Hi All,
Here are a few boards I got out of some random defunct electronics. Any input on these would be appreciated. None of them seem too amazing but I thought I would share the results of opening up some random objects. FYI this is my first attempt at pictures so if they don't work I will try to fix it.
Here is a board out of a defunct Nintendo 64 game. I made sure it was not worth anything before I took it apart. I figure it would go as high grade or medium grade with the gold fingers. What do you all think?
Here is a small board from inside a broke MP3 Player. I am kind of at a loss with this one. It has some of the rectangular tantalum capacitors which I know some people pull and save up along with some of the Monolithic palladium capacitors that folks also save. I can't decide if I should pull these and the chips off or just leave it as is.
Here is a board from out of a wireless house phone. I have the same dilemma as the one above.
Here are the two boards from out of the wireless phone base and charger. A few chips and some of those capacitors along with a number display. I figure this would be low grade and not work anything. Ill probably pull a few goodies off of it and then let it go to shred.