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  1. #41
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    I live and work about 30 minutes from Tiffin Loader Crane if you ever need me to hop over and pick you up a part! LOL! They make some cool trucks with those cranes attached. I just toured the factory!

    I have BOXES and BOXES of straps that the old man wants me to sell. I think he wants like $10-20 each for them and they are the BIG Semi Tie Down case anyone is looking.
    Thanks for offering, I'll probably never replace that valve since it is only for extending the jib to give it a longer reach, when extended lifting capacity is diminshed so badly I never use that feature very much.

  2. #42
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    I knew you were gus ever since the picture of your recovered solution from catalytic converters. And your pm's confirmed it even though you wouldn't lol. And my yard is almost 24/7.. we are open anytime someone wants to sell us junk, after hours we tell them to call before coming to make sure we can. I have had people sell junk at 2am. almost every night we buy until 9 or 10.

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  4. #43
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    Gus do you have to drain all fluids or just the gas tank? and what are cars going for where you are at?

  5. #44
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by myekem View Post
    Gus do you have to drain all fluids or just the gas tank? and what are cars going for where you are at?
    If I hauled into Winnipeg 3 1/2 hours from me cas are $190.00 ton, Jack is a 1 hr trip and he pays $150.00, wants gas tanks holed no stuffer material in the cars but lets me come in after hours. Jack likes to show his suporiority over others and has his share of head games - rules change quick.

    Brandon is about the same traveling time as Jack's but more chances of getting pulled over and checked out by the D.O.T, they're open monday to friday 8:00 am / 5:00 pm they pay $140.00 ton, I can stuff my cars and no fluids removed. As soon as the road bans are off I'll be hauling into Brandon where the rules and policeys are carved in stone.

    What I'm really after is the catylitic converters, my lack of knowledge indentifying and priceing would have sunk my ship within months bankrupting me. The scrap truck puts me on even ground, eventually I will have enough cats to send into a refinery.

    Because catylitics are my main interest about the only things I remove from a car are aluminum rims and gasoline for lawn cutting and tilling the garden

    I'm sitll in the process of reclaiming some platinum from a 100 lb mixed catylitic batch, its in the filtering stage. Once this is completed I will post some pictures of the PGM black powders along with weights recovered from the leach. The black precipitant will be a mix of platinum/palladium with a small bit of rhodium fom which a sample will be taken then sent out for an assay.

    I will say this though cat buyers with all their claimed knowlege and the money they throw around are clueless, any sensible man working a prospect mining property does his homework by drilling test holes and sending in core samples for assay. In this case you could look at the catylitic as the drill core sample taken from hardrock.

    Vehicle maintinance, diving conditions and age of the core sample would all have a bearing of the values remaining. It matters not to me if the catylitic is an OEM or aftemarket.

    Selling whole cats or barrels of comb still keeps you in the dark side of this business.

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  7. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by biscuit View Post
    It matters not to me if the catylitic is an OEM or aftemarket.

    Selling whole cats or barrels of comb still keeps you in the dark side of this business.
    Are you keeping track of how many and what type you put in your refiner barrel? I would be interested in knowing how much of a difference there is when you sell.. Or how much of a killing the local buyers are making off them I should say. If it is a minimal amount, buying them would be high risk if you pay a high amount for them in case the prices drop.

  8. #46
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by myekem View Post
    Are you keeping track of how many and what type you put in your refiner barrel? I would be interested in knowing how much of a difference there is when you sell.. Or how much of a killing the local buyers are making off them I should say. If it is a minimal amount, buying them would be high risk if you pay a high amount for them in case the prices drop.
    All I'm keeping track of is how many pounds goes into the barrel,my feed stock is the guts from cats and oxygen sensors.

    I'm no longer buying cats so I have very little money tied up in inventory, its the scrap cars that keeps me afloat.

    Everything gets a run through the ball mill in small 100 lb loads, during the mill run they're pulveized and homoginised at the same time before adding to my drum I pull a small sample for an assay later. My accumulated samples will represent the contents of the drum once full, from these samples I'll get an indepenant assay along with one from several refiners before shipping the mother load.

    The refiners hit you up with perks, like free assays, free shipping, no need to mill the comb.

    If I did not mill the comb it would take 4 drums of un-milled whole combs to have enough to ship regardless of who is paying for the shipping, plus I would be at their mercey on their assay.

    By milling my own I can ship in one drum, pay my own shipping costs, the advantage this is I'll have proof of the weight shipped and who received it, the assay would have been worked out before hand from my samples sent to the refiner and theres will have to come close or better than my indepnedant assay before shipping the mother load - no surprises.

    If the wires from the map sensors would break up and become part of the homoginsed lot coming from the mill these could be added for their platinum. As it is now I'm keeping them seperated.
    Last edited by gustavus; 04-26-2012 at 05:13 AM.

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  10. #47
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    Sounds like you have a well thought out plan. Good luck when you reach your minimal amount.

  11. #48
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by myekem View Post
    Sounds like you have a well thought out plan. Good luck when you reach your minimal amount.
    Thanks I'll need all the luck I can get, taking the day off to gather up all the PC boards laying around and running some cat combs through the ball mill. From the PC boards going to shear off the chips, incinerate, sift out the pins then send the ash off to a refinery where they will treat them as bench sweeps.

    When that barrel is half full I'm going to have an assay done so that I know where I stand with this project, I started filling the drum this moning and it looks like the drum is going to hold some where around 1200 lbs.

  12. #49
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    Ah finally more inspiration for me to get off my ass and build my tools. Biscuit u make my brain happy.
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  14. #50
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post
    Ah finally more inspiration for me to get off my ass and build my tools. Biscuit u make my brain happy.
    Get at her and be sure to show us what your building, I may be able to steal some of your ideas.

  15. #51
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    Gus, do you have some ideas on building a small hammer mill, say about 5 HP?

  16. #52
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    The computer i have all that stuff some how burned out well being stored in the attic. little pissed right now but ill get it working again by tonight and ill post what i have worked on so far. Freon i also have really good links on it as well. Ill just start a new thread somewhere so we stop thread jacking biscut

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  18. #53
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    Gus, do you have some ideas on building a small hammer mill, say about 5 HP?
    I can post pictures of my 5 hp hammer mill, I also have a 7.5 hp construction is similar on both with the exception of the screen. The smaller mill uses a circular screen and the larger mill uses a partial located at the bottom.

    If you live near faming country check out some of the hog farmers, I picked these up for a couple hundred a peice complete with motors. Too bad shipping would be a killer I have no need for either mill. I'm no longer refining e-scrap.

    Inside theres a flail attached to the shaft it has 3 sets of hammers which look like 1/4" x 1.5" x 6" flatbar holes drilled both ends so when it wears on one side you can swap it end for end and get a fresh side on the hammer.

    There is only two pillow block bearings.

  19. #54
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post
    The computer i have all that stuff some how burned out well being stored in the attic. little pissed right now but ill get it working again by tonight and ill post what i have worked on so far. Freon i also have really good links on it as well. Ill just start a new thread somewhere so we stop thread jacking biscut
    Dont worry about hyjacking this thead, we'll write a book when were done.

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  21. #55
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    Ah this is good. the materials i had put together were for a ball mill. So now ill just have to start a new project. I was only going for small chips and such. But i could very easly use the hammer mill with a larger screen on my larger boards and send my recovered material to the ball mill to get that nice tiny size im shooting for. Last time i refined my material was wasting space in the amount of solution i had to work with. so going with the ball mill i could get the fingers down to a fine size for storage till i get a few barrels full. I remember you posting on recovering copper through electroplating if i remember correctly. If you could point me in the right direction on that; is were im interested because well gold recover is nice, but you get more copper from those boards then anything else.

  22. #56
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    That doesn't really sound like taking the day off Gus!?
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  23. #57
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    That doesn't really sound like taking the day off Gus!?
    Credit goes to my woman she did the mother board sorting, my day was pretty laid back but not over yet I'm heading out around 7:00 this evening with a load for Jack.

    To answeer Dunemaul yes I did some copper from refridgeration to recover silver which in the end turned out to be solder with 95% tin. No cigar, but it was a good way to kill the month of January.

    It takes a good furnace to melt copper and plenty of fuel, in the end your yard will more than likely pay as number 2 copper. For instance my 500 gallon propane tank was at 50% now at 20 each 10% cost me $100.00 so I've used up $200.00 worth of fuel for $80.00 worth of copper. Had there been silver it would have paid off in spades.

    You can not chase every rainbow and expect to find that pot of gold eveytime, my advice is put your time and effort into something that will profit you. This is why I have quit refining, too much labor for so little return. In two years I've managed 1.5 troy ounces of gold, several lbs of silver, still less than 2 G's

    Milling those chips good idea if it were me I would also toss in those gold plated pins into the mill the gold will abrade from the pins, moma will come back to popa in the end. If your mill is only capible of handling small loads be sure to pull 30 grams to add to your assay batch.

    Dealing with the assay batch, say you have 1 lb from all your batches dumop this onto a clean paper you should have a mound. Take a peice of heavy cardboard or a sheet of tin, halve that pile by drawing the cut line a short distance from center then quater the pile.

    From each quarter take 15 grams, this will be your assay sample. It is advisable to have an independant assay as well send a sample to the refinery you plan to use then compare. You may want to consider other refinerys to send samples too.

    Most Univesitys will do an assay for you the downside is that it may not qualify as evidence in court should somethng go amiss with your refinery.

    Cetified assay is best, if you want to insure your shipment aqainst loss by damaged container mishandling by your freight carrier or outright theft you have a benchmark from your assay to establish value.

    This is one reason I would never allow the refiner to pay for my shipment, if it was insued who is the beneficiary. Times up gottoa run.

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  25. #58
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    Yeah got me searching the area right now for numbers to contact in the future. Only reason that i will still refine is because i have a source for bench sweeps and costume jewelery when ever i fully set up. To get the best numbers im just gonna work on milling each batch with only the same type of boards and collecting each type in 55 gallon barrels till they are full of that type of board material. Its gonna take me many long long years to get this done but im young and got the time and patience to get it done. but getting a certified assay on each barrel would defintley be up on my top list.

    All to the future though i need property to get this done. When i refined last time i had neighbors asking wth i was doing ( thought i was cooking meth lol) they were impressed and i got to buy all there scrap jewelery.

    MMM plans i love it.

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    Hauled two cars from my end of the trapline, then over at Jacks end went to a farm nearby to pick up an old Ford Granada and some farm scrap. Hooked up my lifting chain then picked the car staight up only to be greeted by a friendly skunk, she was just as startled as I was, but she wadled off peacefully leaving the air clean and fresh smelling.

    By the time I had fished stuffing the Granada it weighed 4990 lbs. I still have a pair of self loading bail wagons and some swathers to pick up. Hauling in night loads has left me cash strapped, had just enough fuel to make it home then a one way trip Monday with a load then get caught up with the money I'm owed.

  27. #60
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    Jack won't pay on site? How does Jack keep track of what comes in, Does the scale you weight at call him?

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