A very good payday, just for the truck not counting what you had in yours.
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A very good payday, just for the truck not counting what you had in yours.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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To keep the convoy looking tidy did not load anything onto the lead truck, after supper went out to the Ranch to clean up some of the dregs. What appeared to be one small bit of iron hidden in the tall grass turned out to be 3 engine blocks and part of an old tractor. The hay wagons will get chopped up to make a more compact load.
The wagon with everything loaded onto it is an old Ford truck by the looks of the differential it may be a worm gear, in which case the large crown gear would be brass, been a long time since I have run across one of these puppies. By pulling the oil plug I should be able to see if it's brass, then by inserting a finger check to see how worn it is.
Worn brass worm gears wear to a very sharp point at the crown of the tooth, when buying a used mechanical winch it pays to inspect the gear through the oil filler hole what you want is a nice wide crown across the top of the tooth.
As for winches I prefer the planetary drive types, these have a very fast line speed.
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Wouldn't you just know, less than a week after buying that grain trailer from Jack I get a call to pick up a bunch of old pick up tucks, cars and some old tractors along with a grain truck.
I'm taking a load from my end tomorrow then spending the night over in Neepawa so that I can get an early start first thing Wednesday morning, sounds like it's going to be a very long day.
I'll take my camera to snap a some pictures.
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This is todays load going over to the yard, I had some serious trouble loading that extended cab the crane would only lift the tuck almost to deck height then no higher. Finally backed up to it then stood her up on her tail as the truck became vertical the tail came closer to the back end of the crane truck. When I lowered it 2/3rds settled onto the deck sucking the rest on was easy.
Gus, how many cars have you hauled in on that truck so far?
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After the first week lost count, there's been days when I have hauled in 3 or 4 loads then days I hang my hat and haul nothing. On days I hang my hat it's not for lack of scrap but ambition.
Albeit I have found something of interest to give me motivation and may step up my efforts to haul more scrap. I want to purchase a Paramotor, one of my neighbors is going to teach me how to fly a kite.
Paramotor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Goes to show that you're never too old to try new things! Good luck with that.
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Took that load over last night then slept on the floor at the empty Birnie house and spent most of the evening reading a book on William Durant. Went over to meet up with the chap who supposedly had a yard-full of old vehicles and tractors all he was willing to let go was an 60's Chevy half ton without an engine. I was so disgusted I never even bothered to make an offer.
The grain truck a late 50's International with a 6 cylinder which has sat under cover for the past 17 years the tires were all flat and rotted so badly they could not possibly hold air, I cant load a truck this large - towing is my only option. I figured its not worth the effort.
So I left empty handed, came home and had a nap then went out to pick up this pair, got stopped by the R.C.M.P. half mile from home. All he did was ask if the load was secure, did I own the truck and have my D.L. with me. He was very civil through out.
Todays catch.
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Down here a lot of the guys will put "not for hire" on the door then somewhere else put their name and town. Seems to keep them out of trouble when the law see's that, they know your not hiring the truck out.So I left empty handed, came home and had a nap then went out to pick up this pair, got stopped by the R.C.M.P. half mile from home. All he did was ask if the load was secure, did I own the truck and have my D.L. with me. He was very civil through out.
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Last night was a disaster, making my turn at Mr. Ribs to get to the scale noticed a house moving crew having dinner outside a large winch truck. Anyhow I had some leftover scrap to pick up in a field next to the Electrical shop right across from the scale I use. Figured that empty pick up box would be perfect so I pull into the filed then back up to the pile only I never made it the truck sank out of sight.
The field is a swamp, I now that I'm good for the night if I'm not able to catch that house moving crew to off I go, just before reaching my first intersection a car approaches and I try to flag it for a rid to Mr. Ribs. The car has two young lads they both give me the finger yelling obscenities out the open windows.
This pair of punks harassed me nearly all the way to Mr. Ribs they would circle the block then come back at me, I finally had enough and scooped up a big handful of sand from the side of the highway then let em have it. The driver got an open window full of sand, it also put and end to the harassment.
By the time I had reached Mr. Ribs the house crew had departed along with that large winch truck, the nearest tow truck capable of pulling me out is an house and a half away. Resigned to another night away from home went back to the truck, fist thing this morning spooled the cable off of my winch then hooked it to the tow hook. Got the gravel woks people over with their large loader and all we managed top do was break my cable several times. So I cut the guy loose and sent him away.
When 8:00 am rolls around I phone Jack, he comes over the look at the situation then makes a call to Pat Baker within the hour Pat pulls up with a low bed with a John Deere 200D excavator and a heavy chain. While he is unloading I drag the chain inti the field and hook up, that excavator pulled the loaded truck out with not so much as making a sweat.
I'm figuring at least $400.00 with the low bed move possibly $500.00 total, Pat only charged me $100.00, pays to have fiends. I'll certainly recommend Pat to anyone needing a contractor.
The wheel of my truck are loaded with clinging mud, so I take it for a spin to get this mud off before going onto the scale.
Cars weighed up, its over to Jacks. Unload then pull some injectors off my parts truck that Jack keeps in the corner of the yard for me. By this time the day is wearing away, I'm thinking of those two punks. I have a plan, I know the color and model of the car and managed the fist three digits of the plate.
Fifteen minutes in the High School student parking lot is all it took to find the punks car, I know know all the digits of the plate so I walk into the office telling the secretary car with plate number XXXXXX in the student parking lot has left its lights on. She thanks me and I leave, a few minutes later I'm leaning against the guys car when he comes out to check the lights. The look on his face was priceless when he spotted me, he turned an ran back onto the building realizing it was a rouse. I never said a word I was so busy having the last chuckle.
While waiting for jack to turn on his phone, I was kicking pebbles around the Electric shop parking lot when I found this beautiful moth. My Pat talked me into releasing it, so all we get is a picture. Enjoy.
Last edited by gustavus; 06-07-2012 at 08:15 PM.
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This made my night. Good thinking on your part. It's probably good that you didn't beat him to a pulp too.Originally Posted by gustavus
Awsome story Gus. I bet that kid was scared all day long.
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Jack told me the price of scrap has dropped but he is going to hold his price with me for the time being, on paper this looks like a good deal but in reality Jack is working with my inventory. Since I'm hauling in at night my drop offs add up, then when I reach 3 or 4 thousand make a day trip to collect.
Anyhow no harm in letting jack think he is being a good Samaritan.
lately I've been scrapping out some old hay wagons made out of truck frames, the tires all have good inner tubes and I thought since I live near a recreational beach why not post a sign at my driveway selling beach tubes.
I live on a major route to the local beach and thought hey why not sell them as beach tubes at $20.00 a pop
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The reason I quit repairing appliances was over credit, the large super stores were popping up everywhere offering major appliances to take home with no payments for twelve months. People were falling into the trap buying new rather than call in a service technician to repair a broken down appliance.
The credit crunch has now left people in a tight spot, calling in a service tech is still a tough call when the hourly rate is so high but buying a good used working appliance now makes economic sense if the family is to have food on the table..
The most common problem with a frost free refrigerator is a malfunction of the defrost timer. The timer consists of a clock motor and a plastic cam that opens and closes contacts inside the timer. The cam is programed to run the fridge in a cooling cycle for 6 hours, the thermostat will interrupt this cycle once the temperatures inside the fridge have been reached.
After 6 hours of run time the cam inside the timer has now advanced into the defrost cycle a new set of contacts are put into service supplying power to a heating coil embedded in the aluminum fins of the evaporator coil which you will find hidden behind a tin plate easily removed inside the freezer compartment the defrost cycle which lasts 20 minutes.
Both sets of contacts inside the timer are required to handle heavy amperage loads and what happens is that the contacts will weld themselves together rendering the timers purpose ineffective.
If the timer fails during a defrost cycle the refrigerator will fail to return to the run cycle, the food inside will spoil.
Should the timer fail during the run cycle we have a different problem ice will build up on the evaporator coil which also supply's cold air via a fan into the lower portion of the fridge were we keep our beer. As the evaporator coil becomes totally encased in ice the air can no longer pass over to keep that beer cold as we like it.
When the beer warms its only natural that we turn up the thermostat to a colder position, this only works so long before we consider tossing the fridge. When ever you find a fridge with the thermostat tuned as far as it will go you can bet the defrost timer has welded contacts in the run cycle. Replace the timer and you have a good fridge to sell.
Now if you plugged in that discarded fridge and it never came on chances are the timer quit in a defrost cycle, take a wide bladed screw driver then manually advance the cam on the timer 1/4 turn, if mother luck is with you the unit will run. Replace the timer and sell the fridge.
Most places that sell appliance parts will have specials on defrost timers they are a popular item, some of the newer fridges have electronic timers which are very expensive for these check out ebay. Or wait until you come across another fridge of a similar model to cannibalize.
Another common problem is water accumulating on the bottom of the fridge, this would indicate that the tube that carries the defrosted water from the evaporator coil is no longer able to reach the evaporating tray the plastic drain tube has become clogged.
Ive seen were a bag of frozen peas has spilled out, one or more of the peas found its way into the tube clogging it, usually its mold that does the dirty work of clogging. Blow the tube with compressed air then pour a bit of diluted bleach through the line to prevent a re-occurrence.
In this short video you will note the dark sludge in the evaporating tray near the compressor which supplies the heat to evaporate the defrosted water coming off of the evaporator coil above. That mold is the cause of legionnaires.
A very good explanation on how a fridge works.
Have fun and lets get busy turning that trash into cash.
Last edited by gustavus; 06-09-2012 at 12:43 PM.
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Hey welcome to the rubbish forum, er I mean the scrappers Forum your wealth of knowledge will be a welcome addition.
Yea I got the problem solved for those heavy beaters that the crane struggles to lift I now back up to it bumper to bumper then lift the heavy beast onto its tail which draws it nearer to the rear of my deck then when i lower the beast it settles onto the deck then I can suck the rest onto the deck using the jib.
Couple of months back I searched out the owner of a vacant farm which has some scrap kicking about, the guy was being difficult over the phone and he annoys me, eventually I asked him if he thought he was speaking with the Village idiot.
Well this afternoon I'm taking a load of scrap lumber to the landfill, the load is insecure but I'm compensating by going slow when a car comes up alongside and pulls me over we both get out of our vehicles meeting at the back of his SUV.
Fist question out of his mouth is, you live at the corner I say yes and you are. He replies Corporal Blink, knowing full well my load is insecure I ask him if he is on duty, he says no I'm a Dr. just checking your heart. Then he makes a comment about a call I made several months back with the inference to the Village idiot. Ahhh I say your Doug.
Anyhow he's coming over in an hour or so, we're going out to his vacant farm property to tag the junk, which is fairly straight forward an old truck, combine, some augers and a pallet full of lead acid battery's.
With the price of scrap metal dropping I'm not prepared to make an offer and will say so when we meet. As we all know from the news China is heading into some hard times then everyone is worried about the Euro the ripples will have far reaching tentacles like a vise on our testicles. Its going to hurt!
Last edited by gustavus; 06-09-2012 at 02:50 PM.
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Now I got it, I was thinking scrap not gold.
No, it sits, I loaned the guy my books Hoke and Ammens in hard copy, they both sat undisturbed on his coffee table for three weeks so I brought them home. I'm not going to waste my time and acids with someone not willing to read.
I have cemented out the values using copper and will wait for a day when he is able to come over then melt what he has into a button so that he cant accuse me of theft, then I'm going to send him on his way.
The tin was a surprise and a little bit goes a long ways in making that nasty paste.
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Thanks sir,
Not sure how much that truck weighs. My Ford built similar to that hit's the scales at around 5400 lbs with tools on it. I just pulled 2 GMC 3500's into town about 3 weeks ago. They were cought in the floods last year in Memphis. I'm going to try to sell the utility beds and scrap the rest. I pulled the oil sticks out and the engines are full of waterOne of them had a new Jasper crate engine and transmission and the other had a used engine with less then 30,000 miles on it. You want to drive down here and make a haul....
Now I got it, I was thinking scrap not gold.
No, it sits, I loaned the guy my books Hoke and Ammens in hard copy, they both sat undisturbed on his coffee table for three weeks so I brought them home. I'm not going to waste my time and acids with someone not willing to read.
I have cemented out the values using copper and will wait for a day when he is able to come over then melt what he has into a button so that he cant accuse me of theft, then I'm going to send him on his way.
The tin was a surprise and a little bit goes a long ways in making that nasty paste.
You are probably better off if he is not going to make an effort to learn anything. Hey you have been there before it is a loosing battle no matter what you do.
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