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  1. #161
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Frank I would love to show up on your stoop one day for a visit, but I have the Undesirable Alien designation and can not cross the 49th. The last time I did over some day old baby chicks ordered from Murray McMurray Hatchery hatchery i was sent a bill for $6,000.00.

    When the chicks arrived at the US post office they had phoned me to let me know, I had a brand new 93 Dodge 4x4 with the Cummins diesel and thought I would go and pick them up, the border guy asked for my D.L. the headed back inside his shack to call it in. Knowing the gig was up made a U-turn back into Canada so as not to loose the truck that I had only had for a couple of months and paid $36K cash for it.

    From the Canadian side called a cab on the US side to pick up 400 baby chicks to bring over to Canadian customs, it was a funny event as the US guy could see me waiting then when the cab arrived he was gawking through his field glasses over at us unloading and loading the box's into the truck.

    Yea I left the D.L. behind, all I got in the mail was the notice to pay $6,000.00 for the illegal entry.

    In your travels or maybe even in the dark recesses of you shop you may have what I'm looking for, it's a manual coil winder for winding the coils inside an electric motor like the one on this page Motor Winding Machines, Manual Motor Winding Machines, Motor Winding Arbors, India
    Last edited by gustavus; 06-09-2012 at 04:59 PM.

  2. #162
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Another funny twist of fate, when I was 16 years old and had my first street legal car, a 55 ford with a 272 cid overhead valve engine, 3 speed standard with 411 gears got my 1rst speeding ticket in the USA and a lesson in geography.

    The border guard thought we meant Vancouver Wash, when we really meant that we were heading to Vancouver B.C., the three of us dumber than a sack of hammer heads.

    Me and a buddy went from the lower mainland to Penticton to see the babes on the beaches then going back home made a wrong turn ending up at the US border crossing the guy asks us where were headed we say Vancouver and he lets us pass.

    As were booting it along I soon notice were heading south towards the Grand Coulée Dam so I make a quick u-turn then passing through Tansaket Washington get tagged for speeding.

    The fine is $85.00 I don't have the cash and the Sheriff tells me that he will hold me until someone comes down to pay the fine when I begin to laugh he asks me what is so funny. I tell him that my old man is not the type of guy to come and bail me, if he locked me up I would be there for a long time and that he should keep the car until I came back to pay the ticket.

    His reply was that the car was not worth the price of the ticket. I told him it was to me, he cut me loose. My fist job working in a cannery stamping the size of the peas onto the box as they passed by on a never ending conveyor belt. Fist payday I'm out of there heading back up to get my car.

    That car was soon to be the first ever I sold as scrap, one night me and the bud managed to fill the tank with diesel then engine ran like crap then eventually quit, the next day another friend with a 59 Chevy pushed my car for miles before it got warm enough to ignite the diesel. It barely ran long enough to make it to the scrap yard when I got onto the scale the scaleman asks me what I have and I say your looking at it.

    I had a love hate relationship with the old Ford every time you hit a bump or went over a set of RR tacks the vibrator tube from the radio would fall out then roll around on the floor. The first weekend I had it burned a set of tires off.

    The best part about buying that car was the look on my fathers face when he looked out the bedroom window at 5 am and here I am washing this darn car on our front lawn.

    My father was well aware that he had a rebel on his hands, I've had my own pre paid funeral plot since I was 8 years old. The old man was hedging a bet that he lost my plot remains unused.
    Last edited by gustavus; 06-09-2012 at 05:55 PM.

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  4. #163
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Frank I would love to show up on your stoop one day for a visit, but I have the Undesirable Alien designation and can not cross the 49th. The last time I did over some day old baby chicks ordered from Murray McMurray Hatchery hatchery i was sent a bill for $6,000.00.

    When the chicks arrived at the US post office they had phoned me to let me know, I had a brand new 93 Dodge 4x4 with the Cummins diesel and thought I would go and pick them up, the border guy asked for my D.L. the headed back inside his shack to call it in. Knowing the gig was up made a U-turn back into Canada so as not to loose the truck that I had only had for a couple of months and paid $36K cash for it.

    From the Canadian side called a cab on the US side to pick up 400 baby chicks to bring over to Canadian customs, it was a funny event as the US guy could see me waiting then when the cab arrived he was gawking through his field glasses over at us unloading and loading the box's into the truck.

    Yea I left the D.L. behind, all I got in the mail was the notice to pay $6,000.00 for the illegal entry.

    In your travels or maybe even in the dark recesses of you shop you may have what I'm looking for, it's a manual coil winder for winding the coils inside an electric motor like the one on this page Motor Winding Machines, Manual Motor Winding Machines, Motor Winding Arbors, India
    ROFLMAO, 6,000 for a bunch of chick's. I bet the guy never forgot your face.

    I haven't seen one of those manual winders in years. But for all I know I might have one at my shop. I'll look around and also make some inquieries for you.

    Another funny twist of fate, when I was 16 years old and had my first street legal car, a 55 ford with a 272 cid overhead valve engine, 3 speed standard with 411 gears got my 1rst speeding ticket in the USA and a lesson in geography.

    The border guard thought we meant Vancouver Wash, when we really meant that we were heading to Vancouver B.C., the three of us dumber than a sack of hammer heads.

    Me and a buddy went from the lower mainland to Penticton to see the babes on the beaches then going back home made a wrong turn ending up at the US border crossing the guy asks us where were headed we say Vancouver and he lets us pass.

    As were booting it along I soon notice were heading south towards the Grand Coulée Dam so I make a quick u-turn then passing through Tansaket Washington get tagged for speeding.

    The fine is $85.00 I don't have the cash and the Sheriff tells me that he will hold me until someone comes down to pay the fine when I begin to laugh he asks me what is so funny. I tell him that my old man is not the type of guy to come and bail me, if he locked me up I would be there for a long time and that he should keep the car until I came back to pay the ticket.

    His reply was that the car was not worth the price of the ticket. I told him it was to me, he cut me loose. My fist job working in a cannery stamping the size of the peas onto the box as they passed by on a never ending conveyor belt. Fist payday I'm out of there heading back up to get my car.

    That car was soon to be the first ever I sold as scrap, one night me and the bud managed to fill the tank with diesel then engine ran like crap then eventually quit, the next day another friend with a 59 Chevy pushed my car for miles before it got warm enough to ignite the diesel. It barely ran long enough to make it to the scrap yard when I got onto the scale the scaleman asks me what I have and I say your looking at it.

    I had a love hate relationship with the old Ford every time you hit a bump or went over a set of RR tacks the vibrator tube from the radio would fall out then roll around on the floor. The first weekend I had it burned a set of tires off.

    The best part about buying that car was the look on my fathers face when he looked out the bedroom window at 5 am and here I am washing this darn car on our front lawn.

    My father was well aware that he had a rebel on his hands, I've had my own pre paid funeral plot since I was 8 years old. The old man was hedging a bet that he lost my plot remains unused.
    Those chick's just keep you in trouble don't they?

    See if you knew then what you know now you would have saved that old 55. But oh no you just had to start a career with it..

    If you wouldn't mangle them up so much I would get you to keep some of those rat rod project's you get.

    Let's hope that plot stays empty for a long time to come.

  5. #164
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Frank the quality of life ended some time ago for me, I'm 62 years old now, have some old neck injury where my right hand goes numb and a find myself dropping things unexpectedly then to top it off have L1 and L2 vertebrae shot in my lower back which affects my right leg. Now if only I would be blessed with an early pass or Alzheimer's.

    If I live to a ripe old age my remaining days will either be spent totally bed ridden or a wheelchair, in any event the folks here at the scrap forum will soon tire of me.

    I did notice the other evening that a University from Canada is offering online courses, I could become a career student or I could always write that book everyone is telling me that I should write.

    Anyhow I've known about the medical problems since my early 20's and had plenty of time to adjust to the facts.

    Arkansas is a long ways to ship a rat rod, if it would not cost an arm and a leg would gladly gift one to you for all the help you've been to me over the years. I have an mid 70's either a Firebird or Camero coming up soon, not sure what engine it has. I once owned a 77 Firebird with the BB 400 bit its not something I would like to replace.

    From the many cars and cycles I've owned over the years there is only two that I wished I still had, my 47 Hudson and the 37 Indian.

    A buddy acquired the Indian and when I first seen it I saw my name written all over it, just had to have it.

    I had just recently married and we had very little in the way of furniture well after cutting a deal for the Indian had even less furniture as most of it was included in the cash / trade deal made on the bike.

    Now that is true love.

    Frank almost forgot I got a call this evening to pick up an older Buick GTS 2 door HT the original engine was replaced with another then when it died was also removed so currently the engine bay is empty.

    The original engine has been laying in his daughters back yard under and old hood for years, I've been instructed to pick both up. I'll send you some pictures of the car, floor and rocker panels etc.

    If there's no takers I'll offer the posi and instrumentation and consul up for auction.
    Last edited by gustavus; 06-09-2012 at 08:27 PM.

  6. #165
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Frank the Buick GTS is the same as in this picture, If I remember correctly it may have the Hurst slap stick or ratchet shifter whatever one preferred to call them.

    Last edited by gustavus; 06-10-2012 at 04:33 AM.

  7. #166
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    OK I lied the car is a 1968 Rivera GS , you could save this car from hitting the scrap heap.
    Riviera GS

    The Riviera GS was a high-performance version of the Buick Riviera, produced from 1965 through 1975.

    In 1965, it was called Riviera GranSport and the later models were still officially called Gran Sport but showed GS badges instead of GranSport. Unlike the mid-size GS models, the Riviera and Wildcat GS package included a standard 3.42 positraction rear axle until 1973. The 1965 (and optional in 1966) Riviera GranSport also came with a 425 cubic "Super Wildcat" engine, with dual carbs and dual snorkel chrome air cleaner. You could add H2 option (Ride and handling package) for even better road handling. Shorter gear ratio for steering, 1 inch lower suspension.

    Last edited by gustavus; 06-10-2012 at 10:51 AM.

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  9. #167
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Last edited by gustavus; 06-10-2012 at 10:39 PM.

  10. #168
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    007 the hunt for a coil winder is off, I just purchased these off of ebay. Coil Wire Winding Mold Single Phase & Three Phase Coil Winding Head Holder | eBay

  11. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    007 the hunt for a coil winder is off, I just purchased these off of ebay. Coil Wire Winding Mold Single Phase & Three Phase Coil Winding Head Holder | eBay
    Glad you found the winder I haven't had any luck looking for one. I love the pictures of those old cars. If you happen to find an old Shelby mustang let me know. I don't think that is a bd price on the ebay with the condition that thing is in.

    And you over staying your welcome,,,,,ROFLMAO.... I keep telling you that is all in your head, You do that to yourself and need to stop it you are always welcome.

  12. #170
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    Glad you found the winder I haven't had any luck looking for one. I love the pictures of those old cars. If you happen to find an old Shelby mustang let me know. I don't think that is a bd price on the ebay with the condition that thing is in.

    And you over staying your welcome,,,,,ROFLMAO.... I keep telling you that is all in your head, You do that to yourself and need to stop it you are always welcome.
    Closest I've had to a Shelby is a Mustang II Cobra with an HO 5 liter, 4 speed with a posi and spoiler and the hood scoop, sold what I could then crushed the rest.

    Yea I think my starting bid is on the money, but I bet it does not get a bid, I've had an offer from my Kijii ad for a $1000.00, if the car is a Stage 1 the carb sells at $500.00 the twin beak air cleaner couple hundred, then I have the posi and some other small parts, so it looks like this car will go to the scrap yard after I pick her bones clean.

    Started my day by going to a shop next Village over to get some fuel line to replace a leaker on my Dodge, ended up buying 30 cats for $20.00 each from the guy then went further west to another large town and bought a John Deere riding mower with low hours on it for $800.00

    The Native dude wants my old mower, he's using filleted Perch for payment plus a bit of cash.

    When I got home mowed 2 acres of lawn, ate my supper then replaced that leaker fuel line, almost finished but dropped the ratchet somewhere on the lower part of the engine cant get my big mitts in there to feel around after coffee Pat is going to fetch.

    Oh yea the guy that I bought the cats from has a 59 Chrysler that I could have at scrap price, it has the big fins and a 383 cubic inch engine. No continental kit on the trunk or rear bumper. Floor is totally rotted out, so I'm taking a pass.

  13. #171
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    It's so nice having my Dodge back on the road, made a short trip to pay for a couple of cars then stopped at an abandoned house, well not quite. The house went back for tax;s owed and the R.M. owns it.

    The R.M. has quit a few vacant lots and some with houses waiting for offers, anyhow I'm interested in one of these that has the river at the back door, stopped to have a peek and found this ice cream pail full of old buttons. No I do not sew or knit.

    Here's a completed auction with similar buttons that sold for $375.00 HUGE MIXED SEWING BUTTON BUTTONS LOT 25LBS 1 DAY ONLY! | eBay

  14. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Closest I've had to a Shelby is a Mustang II Cobra with an HO 5 liter, 4 speed with a posi and spoiler and the hood scoop, sold what I could then crushed the rest.

    Yea I think my starting bid is on the money, but I bet it does not get a bid, I've had an offer from my Kijii ad for a $1000.00, if the car is a Stage 1 the carb sells at $500.00 the twin beak air cleaner couple hundred, then I have the posi and some other small parts, so it looks like this car will go to the scrap yard after I pick her bones clean.

    Started my day by going to a shop next Village over to get some fuel line to replace a leaker on my Dodge, ended up buying 30 cats for $20.00 each from the guy then went further west to another large town and bought a John Deere riding mower with low hours on it for $800.00

    The Native dude wants my old mower, he's using filleted Perch for payment plus a bit of cash.

    When I got home mowed 2 acres of lawn, ate my supper then replaced that leaker fuel line, almost finished but dropped the ratchet somewhere on the lower part of the engine cant get my big mitts in there to feel around after coffee Pat is going to fetch.

    Oh yea the guy that I bought the cats from has a 59 Chrysler that I could have at scrap price, it has the big fins and a 383 cubic inch engine. No continental kit on the trunk or rear bumper. Floor is totally rotted out, so I'm taking a pass.
    Yea I know what you mean about having your truck back mine was down last Monday and Tuesday. The gear on the distributor shaft stripped and I had to get an new one put in. It's a shame the floor is gone in that car.

    Ok you are double posting tonight, you ust be off your meds..
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  15. #173
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    So what would you guys do if someone offered you a job at $22.00 hr for the fist eight hours then time and a half after that with $100.00 a day living expenses.

    From the short time I've put into hauling scrap this year have already grossed $13,750.00.

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  17. #174
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    That's a $70k a year job without taking into account any overtime. Down here in TX, you'd lose roughly a third of that to federal taxes (no state income tax here), plus another 8.25% for sales taxes on practically everything except food.

  18. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    So what would you guys do if someone offered you a job at $22.00 hr for the fist eight hours then time and a half after that with $100.00 a day living expenses.
    Is the overtime actually available? or does it only happen once in a while?
    To me, this makes the difference, because when im in the zone, i can work long hours and get a lot done. I like to have the option to work more if im ready to do it. Thats why i scrap now, because the 9-5 just isnt enough.
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    I quit a job similar to that to scrap. Although it was pretty much unlimited OT and no per deim.

    Keep scrapping. More fun and less people uphill of you when the "crap" starts flowing.

    Although you didn't mention the nature of the job.

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  21. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    So what would you guys do if someone offered you a job at $22.00 hr for the fist eight hours then time and a half after that with $100.00 a day living expenses.
    From the short time I've put into hauling scrap this year have already grossed $13,750.00.
    A lot depends on the type of job and if you would like it, if you hated it it wouldn't matter if they paid you 40 an hour, you'd still be miserable.
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  23. #178
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Gus and his crane truck will soon be parting company, I've grossed $19,000.00 of which I now have $4500.00 in the black with 95 cats waiting to be processed through the ball mill then added to my accumulated lot.

    I've pretty much have my local area cleaned up of scrap cars now the farmers are hitting me with farm scrap,for example dragging an old swather or baler home then spending two days cutting it into smaller bits then reloading to maximize my load is not being very constructive with my time when it only takes me a few minutes to load a couple of cars after removing the cats.

    Another PINTA that Native landfill site full of white goods, buying that trailer from Jack wasted money as I have also decided to pass on the white goods. I'm into the tailer for $500.00 with two payments owing. I'm going to return the tailer, and eat the 5.

    I have a huge pile of scrap that I purchased last year the pile is mostly large brake drums it seems that I'm not able to find the time to remove the scrap so I'm going to wholesale it to Jack and have his crew remove it. Yea I have considered doing this with the Native white goods but dealing with Indians the politics can get in the way, better to let sleeping dogs lay.

    This whole project was geared around cats and it has come to my attention that I'm able to buy cats wholesale further afield where the scrap value of the car is near nil because of logistics.

    Soooo were going on a road trip, years ago photography was a hobby that I was heavily into. Just long enough to find out what my subject interests were before trading off my Mamiya for an electric guitar for my son. No the boy never became a Rock Star, he excelled with an old Radio Shack computer purchased at yard sale that came with all the popular programing languages. My son works as a drafting engineer using CAD whatever that is.

    Unbeknown to me working with cats would one day rekindle my interest in photography, it was the platinum in the cats. This round going 8 x 10 inch large format using platinum salts to make contact prints. Since I'm going to be on the road anyhow figured why not kill two birds, buying cats and keeping an eye open for that million dollar shot.

    Yes platinum and palladium as salts are light sensitive and were used in photography long before silver came into use. If you care to learn more just google platinotypes or platinum prints.

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  25. #179
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    Can you get enough volume in cats to justify doing road trips?

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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    Can you get enough volume in cats to justify doing road trips?
    It's a gamble I'm willing to take.

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