loader a guy popped into the yard and told me to go an pick up a chevy 1/2 ton at one of the Industial buildings a few doors down so I nipped on over with the loader and grabbed it. Since Jacks yard is closed Saturdays, I could very easy have kept this as my own and Jack would have been none the wiser, but its not how I do business.
If jack had a scale at the yard I would drop my loads after hours and let hime run them over the yard scale in the morning, when I lived in BC I would drop my cars outside Amix's gate at night with my initials painted on a door, this is not a new concept.
The yards are notorious to screw someone over who is only bringing in the odd loads or small loads using a car or light pick up truck not someone who hauls in regular.
Sure I have to agree the guys with small loads are also making the yard money but the handling time is more nusiance and costly over larger so who are you going to cater to.
Historically its a well known fact the guys hauling in with cars and light pick up trucks are not in for the long haul. They're vehicles are ill equiped for the task of hauling heavy loads and soon end up in the scrap pile. Most guys get a few tickets for being overweight then toss on the towel on hauling scrap, I'm no were near my legal weight and prefer hauling in the evenings the D.O.T can always find something on an older truck to give a ticket for.
The guy pulling a decent trailer shows some initiative, chances are he'll get the same type of service that I do with the same priceing, now if I had a tractor trailer rig the local yards would be paying me a better price than I'm now getting.
In other words the equipment you using speaks volumes for you. A 3 ton truck only puts me middle of the road but its all that I care to invest into this business as my game plan is not going after hoards of farm scrap it's cars I'm after and this truck suits the purpose.
Started off explaining my business relationship with Jack and get into writting another book, bottom line it's based on trust. Jack is free to pull anyone of my loads to run over the scale to check my weights as I his should he ever get a yard scale.
The highways dept provides my with free scales as a commercial truck I'm required to pull into them, all I have to do is write down my front and rear axle weights then add them up to know within 100 lbs what my load is. I also keep record how much my truck weighs empty.
I've told you guys before always get a tare weight of your empty truck and trailer, post these numbers on the truck and trailer along with the gross vehicle weight.
Here are the weights of the loads I hauled in since starting this thread.
Pat has the weigh slip for my first load filed, any how I received just over $500.00
Then I have an additional
8980 lbs
6424 lbs
6140 lbs
4900 lbs
2640 lbs
Not bad for the first week grossed $2681.30 and used $400.00 worth of fuel. And had a splended meal at Mr. Ribs
By taking different routes home secured 4 more cars and a swather which are near Jacks end of my run.
Next on my To Do list is replace the 5 hp electric motor on my air compressor so that I can use my plasma cutter. Went through two motors over the winter months before I wised up and changed the oil in the compressor to a lighter oil. Next winter the shop will have heat so this problem will not happen again.