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  1. #81
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    Here is the link above. The link above has a few extra characters in it.

  2. #82
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    Snag a cheap laptop with internet built in that way a lot of restaurants and hotels and other businesses have free wifi and you can jump on their signal and have on-the-go internet. My daughter noticed on her laptop that there is 3 strong signals at our house besides ours. If ours went out she could jump on any of them.
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  3. #83
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Snag a cheap laptop with internet built in that way a lot of restaurants and hotels and other businesses have free wifi and you can jump on their signal and have on-the-go internet. My daughter noticed on her laptop that there is 3 strong signals at our house besides ours. If ours went out she could jump on any of them.
    LOL I have a cheap laptop, the taps on the keyboard are falling off, the DVD-R packed it in ages ago.

    I want a new laptop with lots of CPU and ram with a SSD drive and it wont be another Toshiba.

    If any of our members own a SSD or tried them out, I would like to have some feedback are they worth the money.

  4. #84
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    SSD's are nice and fast but whether its worth it or not depend on what you are going to be using it for. I haven't found many people who actually need them but I have a few customers who get them just to say they have a SSD in their computer. I have a hard time justifying the cost and right now they have limited storage.

    If you live on the computer and make your money with it and it has to be the fastest it can be then its worth it. Other than that stick with the moving parts.

  5. #85
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Cashed out with Jack this morning, grossed $3160.00 for this past week anyhow Jack is stammering and muttering about the weight but still not showing any hesitation writing out he check. As he handed the check over I'm asking him if he's running short on money.

    I have a strong dislike for a man who has to make a display of paying up when its time to square up.

    Yesterday was and good and bad day, first out with the bad. That red pick up was loaded with household garbage, the gray car on top came from the same guy to whom I paid the money to. Now for the twist, a woman not living at the address where I picked up the gray sent her brother over claiming that I had her car and that she was going to have the police over to my yard - no big deal I have a signed receipt.

    So I go over to see the woman to settle the score, I show her the receipt telling here that the cops would do squat, if she wished to pursue it legally it was a civil matter. In other words I was not about to leave myself open to being blackmailed. I'm told by another fellow that this car sat at Sean's for the past 2 years. Anyhow I anti up without further complaint she signs off the car, and my reputation is intact.

    Paying twice for the same car is no big deal, the payment shows as expense and will be dealt with come tax time.

    After dealing with her drive the load over to the reservation landfill to empty out that red pick up, while I'm there a guy pulls in with an offer of 5 pick ups and 2 cars which I purchased to get this new week underway. Then on the way home from Jacks this morning stopped into the Electrical contractors shop to settle up on a $50.00 matter thats been open on his books since last fall.

    Angus the owner gave me a huge lot of metal conveyor sections with rollers, plus a huge lot electrical box's, a bin full of metal and a large transformer, so it goes to show it pays to pay your bills.

    Something the scrap forum members would not be aware of unless they read a post from the GRF made over a year ago. I had purchased a large Quonset hut from a farmer who owned the vacant farm land where the building was located. Any how to the point, paid $500.00 for the building with an offer to clean up all the scrap laying about, which the farmer gladly threw into the deal.

    Part of that scrap was a very large pile of copper wire, 3 large transformers which netted me $8000.00, sold the farm scrap to Jack where is as is and never had to lift a finger other than to deal with the copper wire and transformers. To load the transformers hired a farmer with a front end loader who charged me $50.00.

    While dismantling the building thought one afternoon why not set fire to the grass and see if there's anymore copper hidden, well yes sir there certainly was the only problem is that my fire got into the building.

    There goes my building up in smoke, the old 3 story farm house and a garage - also gone. The house in flames was most spectacular. Couple of days later after the ashes cooled went in and got the copper pipe and wiring from the ruins.

    Lucky for me that the farmer wanted the home site cleared away, house and garage were not a liability to me.

    This pretty much sums up my life, one screw up into another.
    Last edited by gustavus; 05-07-2012 at 08:01 PM.

  6. #86
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    I wouldn't call it one screw up after another - sounds more like one adventure after another. I love reading your posts - I never know what to expect.

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  8. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by waredu View Post
    I wouldn't call it one screw up after another - sounds more like one adventure after another. I love reading your posts - I never know what to expect.

    Yesterday the Native dude who told me that the gray had been abandoned for 2 years, is a buddy of mine. When I told him that it was carved in stone my woman is moving back to BC. He says the I'll have to find a young woman from the reserve that is till producing so that I can add some color into the reserve.

    I told him that I thought the Hudson's Bay Co, had done that years ago.

    Yea I really look forward to getting up in the mornings you never know how your day is going to go. My next woman if there's to be one in my life will not be another sleeper.
    Last edited by gustavus; 05-08-2012 at 07:26 PM.

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  10. #88
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Todays haul for May 13/2012 -- 15,940 lbs.

  11. #89
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Medium sized transformer, a free score from the Electrical Shop along with 3500 lbs of long box's some 10 feet long that were part of yesterdays load.

  12. #90
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    O.O i just clean 200 lbs of low grade tv boards and i bet all the transformers still dont add up to that beast.
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  13. #91
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    This load is going over to Jacks this evening, I cut the roof off of the Van making it easier to load engine blocks and transmissions, the empty spaces fill with rims and drive shafts. This is going to be a sweet load.

    I'll post the weight on my return from the yard, which will be a bit late as I have one car at that end of my run to haul in before coming home.

  14. #92
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    Gus, are you ever going to run out of cars to haul?

  15. #93
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    Gus, has the truck paid for itself yet, you might think about putting a second one on the road if you have cars backed up.

  16. #94
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    Gus, are you ever going to run out of cars to haul?
    I hope so I need a brake, the load above weighed in at 10,400 lbs, then that other car from Jacks end weighed 2700 lbs plus I skidded in a swather behind the loaded car on a chain.

    The wheel were locked up on the swather and the header touching the ground pulled that sucker in 2nd gear high range all the way to Jacks yard via gravel roads, biggest dust storm you ever seen behind me.

    It was gravel all the way with the exception of a half mile of pavement, by the time I hit this short stretch of pavement the tires were worn down to the rims, with the rims locked up and the header dragging there was a nice shower of sparks trailing behind.

    Did not weigh up the swather, I'll get Jack to do a guestimate, as it would be impossible to go over the scale with that wide header.

    No the truck has not paid for itself yet, I'm writing it down over a two year period. And there wont be a 2nd truck going on the road, maybe a larger trailer for white goods. I'm keeping my eye open for an old grain truck that can be converted.

    Tomorrow I'm going after that septic tank truck, Jessie is going to give me a hand towing it over to my place where I can weld up a tow bar an get some running lights on it then I'm going to cut the top of the tank open letting the pieces fall into the tank. Once the tank is open fill it with scrap. Should be able to haul two cars on the crane truck with the septic truck in tow.

    That 466 diesel has plenty of power but heavy on fuel, when I get some cash ahead I'll get some new tips for the injectors.

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  18. #95
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    Tomorrow I'm going after that septic tank truck, Jessie is going to give me a hand towing it over to my place where I can weld up a tow bar an get some running lights on it then I'm going to cut the top of the tank open letting the pieces fall into the tank. Once the tank is open fill it with scrap. Should be able to haul two cars on the crane truck with the septic truck in tow.
    Maybe fabricate something like this out of the tanker, open the top to load scrap into.

  19. #96
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Had the scrounge up some tires for the rear of this septic truck, after putting them on went over to fetch Jessie only to find that he's on an extended vacation in the slammer so much for the hired help.

    Not to be deterred by this hooked up two short chains stuck the septic tuck into 2n gear and towed her home, about a 1/4 mile from my driveway the engine was steaming hot billowing steam out from under the front fenders when two police cars turned on the same street coming towards me into town, this is where the Detachment is located.

    They just waved and kept on going, anyhow the truck is now in my yard where I will weld up a proper tow bar to haul it over to Jacks yard. Rest of the afternoon is wasted, I have a guy coming tomorrow to buy my Massey 35 so I have to round up all the spare parts.

  20. #97
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Water pump had been dribbling antifreeze the last week or so and finally calved this afternoon, I knew it was going to go eventually and was not looking forward to changing it, now that I'm forced into this job a few pictures.

    The come a long is hooked up to the crane overhead.

  21. #98
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    First haul after the water pump repair, May 20/12,,, 10,640 lbs..

    Have a customer coming over in the morning for a couple of Model A frames I have kept aside from going to the scrap yard. Then another guy is coming over to finish up on some gold I'm teaching him to refine then try and get some scrap cut up into manageable sizes to be used as car stuffer.

    Loaned the gold dude my books on refining, then do a Q & A with him, I do not think that he's going to be a very good student and I do not have the time to hold his hand during every step of the process.
    Last edited by gustavus; 05-20-2012 at 08:32 PM.

  22. #99
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Something besides cars, guy from conservation came knocking on my door and wanted me to pick up this scrap from one of their sites. This is the stuff that I'll be cutting up tomorrow afternoon. I have another Van that needs stuffing.

    To bad the old Ford flathead V8 is so far gone.

  23. #100
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    The rusted wheels and whatever the long rusted thing could be sold to a decorator or something along those lines. I know your not worried about it but just adding in 2 cents.

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