Originally Posted by
Yes, I'm a member of the vc forum. I'm originally from Baltimore, but we moved to Columbia when I was a kid, so that's where I grew up. My folks live over by College Park now. How about you?
BTW, with respect to your "museum," I'm not sure, but my hunch is that you might actually do better on the Heathkit components if you offer them as a whole system. That would be saving somebody a lot of time and effort trying to track down the individual pieces. Plus if there's anything that's not functional, your buyer might nevertheless value it more highly because it's part of a system. Too bad you didn't get any software with it so you could test it. If you want, I can ask if there's anybody in your area who could check it for you. Not sure what else you have in those piles, but there's probably more good stuff.
I've started a support ticket to find out why I can't receive PMs. I'm new here, so I can understand not being able to send them, but I would have thought it would be OK to receive them.
There is a working 386 that almost boots. Almost since I don't have a keyboard (DIN-type) for it. But I hooked it up to an LCD monitor through VGA and it does show booting until the "keyboard not detected" message.
Kind of cool, by the way: 386 machine with an LCD monitor
Anyway, I have a couple of other old PCs in the pile. Might want to go through them first actually, to clear up space, since they will probably take a lot less time than the Zenith and the Heathkit to figure out if they will go to scrap pile or be sold for parts or as functional.
I lived in CP when I went to graduate school at UMD. Still drive past it every day to/from work... Have a few friends in the Columbia-Ellicott City area