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  1. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Good thing I had a spare, just about finished relocating the replacemnt motor which this time is mounted from the side keeping it nice and dry. Instead of being direct coupled to the motor it's now belt driven.

    Came if for a coffee break, then back out to the shop to finish cutting in the slots for the motor tightener then weld a bracket for the controller.
    I feel that is the way to go with it.
    We buy electronic scrap, Gold Karat scrap, gold filled, refined gold, silver and many other item's.

  2. #442
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    I feel that is the way to go with it.
    The new set up is actualy working better than I originally had it.

    Barren do you care to venture a guess as to the metal in the tan streaks in picture number two below.

  3. #443
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    Incinerated IC's come out as black ash, this is the concentrates I'm getting from my ash, should make a very nice button.

  4. #444
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    From the first picture this is the black colour of incinerated IC's the second picture same colour after being run through the centrifuge - black.

    Discard trash no value.

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  6. #445
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    A ton of motherboards whittled down to 6 lbs.. I'm guessing your looking at a tad over $10,000.00 in that plastic tub.

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  8. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    A ton of motherboards whittled down to 6 lbs.. I'm guessing your looking at a tad over $10,000.00 in that plastic tub.

    How long before you will know?

  9. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    The new set up is actualy working better than I originally had it.

    Barren do you care to venture a guess as to the metal in the tan streaks in picture number two below.
    I would say there is a good possability that it is gold.

    I like that motor set up better.

    Excellent job.

  10. #448
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    I would say there is a good possability that it is gold.

    I like that motor set up better.

    Excellent job.
    Yes I would agree the tan streaks are gold. another observation I made as I neared the bottom of my tub about the last two inches of mud there was a major colour shift as the tan material begun to disappear from my cons recovered from the bowel. It would appear whatever is laying near.the bottom of the tub is heavier than gold.

    I'll be spending sometime this afternoon re-running the spent material ( tailings ) through the centrifuge or better put my lack of experience on operating the centrifuge missed any cons.

    Metals I expect to recover from the cons.

    Silver, Gold,Tantalum, Germanium, Palladium, Platinum, will send the dregs out for assay to see what is left.
    Last edited by gustavus; 02-09-2013 at 08:04 AM.

  11. #449
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    How long before you will know?

    Been at this project two years already so there's no rush on my part, one thing I've learned over that period is that the price of precious metals keeps going up.

    In truth maybe a month or two, I would like some hard cash to purchase a milling machine, maybe have a new water well drilled. A man has to look after his priority's.

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  13. #450
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    I sent some pictures of the tan coloured cons to a friend who has advised me not to send this material to a refinery but to process in house. When this friend gets excited I listen up.

  14. #451
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    Gus, is that estimated $10,000 yeald from 2000 lbs of computer mother boards alone. if so, then, would the yeald from server M boards be much greater. and what % i=of increase would you expect from ram ?
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  15. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Gus, is that estimated $10,000 yield from 2000 lbs of computer mother boards alone. if so, then, would the yield from server M boards be much greater. and what % i=of increase would you expect from ram ?
    No some comm and hybrid boards tossed in for good measure.

    Yes that is an estimated value leaning towards the low side, I actually think I'm being rather conservative, as for yeild of servers , ram and telephones I'm clueless on these matters.

    Due the nature of how chips are manufactured do not even want to venture a guess.

  16. #453
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    ok thx. a lot of private home processors prefer ram over any thing else @ $17 a lb so I figure there has to a lot better yeold.

  17. #454
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    ok thx. a lot of private home processors prefer ram over any thing else @ $17 a lb so I figure there has to a lot better yeold.
    As your aware my mind is all over the map, everything from building a car trailer to buying the crane truck then hauling cars for a summer then into photography now back to precious metals. I believe they call it attention deficit.

    Anyhow my veiw of e-scrap is that you have to treat the material as if it were ore - same as if you had mined it from the earth.

    The older e-scrap is considered high grade ore, my centrifuge has proven this to me.
    Last edited by gustavus; 02-09-2013 at 02:05 PM.

  18. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Yes I would agree the tan streaks are gold. another observation I made as I neared the bottom of my tub about the last two inches of mud there was a major colour shift as the tan material begun to disappear from my cons recovered from the bowel. It would appear whatever is laying near.the bottom of the tub is heavier than gold.

    I'll be spending sometime this afternoon re-running the spent material ( tailings ) through the centrifuge or better put my lack of experience on operating the centrifuge missed any cons.

    Metals I expect to recover from the cons.

    Silver, Gold,Tantalum, Germanium, Palladium, Platinum, will send the dregs out for assay to see what is left.
    I think the heavier sediment goes along with what we talked about the other day. Looking very good so far.

  19. #456
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    I think the heavier sediment goes along with what we talked about the other day. Looking very good so far.
    Agreed. and there is not all that much of it.

    I squeezed another 1.5 lbs out of the tailings there could be more but decided to leave the tailings to test the new centrifuge which will be built around a totally new design.

    Barren maybe you and I could make a summer of it, going to some of the small gold claims up North working their tailings ponds for a share with the owners. All we need is a slush pump to feed the mud into the centrifuge.

    This centrifuge has by far exceeded all my expectations, it is an incredible machine and the new model will even be so much more improved.

    I'm going to be a prick not sharing the plans publicly on this new centrifuge build.

    You owe me an email.

    This about wraps up this thread for me, if your interested I put out a challenge to GRF members which may also conclude the thread I have going on over there on the same topic.
    Last edited by gustavus; 02-09-2013 at 03:33 PM.

  20. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Agreed. and there is not all that much of it.

    I squeezed another 1.5 lbs out of the tailings there could be more but decided to leave the tailings to test the new centrifuge which will be built around a totally new design.

    Barren maybe you and I could make a summer of it, going to some of the small gold claims up North working their tailings ponds for a share with the owners. All we need is a slush pump to feed the mud into the centrifuge.

    This centrifuge has by far exceeded all my expectations, it is an incredible machine and the new model will even be so much more improved.

    I'm going to be a prick not sharing the plans publicly on this new centrifuge build.

    You owe me an email.

    This about wraps up this thread for me, if your interested I put out a challenge to GRF members which may also conclude the thread I have going on over there on the same topic.
    Another 1-1/2 lbs.. Looking better all the time.

    Maybe you should start processing the material so you will have sumer project to work on next year.

    I'm curious how well it would work on the cat material!

    Now that would be fun to go start working that material at some of the camps. With some work it wouldn't be hard to make a rolling setup to be able to pull up and start working the material.

    I'm impressed with how well it has worked. And I think going with the plastic was the better way to go over the AL desighn you 1st started with.

    I don't really see that it would prove much purpose to have 2nd building of one publicly, you have put the idea out there for people to work with, that should be enough.

    Yea I need to go back and answer the last one we had.

    And again awsome job on this.

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  22. #458
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    Another 1-1/2 lbs.. Looking better all the time.

    Maybe you should start processing the material so you will have sumer project to work on next year.

    I'm curious how well it would work on the cat material!

    Now that would be fun to go start working that material at some of the camps. With some work it wouldn't be hard to make a rolling setup to be able to pull up and start working the material.

    I'm impressed with how well it has worked. And I think going with the plastic was the better way to go over the AL desighn you 1st started with.

    I don't really see that it would prove much purpose to have 2nd building of one publicly, you have put the idea out there for people to work with, that should be enough.

    Yea I need to go back and answer the last one we had.

    And again awsome job on this.
    When I'm finished this job cash in hand I have a new project already planned, build centrifuges to sell, but that's another story we'll not get into it here. i just hope that i don't go and do something stupid like buy another truck.

    I beleive the weighty material below the tan coloured material is of the platinum family.

    I had a 45 gallon drum full plus another large container full of network cabling plugs which I fed into my hammer mill to liberate the gold plated pins, this project sat unfinished two years the pins sitting in acid. Couple days ago started neutralizing the acid.

    This eveing ran the resulting mud through the machine, at first I thought WTF copper.

    After digging the copper free from the groves found the gold had lodged itself in behind. For those that don't know the cons in the pictures below is a mixture of gold and copper.

  23. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    When I'm finished this job cash in hand I have a new project already planned, build centrifuges to sell, but that's another story we'll not get into it here. i just hope that i don't go and do something stupid like buy another truck.

    I beleive the weighty material below the tan coloured material is of the platinum family.

    I had a 45 gallon drum full plus another large container full of network cabling plugs which I fed into my hammer mill to liberate the gold plated pins, this project sat unfinished two years the pins sitting in acid. Couple days ago started neutralizing the acid.

    This eveing ran the resulting mud through the machine, at first I thought WTF copper.

    After digging the copper free from the groves found the gold had lodged itself in behind. For those that don't know the cons in the pictures below is a mixture of gold and copper.
    You build them and I'll see about putting up a page on my web site to sell them.

    I'd hate to see you get another truck and start down that road again.

    I was thinking platinum group also.

    I think you need to do a little bit of spot testing to make sure you are correct in your thiking that the gold is still accumilating in the bowl once the groves fill up or if you are loosing some of your PM's when the groves fill up.

    I've see shaker tables used for copper recovery from some of the cable shreaers. I wonder if this would not be a faster recovery method.

    When you have the cash from this stuff you need to get your new well dug.

    Did the boiler make it through the shop disaster?

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  25. #460
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    You build them and I'll see about putting up a page on my web site to sell them.

    I'd hate to see you get another truck and start down that road again.

    I was thinking platinum group also.

    I think you need to do a little bit of spot testing to make sure you are correct in your thiking that the gold is still accumilating in the bowl once the groves fill up or if you are loosing some of your PM's when the groves fill up.

    I've see shaker tables used for copper recovery from some of the cable shreaers. I wonder if this would not be a faster recovery method.

    When you have the cash from this stuff you need to get your new well dug.

    Did the boiler make it through the shop disaster?
    Sounds good to me, but i do not think we'll sell many.

    My priority's are, get that well drilled, an injector rebuild kit for the Mitsubishi, Tig welder, paper for that new LF printer and some new levi's

    Yes I'm loosing PM's when the grooves fill up, they go up and over the side of the bowel back into tailings to be recycled, its a closed loop system so nothing gets lost. The run of material I'm currently working on shows me that the heavier metals lodge themselves first then when I ran the tailings a second time the capture was predominantly copper as the gold had already been depleted from tailings.

    In other words if I were to slow the bowel RPM's down lowering the G-force most of the copper would have been ejected from the bowel the specific gravity of gold and the other precious metals are so much greater than copper. Trust me on this one, when the gold and heavier PGM's are captured in grooves on the bowel it becomes very compacted you almost need a jack hammer to remove it.

    Various methods are used to separate the plastic from copper chops the one yard used a vibrating belt with a small foot print and it was quick.

    Now this was an unexpected lesson if specific gravity, waste engine oil is heavier than veggie, last winter I fellow gave me about 100 gallons of engine oil which I added to the tank then about a week ago my filter kept clogging up from the engine oil which should have settled on the bottom of the tank being used up last winter.

    During that week of distress I had to clean the filter at least once a day sometimes twice, it was a PITA. What I would do is chuck the filter into the lathe turn the chuck speed to 2000 RPM.s put a bucket cover over then turn on the lathe to spin the crude out of the filter. Then the furnace went down again, good air and oil pressure, and and the water level was fine, the furnace would fire - run for 30 seconds or so then shut down. I eventually tagged the problem to the the cad cell which was fogged over. Now the thing is running flawless the shop is nice and warm.

    Barren when your running mixed tailings the heaviest minerals are captured first in the bowel, when your cleaning them out of the grooves the metals have a tendency to cling to your utensil with the consistency of jam - tailings depleted from values fall off readily.

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