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Hey she is cute. Have you got her trained to cook for you yet?

She's a free spirit, likes to wander and refuses to be house broke.
Besides Pat came back home, at least she called before coming back, the only surprise she got was all the empty beer cans laying all over the yard and house. Anyhow its good to have her back. I ran out of dishes and clean socks, I was down to eating chili beans out of the can.
When I worked for a living driving truck or welding out in the field with my old Lincoln SA-200, I would lay a can of Stagg chili beans onto the exhaust manifold a half hour before lunch time to have a hot lunch. You get weired looks from your co workers when your miles from civilization and they smell steak cooking.and their eating tuna sandwiches..
We had a practical joker on one job, guy was like 6'5" weighed in at 250 or better his nic was Tiny.. Just after morning start up the truck I was following to the pit started spewing something out of the stack into the air, tunned out Tiny had stuffed a full bag of pop corn down the stack,the night before then when the exhaust got hot enough all this corn started popping and spewing out.
We had one year old Kenworth's with 550 cats pulling B trains with clam dumps, which can be tricky. When your off loading to have to keep your speed constant and not look into your mirrors. You always off load the trailer at the end of the train first keeping weight from the first trailer onto your drivers.
Heading back with a load, the guy in front of me didn't have enough speed up when he tripped the gate, everything happened in slow motion as i watched events unfold. The rear trailer now high centered on the heavily spread windrow started to tip. and tip more until it finally went over onto its side, then the seconded trailer went over a bit faster then the tractor went over much faster. Kinda like crack the whip, driver came out unhurt with only a broken windshield and a mirror on the passenger side.
Same job on another day, the gravel we were hauling came from a large pile in the pit which had a haul road leading to the top. Wished I had my camera for this one, the pile had been whittled away to nothing with only the haul road left. This new driver scooted up the haul road only to find it lead into nothing, the front wheels hanging into free air, truck resting on the fuel tanks, the trailer saved his butt.